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legal mediation practice

Date: Sun, 04/09/2006 - 10:28

Submitted by anonymous
on Sun, 04/09/2006 - 10:28

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 359

legal mediation practice

Has any one heard of legal mediation services in flordia or know anything about them they are threatening jail time for a payday loan

i'm not even sure if this thread is still active but i wanted to thank each and every one of you that posted.

these ppl have been calling me for a month. i blew em off cause i figured they were a CA with a scary name. i wish i had stuck to my ground when i finally did answer the phone today.

this guy had me in tears threatening me with a law suit by his client. and telling me to change careers so i could pay the debt(which i may do but it's none of his business to tell me so)and from what you guys have said it's a darn good thing i'm not working right now i think. this isn't no payday thing, this is a major bill. i should have known tho considering the company they purchased it from. he gave me 24hrs to have my mother take out a personal loan to pay them.

after i decided to investigate this issue i was on the site and noticed that after i verified my correct address (so he could send me the appropriate legal documents lol), he went in to my credit report. i'm sure he had that access before but i thought it rather odd.

and on advice from here i did fill out the ftc complaint form on him.

anyway thanks for being here. i can sleep tonight knowing that i'm not going to court tomorrow. :D


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 00:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

DiDi, I'm very sorry you had to go through all that garbage with LMP! I'm glad reading the posts here, concerning these creeps, was able to help ease your mind. LMP was the reason I found this website too, and I'm certainly glad I did. I'm also glad this site is here to help people that are being victimized by CA's that do break the law, like LMP does time and again!

I also hope you, or your mother, does not take out a personal loan to pay them off. For them to even suggest for you to do that was illegal.

Stay strong!


Submitted by FloridaRon on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 08:54

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

No because I gave them there money and paid it off but I did this after I found this site so they got me but after I looked at what others had posted I couldn't help but feel like i got took for a ride i would have set up payment arrangements or something and when I called back to get there address that others had posted they didn't want to give it to me unless I gave them all my info again. So right there that told me they are trying to watch there back.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 09:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[font=Arial][/font][color=Red][/color][size=3][/size][left:c4cadba008] :cry: :x :evil: Legal mediation practice has called me and threatened me with everthing from jail to fraud conviction and gave me a 7:00 pm deadline to pay them in full would not accept a payment arrangment of $100. That's all I have to buy food and gas so I can get my child to school and so I can get to work. I am a single mom struggling to make ends meet. I was going to pay them when I got my next check. They would not tell me much of anything i ask what firm it was and the only answer I got was legal mediation. I spoke to Mr. Griffin he was very hostile and aggressive with me. He threaten have me arrested at my job or at home in front of my child. [/left:c4cadba008]


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[font=Arial][/font][color=Red][/color][size=6][/size][left:65de6d0ec3] Here's the numbers they are using now.
800-201-0565 Ext 282 Mr. Griffin and Mr. Law


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[font=Arial][/font][color=Red][/color][size=6][/size][left:43328ab766] Here's the numbers they are using now.
800-201-0565 Ext 282 Mr. Griffin and Mr. Law


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[font=Arial][/font][color=Red][/color][size=6][/size][left:153ed6735b]There using this number now and threating jail time. 800-201-0565 ext. 282 Mr. Griffen[/left:153ed6735b]


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

does anyone know the address for this legal mediation practice company? I want to send an official later stating that I intend to pay in two weeks; but can't get any info out of them.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 08:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Here's their Addy:

Legal Mediation Practice
1919 Blanding Blvd., Suite 10
Jacksonville, FL 32210

Phone Numbers:


Fax Number:


They are required to furnish this information to you whenever you request it; however, it seems they will fight you tooth and nail over giving it to you. I guess they don't realize it is already all over the internet.

If they don't give it toy you though, it is a violation of the fdcpa.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 08:58

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

It is so amazing I feel like they follow a script for every client. I was contacted yesterday by a Ms. Matthews and she gave me a 4 hour time frame to pay $620. Having been familiar with this site I found out about their reputation and immediately faxed a debt validation letter along with a letter I had sent the previous pay day loan company. My problem is that I never received any money from that pay day company so I have been fighting with the original company for months now. They won't send me anything showing that I received money from them. She called me again today stating that she had not heard from me yesterday regarding this matter. I told her that I already sent a fax and mailed a letter to her company. She asked what fax number I used and I told her 904-854-9447. She told me this is an incorrect fax number and that it goes to the 15th floor in a different department. She gave me the following fax number 904-493-4497. I told her that I would fax the letter again to this new fax number. She wanted to know what the letter said and I told her once she receives it she can read it. She said that she needed to document what the letter said while we were on the phone. I told her I wasn't going to read the letter and she could read it for herself upon receipt. She got mad and said that she was going to process my claim and push it through and then she hung up on me. I guess I got to her but I think she was just rude like everyone says on this site. I am going to follow the advise and file a complaint with the Florida Attorney General.


Submitted by belle11128 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 11:32

( Posts: 79 | Credits: )

Belle11128. Good work on dealing with them.

The one thing that jumps off the page at me I need a little clarification on, though. She said there was a "15th floor in a different department?"

I am definitely calling "Shenanigans" on this! I have been by the LMP office, and the building they are in only has two floors; however, I think they are only on the first floor. I'll look more closely the next time I go by. I really don't know where this imaginary "15th floor" is located. An alternate "Pocket Dimension" perhaps.

Besides which, that is a pretty flimsy excuse if it did get routed to another department. Sort of like claiming the mail got delivered to an incorrect department, like the front desk or mail-room, and they didn't get it. LMP should have internal controls that allow misdirected correspondence to be placed in a handy-dandy interoffice envelope and forwarded to the correct department. I think that's common practice in most businesses these days; nothing cutting edge or outside of the box, as it goes.

And as for pushing your claim through? I would have told her exactly where she could push it through. But I'm a nice guy (relatively so) and don't think it would have been a polite thing to say. No matter how much she deserved it.

I think Mrs. Matthews (if that is her real name) was the one leaving the "Good Luck" messages for me, after I sent the DV/C&D letter, just before my attorney got hold of them.

Definitely, be sure to follow up with complaints to the Florida AG office, as well as your states AG office, and the FTC.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 12:04

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )


In my case, that's pretty much all it amounted to as I didn't (and still don't) have a single penny to give them. I think the "Good Luck" was supposed to sound intimidating or frightening to me when I heard it. Like, if you don't give us the money then good luck with whatever happens to you. Something to that effect.

I guess they discovered their luck ran out when my attorney contacted them. I would have loved to have heard the initial phone call my attorney had with them, I bet it was a hoot.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 12:32

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

Many, many, many violations of the fdcpa.

Harassment was chief among them, namely being hostile and belligerent to me when I returned their first phone call. The woman kept referring to me as "Mr. Man" instead of my name. They also ignored my debt validation/cease and desist request; they continued collection efforts after I requested validation and called me after I had told them I only wanted mail from them. Trying to pass themselves off as a law firm in their first message to me; they advised "a case against you has been filed at our firm" in the message. They are not a law firm. She wouldn't give me their mailing address when I asked for it, not realizing I had already found it plastered all over the Internet, along with examples of their underhanded collection methods. They never sent the initial dunning letter they are required to send within five days of the initial contact.

A few more, but you get the picture.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 13:31

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

my rep or the evil one who contacted us was rachel johnson she would not give me an address which leads me to think they are overseas but using florida as their storefront,,,they cannot put you in jail for not paying back the loan on least not in this country,,,now i can't account for whAt they do in the middle east..hell they cut your hand off for stealing maybe their trying to implement their laws over here ..NOT!..NEEDLESS TO SAY I COULD NEVER GET AN ADDRESS BUT ONLY A WESTERN UNION CODE AND EMPHASIZED TO MAKE IT AN EXPRESS PAYMENT..NEVER EVER TAKE A LOAN ONLINE....BUYER BEWARE:evil:


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 07:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I spoke too soon about not even Il-legal Mediation Mal-Practice ticking me off today.

Petunia0502, I can tell you from personal experience there office is located right here in the US of A. Jacksonville, Florida to be exact. I've been by it many times. Of course, they may be outsourcing now to India, but I doubt that.

You are also absolutely correct in that you will not be thrown in jail, and I'm reasonably certain they can't cut your hand of either. They also broke the fdcpa when they would not give you their mailing address. The one I posted earlier in this thread is accurate. I do believe the fax number is legit too, as that is the one I used when I DV'd them. I think, however, this imaginary 15th floor they advised the other poster about is part of a drug induced hallucination, as their building is only 2 stories tall.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 09:24

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )


You can send a Debt Validation/Cease and Desist letter to LMP. The cease and desist would advise them they are no longer allowed to contact you, or any acquaintance, or employer by phone; they are to communicate directly to you by USPS. Once they receive it, they are bound by the fdcpa to honor your request. If they continue the barrage of harassing phone calls, then you can sue them. No muss, no fuss!

And that is a fact, not just an opinion!

There are documented cases of CA's being sued by debtors for violating the FDCPA, and the debtors have won. So don't let anything any "guest" posts on this website contradicting this fool you. They are confused and/or wrong.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 11:10

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

This is company is in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act I just made a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission about them. If enough people complain they can be sued. Here is the company's information if you want it.

Mailing Address
Changed 05/15/2006
Registered Agent Name & Address
Address Changed: 07/07/2004
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title P
Title VP


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 11:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


A debt validation/cease and desist letter is sent to a CA requiring them to do two things.

The first is asking them to validate the debt. What this means is, they must show you how they arrived at the amount they claim you owe, as well as showing the debt is actually yours, and they are entitled to be collecting on this debt. Now there is much debate over what constitutes proper validations; however, what can be agreed that is not validation is just sending you some sort of computer generated paper with and amount and your name on it. The general rule is that copies of statements is considered validation. If you read some other threads in this forum, you will get a better ides.

In your case, from what I gather by reading your post, validating the debt is not the important part, as it seems you are not denying you owe the money, you just don't have it at the moment to pay them back. Or not as important, as you would like to make sure they are not charging an overinflated amount versus what you actually borrowed and any legal interest that is due. If this is a Pay Day Loan, then check out the PDL forums on this website.

The Second portion, or the Cease and Desist portion of the letter sounds like what you are needing the most. The cease and desist basically tells the CA (Legal Mediation Practice) that you want no more communication from them by telephone. Ever! They can communicate directly with you by United States Mail, but they are no longer to call you at home, work, call any third parties or employer, neighbors, etc. They are required BY LAW to abide by this request, it is not an option for them and it lasts forever. It doesn't expire. If they violate this request, you can sue them for violating the fdcpa.

My suggestion to you is, if you mail the letter to them, make sure you send it certified mail/return receipt requested. When you get that green card, they have to sign in order to acknowledge they did receive your letter, put it in a safe place along with a copy of the letter. This will be needed if you do have to sue them.

I do hope I answered your question. I would definitely recommend registering for this website and forum, and read, read, read all you can. I haven't even begun to touch on all of the things you can learn from here and might find beneficial. I certainly don't claim to know it all, and I am constantly learning something new every day from here.


Submitted by FloridaRon on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 14:57

( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

I called and made a complaint against them yesterday and am working on the letter. I am not denying that I owe money, I just don't have it right now and they are wanting me to pay $500 more than what I actually borrowed. I haven't received any more calls yesterday or yet today but I'm sure they're not done calling with the threats.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 12:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes, these people really scared me. They called my job and left a message onmy BOSS#. When I called them they said I had to have the 265.00 paid in 4 hours or they would send this to processing. The COLD part about this is that I was making payments with the PDL place and when I called them to ask them what the deal was, they were like we still have your coming in this weekend. I was like I be DAMN. I called LMP back and advised them that they will continue to work with me and they advised me I can not call them and I better not go in there and make a payment. They will run my check again...No I am like...should I close my account in case they try to do something..I am woried.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 12:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

listen to your pdl.can you can anything from them that says you are making payments with them.if so get it and keep it,this place is illegal in the extreme.they can't do what they threatened.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 12:49

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

my friend was at my house and had this number...I decided to look it up. I remember they called my folks and would never leave a number. They left my buddy the number and I remembered it. I don't know how they got my new number, but numerous time they call and never leave a message or anything.
Once about six months ago they called about some medical bill that I had paid which was $150 copay for a congenital back problem I will suffer with.
How can I get them to stop calling when I have already given them evidence that the debt was paid?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 18:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Has anyone found out which company they are calling about? I also had a voice mail message from someone from this company saying that they have made a decision and that they need a signed document from me (or something to that affect). She didn't tell me what account she was calling in reference to or anything. At the end of her message, she just said "good luck at this point".


Submitted by tina82064 on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 22:58

( Posts: 105 | Credits: )

So glad I pulled them up, this is all I see on them. They threatened me with enforcement of deceptive practice to profit (LOL) :lol: , I told her do what you got to do, if you want your money take me to civil court.....period...In fact I tried to make arrangements with this payday loan and they refused my payment arrangement...Whatever!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/27/2008 - 14:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been threatned by these people. I sent them some money because they said that they could have me put in jail. I want to pay my loan but I wanted to make sure that I was paying the right person. They told me if I contact the company that they could bring me up on charges of harrashment. Please help!!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/03/2008 - 06:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just received a call that I did not answer. They said they had received my claim and were given permission to call me regarding some information they needed. I almost called back as I thought it might have something to do with the passing of my fiance but thought better of it. I googled the phone number and found your postings. I won't be calling them back! Thank you for the warnings!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 07:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

check out "pi--ed off consumer". There is nothing LEGAL about this company. They are bill collectors that do not follow the laws. :roll:


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/11/2008 - 11:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recieved 5 calls today from Legal Mediation practices. They threatened me with jail time. I asked if they were attempting to collect a debt. The lady just started yelling at me. I asked about payment plans, she said they are not debt collectors. She said that I had until 5pm today to pay the amount in full or they were going to send a police officer to my house. I asked if I could recieve a document in the mail explaining everything, and she said they could not send me anything. I have not heard from these people until like a week ago and they call 10 times a day. Does anyone know how I can settle this by making a payment plan?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/13/2008 - 13:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Legal Mediation Practice has to be the most classless company I have ever dealt with. They called me about 2 weeks ago threatening to have me arrested if I did not pay them by the end of the day. They were rude and harassing. I tried to make an arrangement and they turned me down. I tried calling them back that day and I get the same response. I asked them if they were a collection agency and they told me no......they are a law office. I asked them if they purchased the debt and they said no. I decided to call the original creditor to work something out. The original creditor told me they sold the debt to a company called AIS. I called AIS and was able to make arrangements with them. They indicated in sort of a under their breath way that they have had issues with LMP making threats toward debtors. AIS I guess utilizes LMP to collect debts for them, but they told me they should not be doing business the way they do. They said they would pull the debt back from LMP and that I only had to work with them.

LMP threatened me with fraud and bad checks. I told them that it was obvious my intent was not to do bad checks because these companies got their rollover fees a couple of times before I had to close the account. They more than made their money off of the loans I got from them and I still have to pay it off.

I also did an online complaint against LMP today on the FTC website. Looking at the long thread on here, this company must hire a bunch of jerks to work for them because I don't see how anyone who is half decent would want to do business the way they do.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

how do you get the legal mediation practice from calling you at work and making nasty threats, such as jail ect.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 19:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i got a phone call from legal mediation practice and they said you have until 4pm to pay 730.00 they would not tell me were they were only that they were collecting a debt
i asked if i could make payment arrangements they said no and if i did not pay i could go to jail and be convicted of fraud since i was in california is this true? :?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 13:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )