legal mediation practice
Date: Sun, 04/09/2006 - 10:28
legal mediation practice
Yes, they can call you unless you send them a c&d letter saying
Yes, they can call you unless you send them a c&d letter saying not to. You should be able to find one here.
This Business Operates under the Names Legal Mediation Practice, Inc.
Addresses 1919-4 Blanding Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32210, Duval County MAP
Phones (800) 201-0565
(904) 387-3187
(904) 854-9447 (FAX)
All you need to is fax a cease and desist letter, (or just tell them that it is inconvient for them to call during certain hours.) You specify what hours are convienent for you...say between 10:00 p.m. to 10:14 p.m. eastern time on tuesday or thursday of the second week of each month. :-)
Hello, I'm new to this place, just stumbled across it today actu
Hello, I'm new to this place, just stumbled across it today actually. I just received a phone call from LMP today, and was scared to my wits end. I was talking to a lady about it explaining to her that there was no way I could pay anything because I had no job, I had just lost my job the week before and have no money. Yes I am currently looking for a new job too. Anyway I was asking questions for them to explain certain things and for one thing they would not. I can understand from dealing with, and reading from this website, that it is their job to collect money, but don't most places explain what they are doing? That is my only question in this. I was left throughly confused as I had to deal with another person and he was RUDE and just..well there is not a nice word to describe him. I like others had scare tactic used on me. I was in tears through most of our conversation and he had the nerve to imply that I was rude to the first lady. I was left with the impression that I needed to pay the money "today". As I was doing a bit of online job hunting and research, I stumbled across this wonderful site and am glad that you are all here for each other. I am going to send them a debt validation letter and a phone desist letter because I truly do not want to deal with them on the phone and as soon as I get a job or a few dollars I am going to send it to them monthly and have the rest of my debt consolidated. I know that anyone at any age can make a mistake like I have but I m very glad for the help you have given me. :)
If they call you, just say this call "is" being recorded, even if they say "i don't give you permission", say "ok, but i am still recording, i will listen to what you have to say, terminate the call, and i may call you back, or i may "fire" you as a third party collection agency, and decide to only deal with the original creditor, this is my choice, good bye" and hang up, also of course send the cease and desist letter to the fax.... They will eventually loose your file, or send it back to the original creditor.... :-)
It is important to pay your bills, but not because your scared, but because when you can do it, its the right thing to do.
This is to all those who are lecturing us about paying our credi
This is to all those who are lecturing us about paying our creditors. First of all, I realize that there are some out there that intend on not paying back the loan, but that is a small percentage. for most of us, these are emergency situations at first, then because of the loans payback we end up in a hole that we can not get out of. Even though we have made every effort to work out agreements, pay slowly, etc..they have no right to call me at work and talk to me like a four year old. To threaten my job, and give me an hour to come up with the money and tell me that I must have dozens of people that I could call to get the money. If I had dozens of people to ask I would not have had to do the loan in the first place. They managed to tell me that I would be embarassed in front of my employer when they begin to garnish my wages and perhaps lose my job over it, because most employers will not tolerate those who default on loans because they can't be trusted. And to be clear let me tell my story, not that I owe it to you, but here it goes. My husband is currently serving his third tour in Iraq. As happens from time to time, paperwork got messed up within the Adjent General's office and my husband's pay was not processed, and with no way to get in touch with him right away, I found myself in a bind. the house payment was overdue, both cars broke down, daycare had to be paid or I could not go to work. I did the loan and paid it back as soon as I received my check, but then I had to do another loan in order to live until the next check or his pay came through whichever came first. I have always had excellent credit until this. These loan companies charge these fees in hopes that you have to continually borrow. You are in a constant state of panic. When my husbands pay finally came through, I had defaulted on my latest loan by two weeks. I did contact them to make them aware that I was going to pay it the following month on a certain date, I then started to receive calls from them asking me why I had not paid the loan, again I told them that I had to wait until this date to pay it, I was then told that I would have to go through the collector that they were sending it to. A week goes by and today I received a horrid call from LMP at my place of business telling me that I purpossly defaulted on the loan and I had until 4:00 PM to pay the collector or they would garnish my wages etc...I then looked the company up on the internet and found this site and many like it that had to do with this company. Thanks to this site I now know my rights. When I called them back to get an address, I never got it from them, all I got was what do you want? why do you need the address. Then I asked to speak with the man who called me before, they transferred me and I told him that I wanted the address and a detailed statement of the debt so that I am sure it was going to a legitimate collector. He assurred me they were, but still refused to give me the address. Anyway, to make my long and drawn out point, don't assume that those who have not paid these loans back are just losers. I truly think that most of us intended to pay these loans back and want very much to get this out of the way. So, back off find your own site to b*tch about us. If I had not found this site and those who have been through the same thing that I have I would have had a nervous breakdown from the threats and intimidation that these people seem to dish out with ease. It is illegal, plain and simple. What we have done is just try to live.
Legal mediation practice
I see that many people have had the same problem with this company, Legal Mediation Practice in Jacksonville FL. I have a pay day loan and defaulted not because I am a dead beat, but because I became very ill and found that I have cancer, I took this pay day loan because I used to own a small trucking company and my diver damaged my truck and I needed the money for repairs. I repaid the loan several times and it got to the point where I could not keep doing it so I had to let it go, I am a single mother of 2 young kids and I barely make ends meet right now, I tired to make payments to this company and they took the first few and then refused anymore partial payments. I got a call form a john Conner from this company telling me that I am going to go to jail and that because I moved from Ohio to Kentucky (10 miles away) that I am in more trouble because I crossed state line. This guy is a real jerk and I have found that they are not registered to do business in the state of Ohio, they have not registered with the secretary of state in which they must. I have also contacted the attorney-general as well as the FTC. I am not saying that I do not owe the debt and I am willing to pay it but I need for them to work with me, and they won't in fact they have even went as far to call my sister and report my debt on her credit report. I am going to sue them, not to get out of the debt but to prove to them they must play by the rules. They are not God, or the cops and they are not going to treat me like day loan because I used to own a small trucking company and my diver damaged my truck and I needed the money for repairs. I repaid the loan several times and it got to the point where I could not keep doing it so I had to let it go, I am a single mother of 2 young kids and I barely make ends meet right now, I tired to make payments to this company and they took the first few and then refused anymore partial payments. I got a call form a john conner from this company telling me that I am going to go to jail and that because I moved from ohio to kentucky (10 miles away) that I am in more trouble because I crossed state line. This guy is a real jerk and I have found that they are not registered to do business in the state of ohio, they have not registered with the secretary of state in which they must. I have also contacted the attorney general as well as the FTC. I am not saying that I do not owe the debt and I am willing to pay it but I need for them to work with me, and they won't in fact they have even went as far to call my sister and report my debt on her credit report. I am going to sue them, not to get out of the debt but to prove to them they must play by the rules. They are not God, or the cops and they are not going to treat me like that. Fine I owe the debt but I am still a human and demand to be treated as such.
legal mediation practice
I got one of these calls, from "Mr. Clark". What an arrogant jerk!! He gave me NO inforamtion, yet tried to explain to me that I needed to pay my debt in full by 1pm. As I tried to get more info. from him I ended up hanging up on him. I did call him back & of course, the story changed once again. I explianed to him that I wasn't trying NOT to take care of my debt & wanted to pay this. He again was rude as ever. If these companies expect us to take of this...being rude isn't the way....agreed?? To make a long story, I will return back to the store & pay them in full. If they do not except my payment, I was told by an attorney, I can consider this debit PAID IN FULL.
payday loans
The number Mr. Clark gave me to call him was 800 201-0565. Is this the same company your all referring to?
I just got a call from the same company. Also threatening me and
I just got a call from the same company. Also threatening me and very rude, I filed this on my backruptcy 2 years ago. So i don't really understand why they are even calling me.
Legal Mediation Practices
I too, am receiving threatening calls from a Mr. Holmes. Has anyone in Kansas dealt with this company? The Kansas laws aren't that clear to me! Does anyone know anything more specific about Kansas payday loan laws? Can I be arrested? Please HELP!! :(
Drell, You are gonna want to find out if you can record in your
You are gonna want to find out if you can record in your state. Put your www and dot in front of this link. If you cannot tape.Write down date and time called and save your phone records.
The reason you will be doing this is to file a order to show cause in bankruptcy court. Collecting on that debt is illegal. Tell them what they are doing so they can't claim error as defense. Find attorney and sue them.
Hope this is of some help to you: You will find the Payday lo
Hope this is of some help to you:
You will find the Payday loan laws for Kansas here (just select your state),
Note the part that says "criminal action-prohibited"
Send a letter demanding written communication only, using return receipt. That should help cut the crap. If you are called after they receive it, or if you can prove they threatened you, you may be able to go after them for damages. Also, file complaints with your AG, and the FTC., place www and dot in front o
Ck, place www and dot in front of this link and go to site for information on your state laws for payday loan.
If they are threatening you they have already violated the FDCPA.Please read thru the law at this link so you understand your full legal rights.
Legal Mediation Practice is threatening jail time to me if I did
Legal Mediation Practice is threatening jail time to me if I did not pay a cash tyme debt within a matter of hours.
Guest,they cannot put you in jail.All they are doing is trying t
Guest,they cannot put you in jail.All they are doing is trying to scare you into making payment.Please read the sticky on our collection agency board regarding the fdcpa. I am going to list their latest info that I pulled from Florida Secretary of State and Florida Dept of Financial Regulation
Legal Mediation Practice,Inc.
1919 Blanding Blvd #19
Jacksonville,Fl 32210
Prior research has shown Bill Roth or Robert Femekes to be their Compliance person.
This is another address:
1919 Blanding Blvd. # 4
Jacksonville,Fl. 32210
Company President
Glenn Connelly or Ronda(Wife)
3950 Moss Oak Drive
Jacksonville,Fl. 32277
Vice President
Steven C.Pair or Susan(Wife)
9323 Bearsford Ct.
Jacksonville,Fl. 32244
I don't have their home phone yet. :wink: Will work on that.
I have been receiving numerous calls from them also, (MR. Cole).
I have been receiving numerous calls from them also, (MR. Cole). I explained that I would make payment arrangements, which he agreed to; he then asked for my checking account number/routing number or my debit card number. I refused and stated that I will mail my payments in; boy he hit the roof. Everytime he calls he says today is the last day that he can hold the account and it will be moved on for legal action.
I was informed today, by "lmp" i had to pay the balance in full or they would have their client (quick cash payday loan) "deal with me, at my employer today," if they didn't get their money by 6:00pm easter time. Can they do something to me?
No they are threatening you and trying to scare you into giving
No they are threatening you and trying to scare you into giving them money
I as well have recieved the phone call from them. But, they don
I as well have recieved the phone call from them. But, they don't threaten all that you have put here. I have heard them on many occasions that they are going to make recommendation to have me "dealt with" according to my county laws. Nothing about jail time. It's all word play, it makes you hear what you want to hear. If you actually pay attention to what they say to you, the you will see truly what is going on. It's all about paying atention, but why come here to complain, just don't put yourself in the position that you have to worry about things like this. R E S P O N S I B L E, anyone hear of the word?
By the way, when i got the call it was about my son, he and i sh
By the way, when i got the call it was about my son, he and i share the same name, so they gave me the information per my son's permission, but again, they did say he would be dealt with, but only according to county laws, and county law stipulate it isn't a criminal matter, but civil.
They have no authority to file criminal charges in the first pla
They have no authority to file criminal charges in the first place and their business practices stink!If they do not learn to practice collections in a professional manner,they will be sued or shut down like the other garbage this site deals with.
About LMP
i used to work for LMP. Now, I don't know about the people that you all have dealt with, but I know in my time there, we were NOT allowed to threaten with jail time AT ALL. We simply would 'make the recommendation back to the client to have you dealt with either at your home or place of employment for the enforcement of this check to the fullest extent of your county laws." Not once does that say you're going to jail. And, "the client is construing this as a willful intent to defraud them out of their money" is not saying, "Hey you're going to jail for fraud!" If you write the check off a closed account, they have every right to assume you did this on purpose. If you did not pay this back and your check bounced and was returned for NSF, then again, they client has every right to assume you did this on purpose. It was YOUR responsibility to make sure this was paid back.
Now, I hated working there and in no way am I defending LMP but you can't go around blaming it on everyone else when you were the one who screwed up in the first place. Maybe everyone in the world, myself included, should be required to take a course on your county's check writing laws before you even consider getting a checkbook. I think that would help.
Legal Mediation Practice
Chica not all of these r checks and y should any one paid back triple or more of what they borrowed and they should b willing to work with a person instead of doing it as they do it....have u ever been in need of a pay day loan? I f not u have no clue as to what they put u through I got 2 that I borrowed 200.00 and have paid back over 1200.00 on both of these and I have talked to them and got no where.....Tina
I understand not all of those are paper checks. There's a lot of
I understand not all of those are paper checks. There's a lot of places that try to ACH the money out of your account. It's nothing more than an electronic check. Same exact thing. 99% of the time, the additional money they owe is from bank fees and NSF charges not only from the bank, but from whatever payday loan place people go to. Why should they have to work with these people? These are people who have had these outstanding checks (not bad checks, big difference) have had them outstanding for MONTHS. LMP does not deal with any that have been out less than 90 days. After 30 days, the merchant/client (whatever you want to call them) has the right to file against the debtor at any time. So, tell me why it's not right to demand balance in full? And no, I've never been in need of a payday loan. It's too much trouble and too much crap to deal with.
how long did you work for LMP
who are you kidding ???from what i understand, LMP practices collection techniques that they should not, they make it sound as though they could put someone in jail... thats the main problem
chris pair (top manager) also an idot
favorite phrase to tell someone is "do you know how much trouble your in?" or "thats not my problem" when the person is expaining why he or she may not have all the money they want...that month...that an hour or "you will be dealt with from your local county courts...according your your stat law...for writing outstanding checks". To the average person of low education this is saying to him that he is accused of writing bad checks and for this check to the payday load that lmp is collecting; he could go to jail.
When they start practicing collections in accordance with the fd
When they start practicing collections in accordance with the fdcpa rules,then there will not be a problem with us telling everyone about their illegal methods of getting money out of people.
Ace Loan
I just received a call from Legal Mediation Practice. I still owe half of a loan I borrowed. I gave them a voided check and when I was late on the loan the check was sent to the bank for payment, but returned. The person I spoke a supervisor was rude and arrogant. He theaten that if I didn't pay the loan by 5:00 pm today that I would be delt with at work or home. He told me the voided chech was like writing a check and it was against the law. I also had to cancel my bank account, because they were sending the checks to my bank and the bank was charging fee's. I live in PA I'm not sure what the law's are for Faud or what ever they want to call it. What information do I need to know before I pay the remaining amount of this loan.
legal mediation practice
according to federal law you have the right not to be harrassed by creditors. Simply ask for the address they are calling from. Write and send a letter to them stating that you can not accept phone calls at home or work. request that all correspondence be by mail. Some will even try to contact your supervisors like the "Mrs. Harrison" did to me. I was trying to set up a payment arrangment with her and she refused. She kept saying I was going to be sued and then thrown in jail. I contacted the attorney generals office for my state and they said that was absurd. It is NOT illegal to owe someone money. They can sue you. But GUESS WHAT! the judge can only make you pay it back in a payment plan that you can afford.Listen people fall onto hard times. Payday loan places know this and they prey on those people. So it is best to just stay away from them.
legal mediation practice
I also recieved a call and the same tactic were used . they are falsely represetning themselselves and lying to people.... hit today!
I just received the phone call as well my first time getting this call. I called my Pastor and asked him about this information. He told me the same thing TO ASK THEM TO SEND ME SOMETHING IN WRITING SO I CALLED BACK AND DID JUST THAT THIS DORIS DANIELS got mad and hung the phone up in my face. I'm pondering now shall I continue to harrass them like they harass me. And the whole situation was for unorthodoax of how they did this to me. It's like I went in to make my usual payment to get the big payment and ALL OF A SUDEEN THE RULES CHANGED without a warning or nothing. There was no solution or any options to pay BUT THE WHOLE AMOUNT. I can now exhale...I just typed this information in the system LEGAL MITIGATION PRACTICE. And you guys came up...LIFE SAVER!~'s the number 904-387-3187.
Everyone contacted by Legal Mediation Practice should record the
Everyone contacted by Legal Mediation Practice should record the call (if legal) and get a lawyer. I hit them hard one time and am waiting for more cases to walk in the door. This company needs to be hit with claim after claim before they will even think about changing.
Go to and click on consumer protection.
Go to and click on consumer protection.
Legal Mediation Practice
I live in PA. and my husband's supervisor got a call from LMP this morning telling him to give my husband the following message, "he needs to call Ms. Jackson with Legal Mediation Practice at (800)-201-0565 ext. #284 to avoid legal action against him. His supervisor did give him the message and he was highly upset to say the least. I'm almost positive that in the state of Pennsylvania, debt collectors cannot harrass you at your place of employment. I called Ms. Jackson's extension on behalf of my husband and a man answered the phone and he claimed he was taking her calls because she was in a meeting. Of course, all calls are recorded on their end. I asked what this was about and he told me it was regarding a payday loan from "2005" from Flexcheck. I did tell him that Flexcheck went out of business in our area and the phone number on the contract was disconnected but, that fell on deaf ears. He wanted payment by 5:00 p.m. today. He wanted payment by Visa/debit card or Western Union or Moneygram. I told him we wouldn't have that kind of money by 5:00 p.m. today and he told me to tell my husband to hire an attorney as he is going to put it in his file as refusal to pay and legal action will be taken against him. I told him we're not refusing to pay but, we cannot pay the entire amount, he didn't want to hear that either. He was strong arming me for about 10 minutes when I decided I have had enough. I finally had to tell him to do what he had to do as we a have a very good attorney and I hung up on him. We didn't refuse to pay but, he wouldn't except anything but the full amount. They left a message earlier this morning on our machine that I just listened to and it was Ms. Jackson telling my husband to call her at the above number and extension, she also stated that this was time sensitive and she needed his recorded statement. She said, "if you do not call back today, good luck to you". I just recently was released from the hospital and this is not something that we needed, especially after 2 years since this company gave us the loan and soon thereafter went out of business. I will be contacting my state's Attorney General's office about LMP. Good luck to anyone that has to deal with these unethical people.
Legal Mediation Practices
Strategy: I had a horrible experience with this collector. They were rude and refused to provide me with basic information. I strongly suggest that you contact the attorney general's office in your state and file a formal complaint. I do believe that they cross the line. Also contact the company that cashed your check or issued the advance and register a comnplaint and let them know that you will not do business with them again and will share your experiences with others.
Then start to lobby your congressmen. They need to shut down the clients, the payday loan and loan advance companies.
Check with credit unions in your area. They have begun to office pay advances and the terms are low and you are not threatened. Let's put Legal Mediation Practices out of business by getting rid of their clients.
Contact your credit unions. Many are being to offer pay advances with reasonable terms.
How can LMP threaten or turn a check over for prosecution when the company accepted a check from you knowing that it was not good at the time of issuance and too many variables affect the availability of funds, i.e. your payroll department depositing the check into your account, your employment status, etc.
I plan to nail their behinds to the wall. I am going after LMP and the pay advance concersn. Do you know the owners of these loan sharks. We are probably dealign with the underworld or drug lords who need to launder money. I am also going to ask the justice department and my congressmen to conduct hearings on Capitol Hill. Let them hear from people who have been threatened or have been fleeced by these companies.
Post you concerns and send them to everyone. Blanket the Internet with your complaints about LMP and the sharks.
Those of you with the technology, do a short piece on You Tube,
Please do share whatever knowledge you have on these guys as I a
Please do share whatever knowledge you have on these guys as I am doing my initial background on them so I can get a hungry reporter and attorney general on their behind.
Chica, you appear to be really support of LMP. Why won't they give you basic information. Since I never received any correspondence from LMP or the pay advance company regarding the check. I am the one who went back to find out why the check had not cleared. I had canceled a 24.50 ACH that was processed twice by my bank, which caused an overdraft. I get paid once a month and the company waited until the end of the second month to resubmit the check. I had called the company and told them to hold it. Which they agreed to do, but the corporate office turned it over to LMP. I never received any correspondence. I am the one who called around to track this down. I called LMP and they did not call me back. A week or so later I called and all ___ broke out. I have owned $15,000 on accounts and never received such maltreatment.
You may have been one of the good guys at LMP, but they have some very sleazy, bottom feeders working there now and they need to be stopped. We have to reduce their list of clients.
I plan to contact the board of directors of the clients and give LMP bad press that they deserve.
Call the Justice Depertment. They will be stopped. I have nothing but time on my hands.
By the way, I honored by check after I tracked it down and was treated by feces.
They refused to give me a mailing address. I finally had to find it online. By the way, I called an attorney and he indicated that several people are suing LMP. We should consider a class action lawsuit against LMP. Let's bankrupt them.
It is wise to record your conversations with them because they are also recording...
Cathy you are correct in several people are in litigation with t
Cathy you are correct in several people are in litigation with them.
How to Protect Yourself: Debt Collections/Consumer
Info found at privacyrights dot org (state by state rights..
How to Protect Yourself: Debt Collections/Consumer
Source: The Florida Attorney General's Office,debt,collector
Duplicate content removed to avoid redundancy. Please go to the above link to view the actual content - Mike
They all use fake names and each one needs a BACKGROUND CHECK and drug test...........DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR PERSONAL BANK INFORMATION ( OF ANY KIND )
Well the legal mediation practice called my job and i havent spoken to them yet but everytime i call back i put the ext they left even diffrent ones they all go to one person and even when i put in zero no one comes to the line but the operater and every extention goes to a bill fraiser so whats going on i hope they dont get irate with me because i have a lawyer ready to deal. And i have been told what all they can do and cant do so whenever i call i have my lawyer on the line so when they tell me something wrong i he is there to intervien. I cant have these bill collectors trying threaten me for jail time or intmidate me they just cant do that. Gotta know your rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!