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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Hey everyone. Congrats to everyone who has received a refund already. Good work! You guys have all given me hope.

Has anyone had any luck in settling with creditors and arrangeing some sort of payment plan? I wanted to wait for the processing of my refund, but it seems like I'll be waiting much longer than I had hoped. I probably have better negotiation power with all the cash up-front, right? I'm not sure what to do here at this fork in the road. I'm awaiting a refund, but I also want to settle these accounts ASAP. now if I can only get them to give me back the 6K that they have of mine everything would be just fine.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 12:35

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I too received a letter today from the Arizona dept. of financial institutions advising that they had turned my claim over to the FTC.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 14:04

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Guest...My husband and I settled our biggest collection debt outside of MMG/RMP. We settled it for about 40% of what the debt was for...they actually offered us the settlement amount they had offered RMP after we told them our situation. They had heard of the bad name associated with RMP and told us they understood and if we hadn't stopped business with RMP, to do so immediately. So all in all, they were very understanding of our situation. I wouldn't wait until you get your refund, because who knows how long that will be.

I have also heard to try to settle with a collection company towards the end of the month when they are trying to hit their bonuses, and if the first person you get isn't very nice or understanding, hang up and call back...more than likely will get someone different the next time who might give you a better least that is the way it seemed to me. Most of the ones I dealt with would also make payment plans, but if you can pay it all at once, they will work with you more. Of course, this is my opinion and someone else may have had a different experience with a collection agency.

Submitted by hclunie on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 14:14


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

It's great to hear people are getting their money returned to them. We got our refund but it was bittersweet. With all the delays, we owed soooo much more than when we started out. I wish there was a way to recoup those expenses. Thanks to Schim21 for all her work, we were able to get our refund. I guess we have to be satisfied with somehow, someway, Hyla is going to get hers.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 16:21

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WOW, I can't believe it eaither, after waiting ONE YEAR and almost TWO MONTHS, I will "FINALLY' see some of my money. I received a call from RMP this afternoon and was told I would get my refund (minus the fee's)and will be comming by mail next week. I was SHOCKED, it's been SO SO LONG!! This has been one of the most emotional experiences I have ever been through in my life and hope this is finally the end for all us.

Submitted by swtgal77 on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 16:23


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

swtgal77 so glad to hear that you are getting even a respons from them, i hope you get your money, i still think it is wrong to hold any of our fees since they didn't do anything that they promised they would do and caused a lot of extra expense and heartaches for us all, i would like my 299 that they didn't send me just like all the others that they held retainer fees and the first payment and all, actually they should pay restitution to us all for the months and years of the mess they put us all through, grads to all that got emails too that the refunds will be going out, i still feel that they will have to give all the amounts that everyone sent to them after the ftc gets through with them.

Submitted by MadMom on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 20:48


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Thanks Madmom.. I agree, I feel they owe us everything for all the financial burden they caused to us, and the bankruptcys, and the long long wait. I was really hoping to also get my $699.00 that I was promised I would get. I was so shocked to even hear from them but, yes we do deserve everything and hopefully the FTC will make sure of that.

Submitted by swtgal77 on Sat, 03/25/2006 - 06:04


( Posts: 123 | Credits: )

Everyone, now that they are paying, I believe they are hoping all of us will go away, to help the 800 or so of us left that are still making monthly payments to them unknowingly, please do this. Remember how most of you found this site was thru Google, so continue to go to Google and open up the MMG and Hyla Stanton blogs every time you turn on your computer to keep them on page 1 so when they finish paying off everyone that has complained the Google site will keep them on Page 1 and the new group of victims know what to do.

Submitted by on Sat, 03/25/2006 - 06:37

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I too amy having these issues. I cannot get a refund from MMG. What are other people doing? I am open to any advice.

Email deleted as per forum rules-Mike

Submitted by on Sun, 03/26/2006 - 08:25

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dear audrey kell

please read what others have been doing, it takes a while but it has been working, besides, its only 72 pages to read, something that will change your life, and since they helped you you must help the other victims that do not know what is happening yet.

Submitted by on Sun, 03/26/2006 - 09:37

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I received an e-mail from Hyla saying I would receive my refund after my accounts have been handled. I have no accounts. I settled all my accounts on my own so I don't what she is trying to pull, but I e-mailed her back and told her I had no accounts and to send me my money.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/27/2006 - 05:07

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I can't beleive Hyla is still trying not to refund people their money telling them they have to handle their accounts before they can get their refund. Most people settled their own accounts or filed bankruptcy, so what accounts do they have to handle. Hyla should stop her bull and send people what is rightfully theirs.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/27/2006 - 08:54

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I don't get it, do the Stantons justify feeling that they can keep ANY of their clients money when they were found operating without a license?????

Submitted by on Mon, 03/27/2006 - 11:49

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I agree with KristieC, If MMG/RMP was not licensed
they should return all money including set-up fees.
I still think Hyla is trying to prolong refunding money as long as she can by telling everyone they should receive a refund soon. I think it's just another lie.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 05:58

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Get ready Texas, the Stanton's are coming in May. According to records in Arizona they have sold their house and made a hefty profit of around $300,000. So begin the feeding frenzy as there won't be anything left when they leave Arizona, be sure of that. And Texas, wish you luck because they will reach into your back pockets and wont care, as long as they can continue to pay for Hawaii trips, Rolex's and a ticket to a new state when they have Carpetbagged Texas. Wondering why,can you say Sociopath?

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 06:03

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Wow, type in Sociopath in Google and look at the definition, does that sound familiar or what?????

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 06:55

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Congratulations citykid

Maybe we all can look foward to getting a refund soon. I see Hyla has been sending out e-mails and telling people they will be getting a refund. Hope I'm in line for mines.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 08:58

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I just saw this site last night and was amazed to see how many people were affected by this company's shenanigans. They have about $2500.00 of my money. I have written Hyla and her attorney but have yet to hear anything. I already have reports in to the BBB but they have been zero help. My revocation of Power of Attorney was received by them in May 2005 and they said my refund would be sent in 4-6 weeks. SURPRISE - I have no refund almost 10 months later. We need to keep the pressure on folks - DO NOT GIVE UP! These types of business practices are just so sickening.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 09:35

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I guess Hyla and her band of thieves are moving to Texas to see how many other people they can scam out of thousands of dollars. How does she get away with moving from state to state scamming people out of money? I have been waiting for 6 months to get my refund from her. I received an e-mail from her last week stating that she would check to see where I was on the list for refunds and that she did not handle sending out refunds. I am going to e-mail her everyday until I get my refund.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 11:15

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Hyla -

Submitted by on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 07:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is what I got today:

Our department has not completed your refund process. We will contact you
if we require your assistance and/or when your refund check is being
issued. We assure you that a refund check will be issued to you once we
have finalized your refund process.

Thank You,

Finance Department
Risk Management Partners, LTD.

The funny thing is that I got this reply from an email I sent months ago. This wasn't even a reply to the emails I sent to Hyla and everyone yesterday.

Submitted by FUBAR on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 13:49


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

HAHAHAHA...hyla spelled business as "buisness woman". Guess she can't even get that right!

Submitted by on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 19:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thought you all would like to know.....Mike called me. Hyla emailed me. Both said that my refund check would be coming today, March 29, 2006. Guess what? No check. Mike gave me a phone number of the bank so I could call and find out the way it would be mailed. The bank had no idea about what I was talking about. No idea who Miracle Mgmt or Risk Mgt Partners big surprise, huh!?!

Mike and Hyla both told me it would come today. They were both real nice. When I called back and emailed back to say it didnt come......again, they would not answer the phone........emailed back saying that I was not their only client and I should stop harrassing them! They call me, out of the blue and say my check is coming,,,,,,It doesnt come.........I call them on it and now Im harrassing them!


Submitted by on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 21:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Stacey, you are not harrassing them... that is their way of scaring you. They tried that with me too... said they were going to sue me for harrassment... they don't have a leg to stand on so keep soing what you are doing.... If they take you to court, who do you think will win? You of course so just ignore their stupid comments and keep writing them and calling them about your refund. Also, everytime I emailed them, I cc'd her attorney to keep him in the loop... he never responded once! Not even when Hyla said her and her attorney will be in Maryland to sue me. Some attorney he is right? And trust me, I emailed multiple times a day, everyday and everytime I emailed her, her attorney got the emails too. Just keep writing.

I know everyone has written to the ftc, but you must do it again and again... they code our calls and emails and then a group apparently goes through these codes and when they see a large amount of similar codes (similar complaints), they investigate it. That is what the FTC told me.

I know she is going down... she has too. How can she screw so many people and get away with it... she can't. What goes around is definitely going to come back around. Let's just all pray its soon before she ruins more lives.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 05:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Its tax time everyone, remember to help the Stanton's with their taxes, fill out a 1099 form that you can get from your tax man or online and send it with your taxes or alone if you have filed to the IRS.
You do not need their TIN (unless you do happen to have it), just the name and address and how much you paid them,if they haven't reported the income repaid to you enough of these will trigger a full audit, and if the money owed to you is not in the bank in the trust account its supposed to be in in your name, they have committed IRS fraud, and you know where that takes you. So Hyla, better hurry and repay all the people you owe, there are only two sure things in life.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 06:01

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I received an e-mail from the Customer Service yesterday. They we not very happy about the e-mail I sent them. I told them that they keep send out the same e-mail about the creditors have to revoke the POA from MMG/RMP before I cand receive my refund. When I told them a lawyer said that since the company was a fraud and did not have a license, legally they could not have had POA. I told them I sent a copy of the Court order from the Arizona Dept. of Banking telling the whole story about MMG/RMP that the compny is a SCAM. He said the court order only pertained to Arizona residents not out of state resident. They said they were going to foward my slanderous remarks to the Legal Department. I replied and ask them would they like to take me to court? . Of course I did not get a response. But I going to continue to e-mail and call and complain until I get my money.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 08:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Actually, the Arizona court thing was for all Arizona residents and a hand-full of out-of-staters that happen to know about the scam early on and was able to get involved with that case... I believe they paid out approximately $95,000 to out-of state clients and you can get those names and info from the Arizona State Banking dept web-site.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 09:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Check with the IRS or your own advisors before you send a 1099 directly to the Stantons. Overall, I would guess that the Stantons don't have much liquid cash available as it appears they are not up to date on their property taxes. They also may be getting some gov't pressure that is forcing them to kick out some checks to show they are making an effort to make refunds. My guess is the Stantons will do absolutely anything to keep the Feds out of their books. Sue them for everything/anything you can think of. They will likely settle or no-show well before the case got to the "discovery" stage of a case. Not that the Stantons would allow it to happen, but I would love to see them in a eight hour deposition with a good attorney on the assult. Good luck.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 09:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I spoke with my Accountant, he said to send the 1099 to the IRS ( if you were as kind to them as they have been to you, you are also supposed to send them a copy).
You might just send them a courtesy 1099 and say clear this debt you owe me immediately (even before you get the letters from the credit companies) or I will submit it to the IRS to show unreported income on your behalf. And to those who had money held back in fees, submit those amounts also as income for the Stanton's because I am sure they haven't.
This will also show they are continuing to do business in Arizona and the State will go after them again.
Send it to the house address in earlier blogs in Tempe within the next three weeks or they are gone to Texas.
And yes, I am definitely sure they dont want the IRS looking in any of their books on MMG or their other business Chrome Lotus Wheels so if they get a rash of 1099's or the fear that someone is sending them, they will scramble to repay everything.
Since the house in Tempe is closing soon the cash will flow like water, State tax documents show they should make at least $250,000, so get it while you can.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 19:28

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Hi again! Stacey here. I received my check today, 03-30-06. It was, of course, shy the $600.00 they called set-up and retainer fees.....go figure. Hyla told me I was stupid and small minded and didnt know how to run a company if I felt the need to ask for those funds back......I told her, yes, and Obviously, you do know how to run a company!!!!! the proof is in the pudding, babe!

She sent me back a very long-winded email stating that all of her ex-employees that are trashing her on this blog are in for big trouble! ooh! I bet they are all shaking in thier shoes! She ranted and raved on about absolutely nothing.....made no sense. She really is a messed up woman. I wish I would have thought about the 1099 part of the taxes. We just filed ours.....I will look back and see if our accountant added that. I told him about it. He didnt ask for the address or anything like that, I will ask him about it, tho'. I will let you know if the check clears.
I think you guys are right. They are paying the smaller amounts off to show that they are at least trying.....ha ha. Our check is only $1800.00. It should have been $2400.00. My husband feels lucky to get anything back, so hes happy. Im still mad as he_ _ at all the torture and suffering they have caused all of us. Oh, ya, Hyla also told me to get a life and get off this blog, as it will only anger me and make my life miserable.......Sorry lady! You already did all that on your own! What a "female dog" that woman is! I would love to slap her! Just walk up to her and slap her right across the face! later, me.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 19:51

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MAN I'm really screwed by this company!!! They still haven't paid all three of the creditors...

Submitted by on Thu, 03/30/2006 - 20:27

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My lawyer sent a letter to MMG and haven't heard a thing from them and he will send a 2nd letter. If no reply he said he is ready to sue! But I'm reading all the facts that MMG owes so many people I'm not sure how we can win the case.....?

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 00:09

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Well here are some fun Stanton facts???all public access at

July 25, 2005 - Borrower ??? ie. Hyla Stanton & husband owe $750,000.- to the lender ??? Home123 Corp.
Lots of fun reading there???19 page doc

Seems that was a re-finance buying out their old mortgage with Union Federal Bank of Indianapolis. That deed was open 1/27/2004 for $583,950.-. and closed 9/7/2005

I don't wanna speculate???.but go to this website???lots of fun there

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 00:23

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sorry I'm deaf I can't here the recording...:(

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 00:32

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Deafyman, Dont expect that they will pay any of the debts.....they dont. They turn down every offer sent to them by the creditors. Even when you tell them to accept the offer and pay, they wont do it. They want to keep your money, not pay your debts. They do not care what it does to you. All that matters them is that their own bank accounts are under control. GET OUT NOW !!!!!

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 06:19

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huclunie, I initially asked for the closure of my account at the first of July, 2006. After much avoidence and run around, they finally got around to closing my account in September. I had to threaten to sue them if they would not close the account and cease taking money out of my account. I couldnt stop the auto-withdrawals from my end, they had to do it on their end.....some law, huh? I almost had to close my account to get it stopped. It has not been easy. I cant imagine how much of a fight someone who has more than $2400.00 into them has to go through. So, long story, short, it took 9 months from first attempt to close to the time we got our check.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 06:23

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Thanks for the info...My husband and I are almost pretty close to the same situation. They have $2499, and after the $699 in fees (all for nothing), they owe us $1800, and we have been waiting for 6 months. You give me hope, along with all the others who have received their refund...which we shouldn't have to fight for!!

RMP were VERY prompt about taking the money out of our checking account, but as we all see, they are in NO hurry to get our money back to us...funny how that works!

Submitted by hclunie on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 06:32


( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

Hi all, Is there any real hope of getting our initial set-up fees and retainer fees back? I would also love to get that back, since they did absolutely nothing for us but cause us grief. When I asked Hyla why she felt she could keep this money, she said I knew nothing about business. That I had signed a contract stating that they could and would keep the funds so I was out of luck. I responded by saying, yes, we signed the contract, however, you/MMG-RMP failed to up keep your end of the contract, which, in my eyes, renders the contract void. Therefore, all monies, ALL MONIES, should have been returned. She didnt respond to that except to say that again, I know nothing about business and that it costs to mail letters and make phone calls. Thats funny, because everything that had to be mailed, was emailed to me and I had to print it off on my printer paper, using my printer ink, sending in my envelopes and using my postage......where was their expense?? No response....well, if there is any hope of getting it all back, Im with MadMom....let's fight to the end!

Submitted by on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 19:47

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I cant't beleive Hyla had the balls to say that Stacey knew nothing about running a company and doing business. Does she call SCAMMING people out of thousands of dollars running a business? Hope she continues to run her business when she goes to jail. She must be getting letters or calls from the FTC or someone about all the complaints they have received about MMG/RMP. I had e-mailed her since December of 2005 and never received an e-mail back from her until last week. I am going to continue to e-mail and call her until I get my money back from her.

Submitted by on Sat, 04/01/2006 - 05:40

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Dang the owner or whoever they are need to be in jail for a looooong time! Caused to damaged to many many people. I feel bad for others and myself aah!! Stacey thanks for your advice...I have an attorny and he will do everything he can to get them...and my money back..I'm not sure what's next with my lawyer.

Submitted by on Sat, 04/01/2006 - 16:41

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