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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Insist on bank certified check, get the name and address of the bank it is drawn on, and insist on shipping in a trackable manner. There are too many report of bounced checks and checks that were "mailed" but never got there. If they won't do this, then any information they are giving you is a stall tactic.

Submitted by skipper on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 09:18


( Posts: 95 | Credits: )

Who knows what this woman actually did with the money you entrusted with her! If it is not coming back to you, and she seemingly has hundreds if not thousands of angry "clients" awaiting refunds, I'm dying to know what all your hard-earned money fronted on this woman's agenda. There could be more to this than meets the eye! She sets up a phoney business that ropes in scores of people in desperate financial situations, takes all the money and runs. For all those clients and all that money, I think it is more than just a big house, fancy car, and champagne lifestyle. I think there is more to this than meets the eye, and there is more criminal intent beneath the surface.

Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 18:51

Jedi Mistress Ari

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

Well Hyla wrote back to me with a dollar amount that she thought I was owed and it was so way off that I had to laugh. In fact, the dollar amount she came up with wasn't even close and doesn't make any sense. Good thing I have all, and I mean all of my account documentation to prove to her that she is wrong!!!! So for me...the saga continues........

Submitted by FUBAR on Sat, 04/29/2006 - 13:50


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

We have already been to court and have a judgment againt them. The attorney general is involved too. We won our judgment and they were ordered to pay back over 12,000. Now we cant seen to find anyone with money to pay us. We have the order and the law but they keep moving around and no money is to be found. We are not giving up but even a court order does not seem to move them.

Submitted by on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 19:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


In a previous post back in March you said you had gotten your 2nd refund check for 1000. and was suppose to receive the rest by the end of April. Is she sending you your refund back 1000 dollars at a time? If your money was in a trust account why can't you get your refund back in one check? I think for the people who have gotten any part of their refund they should consider themselves lucky? I have been trying to get my money back since August of 2005 with no luck. All she keeps e-mailing saying that the Finance is working on my refund.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 05:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good evening everybody. Just to let you this time, their 1-866 number has been temporarily disconnected. Probably their voicemail system is overloaded with messages the Stantons don`t even listen to OR they "forgot" to pay the telephone bill. This is very IRRITATING to see how CARELESS the Stantons are with our money.


Submitted by USDagger on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 20:56


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I have been e-mailing Hyla everyday for over a week. She has not responded to any of my e-mails. Now I read from US Dagger that the phone number is disconnected. So I guest no one will be hearing from her or getting any refunds anytime soon.

Submitted by on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 05:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Have you heard back from anyone at Also has Hyla responded to you about refunding your set-up fees?

Submitted by on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 05:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

havent heard from hyla in a week. has anybody had any luck with f.t.c. or any other source of help?

Submitted by on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 19:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

what to do, what to do, i'm at the end of my rope here. They )Hyla nd her family lived a good life over our accounts, in so many ways and in the process, not just plain stealing, but ruined most peoples lives in the process. I wonder if she can sleep at night or how can someone like her be free not in jail. I need my money, my family can use that money or make good on our debts that MMG had left us, when supposedly MMG is the answer to our financial freedom, it's heart breaking and I am loosing hope.

Submitted by on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 20:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I see Hyla is back to not answering e-mails and since there is no phone number to reach her at what can we do? I have e-mailed her and the Finance Dept. and Customer Service Dept. and her lawyer Mike Gerity with of course no response from anyone. The last e-mail I received from her was in the middle of April and she told me to rest assure that I would receive my refund. I have 7000 thousand dollars that I am waiting for from her scam company. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to next since no one has been able to contact Hyla. Do we just sit back and wait for the FTC?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/03/2006 - 04:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hyla I know you read this forum. I have obtained a recent photo of you from a very reliable source. All I can tell you is WATCH OUT.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/03/2006 - 08:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just had my 341 creditors meeting after filing chapter 7 thanks to the lack of work RMP did. The trustee for the case took all my info concerning MMG and RMP. I have all my letters from the BBB in Nevada and Texas, Consumer Affairs Division in Nevada, Both Attorney General's offices, and the Federal Trade Commission. Who else do I need to contact. And how do I get my refund back???
Thanks another scammed consumer from Massachusetts

I want to be included if a class action suit arises.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/03/2006 - 10:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

lchrd3, I attempted to PM you but got a response that you`re not registered. Is there a way you can PM me or can I reach you through email?

Today, several times I called the 1-866 number and I only hear constant beeps instead of the usual voice message regarding temporary disconnection.

If Hyla doesn`t establish her 1-866 number, many other unsuspecting clients will start noticing when they eventually call customer service in regards to their account. Only then will other people do some research about MMG/RMP and discover this forum.

By the way, does anyone know the status with We`re still waiting for other agencies such as FTC to do something. We all gotta keep on going till something happens.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 05/03/2006 - 21:20


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

I still have not heard back from LawCash.... I have been really busy because I am moving soon and have not had a chance to call back, even though she said she would call me back.

And No, I have not heard anything about receiving my set-up fees. When I got the checks from her, they were drawn from Bank of America and when Mike called, he provided me a number but it was not a UPS shipping number because they just mailed my checks.... I also called Bank of America and they did not know what the number referred too but luckily, I did get the 2 checks for the money in my trust and they cleared.

Again, If you have not written to your state senator, please do so.... they will keep in touch with the FTC and will bring more attention to the issue.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 05:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hyla if you read this. You can run but you can't hide forever. You will be found sooner or later and all the people you took advantage of will get their money back and more.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 10:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have a sugestion for everyone that is waiting on money. take your evidence and visit your nearest branch of the f.b.i. they are working on it now.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 19:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Check out their Ebay id. They now have themselves listed as "private." This makes it so you can't see comments made. They brag about their high rating from customer feedback. Their positive rating is only because they have bumped it up by buying a bunch of cheap crap. I wouldn't feel sorry for anyone buying from someone on Ebay that hides the comments. Hey Christopher Robin, when are you going to abandon the house? Midnight move planned? Make any house payments or property tax payments lately?

Submitted by on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 21:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Has anyone thought that maybe "someone" has made MMP/RMP stop doing business, and no one knows about? Just trying to be optimistic.

And if for some reason this is the case, then all the nasty and threatening posts will more than likely hurt things. I'm not berating anyone for their opinions, just trying to keep this nice in case this ever goes to court or some type of judgement gets reached.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am not trying to stir up a hornet's nest. This is just my opinion.

Submitted by hclunie on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 03:47


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

I have nasty messages from Hyla so in my opinion, she oped the door to all of these comments. Her unprofessionalism, lack of action and lack of response on all of our behalf is what will hurt her.... nothing we say on this site, of course unless it is threats to her physical well being, will really matter in court or in the long run. The niceness went away over 2 years ago when all of this started coming out. I thought being nice and patient would get me my money back too.... no, it doesn't work that way with these people. Just stay firm and on their case until you get your money back like I did. Just read this crazy email she sent me at one point if you are interested:


Ma'am your refund is in the process of being sent, and ANY ANGENCY who
sees that a payment is in process to you, as is another in a week, will
not pursue anything. You will be charged with stalking, and harrassment,
as I am going to address this today with my attorney, as that right is
NOT YOURS. You are the one who charged up your credit cards, spent the
banks funds, and NOW YOUR CALLING ME A THIEF!! Where are the items that
you purchased, did you LEGALLY pay for them yet?? I hope the creditors
call you, you fired the company who answered all of your calls,
processed all of your bills, and dealt with the harrassment. You want to
try to prove that RMP has done NOTHING for you, I can PROVE otherwise,
with PILES of documentation and paperwork. I will only email you from
this email system, so any others you send me are reported as SPAM, as
that what it is. You want to pursue this issue, call my attorney. I have
NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, you have harrassed me, insulted me, and LIED to me, enough!!! I am issuing out TONS of refunds, and as fast as
possible. You need to go to work, and pay your bills, and MOVE ON WITH

Your second check will be issued on Tuesday of next week via UPS next day.
The finance department will be contacting you with the ck number, tracking
number, and anticipated date of reciept. This will serve as our your last
remittance of refunds from your settlement account, the amount will be

We apprecciate every ounce of patience and every breath you have held
during this meticulous process. I personally apologise for the inconvience
that you have experienced, as I did not forsee this delay and wish it
could've been an easier one. I am striving to speed this process up for
others awaitng funds, I just wanted to thank you, and show my appreciation
for what you have done, and haven't done.

God Bless YOU,


Can you believe her... I was so mad when she said that bs to me.... she is a liar and a thief.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 05:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


I have wondered the same thing and in fact HOPING that this is the case. I would also like some information stating this. Considering the fact that the phone is disconnected, no emails are being replied to, and I dont think anyone has heard anything in over a week it makes all of us nervous and more vengeful. Trust me I have had my own thoughts of posting some nasty stuff on here but Im restraining myself in hopes that it can be settled in a civil manner even though we are not dealing with civil people.

Considering what they have done to all of us though it wouldnt suprise me if someone snapps and does something rash. If I had done what they have done, I would be living in fear.

Kristie, nice email from her, I have a couple that are frustrating as well but that one takes the cake.

Think if we hit 100 pages on this forum that it will finally get noticed? Anyone had any luck with notifying television of these guys yet?

Submitted by mavric on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 05:53


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Hyla, listen you silly beeyatch if you're reading this forum then have the common courtesy to answer people's emails since you've disconnected your so called company's phone number and won't accept calls on your cell phone!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 12:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hyla, listen you silly beeyatch if you're reading this forum then have the common courtesy to answer people's emails since you've disconnected your so called company's phone number and won't accept calls on your cell phone!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 12:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

ok i have heard from her twice this week and twice she said she had sent my check but i have seen nothing i have now contacted the FBI and i am so frustrated with them right now. if i can do anything i will these people need to be stopped yet they seem to continue with business in the united states with amazes me. so i hope something comes of this and we get a settlement.


Submitted by goofy14you on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 13:03


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

I am new to this forum. I did a search on MMG/RMP and this is what I discovered!! Amazing! I too was duped, but ready to fight for my money. I have read the posts and the Arizona ruling against this company. I am happy to hear that some of you have received your money. But like others on this forum I have had correspondence with Hyla and other from this "company", and continue to get the run around.
I have contacted 20/20 with this story, but without a response as of yet. I have also filed complaints with my state attorneys office (Florida) and the FTC.
I will contact the FBI next. Is there any other advise that anyone may have in catching these thiefs???

Submitted by junescott21 on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 03:18


( Posts: 4 | Credits: )

junescott21- send an email to skipper . He's got some information that he can send you that may be very useful in the process of filing complaints. Good luck and know that a bunch of us are right there with you. You are not alone & hang in there!

email address removed as per forum rules - Mike

Submitted by on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 12:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have started the settlement process on my own with some of my creditors. Thanks. If Skipper would be so kindly to email me at aol, my sign in name is my email address.

Submitted by junescott21 on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 17:18


( Posts: 4 | Credits: )