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Spellman & Roman 888-441-4001

Date: Fri, 04/18/2008 - 11:17

Submitted by BethMinOH
on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 11:17

Posts: 97 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 54

Spellman & Roman 888-441-4001

I Googled them, and they appear to be a collection agency, but they didn't come up under that name with the BBB or my state's attorney general office.

They refused to provide anything in writing when I asked, and they called that a stall tactic on my part. They actually called me at work, and gave veiled threats of arrest for felony.

The following is pretty much what the woman Veronica Masters said to me: You have been noted as a key element in an investigation of fraud and bank theft. Imperative you pay now, or in the next 20 minutes we will be forced to have you "identified by the State you live in as a felon". Do you remember Martha Stewart?

She said I should leave my place of business right away if I don't want extreme embarassement in 20 minutes. She said if I have children, I should start making arrangements for their care. She said if I am married, I should contact my husband ASAP. She said that they will have everything taken away from me. Take me for everything I have, I think she put it.

I think that deserves legal action, myself. But, then, we all know what a nasty, suspicious character I am.

If BethMinOH has documentation of that call, I'd think that an aggressive consumer attorney would jump on this case like a hobo on a hamburger. BTW, BethMinOH, Ohio is a one-party state as regards recording telephone calls.


Submitted by unclewulf on Sat, 04/19/2008 - 06:54

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

For further clarification a one party state means that only one party involved in the phone conversation need be aware of and grant consent to the recording of said call. If you are the one speaking to them then you can grant your own consent while the other party need not be aware of it.


Submitted by JCEMT on Sat, 04/19/2008 - 12:44

( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

Sound a lot like the infamous Bass & Associates in Florida, with several lawsuits and the Attorney General's Office inquiry. They then moved to Georgia, don't know the name they used there. Extreme scare tacticts, never known anyone to post that they followed through


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 08:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This people are very rude, they called me at home and on the job. I told Ms. Roman (name given to me) that I didn't like the way she addressed me then she hung up. Rude


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 09:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

they actually sent me an email [email][/email] now what reputable business do you know has a yahoo address. I responded by letting them know that I have already reported them to my State's Attorney Generals office as well as the FCC I also let them know that the address that they provided is to a strip mall to a beauty supply store, Mr. Winston Law can kiss my debt and my ass!!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 19:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a call from the yesterday and she told me I was going to be embarassed at work and she hoped I couldn't pay by her deadline, when I asked questions she hung up, I called back and spoke to her again and she told me that because I was asking her questions I was being difficult. I was home sick and she really shook me up, I almost paid them until I thought about it. This woman is a demon spawn fromt he 9th level of hell. The funny part is she doesn't know where I work... AND I have already paid this debt to another agency. She gave me a Bank of America account number and told me to fax my receipt to her. She also told me if I wanted to turn myself in to have the police call her when I got there. She refused to give me any information on who the client was or anything like that. I'm going to fax them and advise them to stop all contact except in writing and give them the number to a Consumer Protection Attorney I'm acquainted with.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 06:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I think harassment, including threats of any kind, should be a felony, and those making said threats should be charged. Extortion comes to mind. I think calling a person at one's job should be illegal, too. There might be a chance the boss will get mad and fire that person, then that person won't have money to pay the debt. Except for decent, legit bill collectors, the rest are lowest form of scum on the earth. But until people demand the laws be changed, these horror stories will continue. (I think those bad bill collectors should be horsewhipped)


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 06:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Welcome to the community Mom of 6.
At this point I would suggest sending them a debt validation letter. You can find a good template for one via my signature link, be sure to send the enclosure with it, certified mail/return receipt requested. This includes with it the written request to cease communication aside from USPS as required under the fdcpa. Until they provide validation they must cease all collection activity including reporting on your credit report.

Additionally what she told you in regards to the police, embarrassing you at your job (mainly) are violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and does give you cause for civil action if you wish to pursue it.


Submitted by JCEMT on Fri, 06/06/2008 - 06:47

( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

You could at least get them back for $1,000 via civil suit for violation of the fdcpa. Since the funds were obtained illegally, not only under violation of the FDCPA but through a method that would be considered extortion you may even be able to make them pay you back.


Submitted by JCEMT on Wed, 06/11/2008 - 15:06

( Posts: 2934 | Credits: )

you shouldnt regret the fact that you paid off your pdl, thses people relly helped me. i can care less what they say & what they think they can do.. but TRUTHFULLY i know what i did & i took care of it & that should be that


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/11/2008 - 19:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FYI...Spellman & Roman is just the latest incarnation of the Jacksonville-based Crosby/Bass/States Predisposition scam. (Note: States Predisposition maintains a UPS Store mailbox in Georgia but is really running out of Jacksonville and shares the same office address with Bass in Jacksonville.)

Be sure to report them to the Florida Attorney General, the Federal Trade Commission, your state's attorney general, your local police and the FBI. For more information about these crooks, go to 800Notes and run a report on these phone numbers:


Hope this helps.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 11:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Spellman & Roman is the latest phony front of the Jacksonville, FL-based Bass/States Predisposition scam. They're not a law firm nor are they a legitimate debt collection agency.

Remember: no debt collector, let alone crooks posing as a debt collector, has the authority to have anyone arrested for anything. Pay them nothing, ignore their illegal threats and report them to federal and state law enforcement. For more details, search the phone number 888-441-4001 on and look for my messages. Hope this helps.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 10:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Man, I cant believe I found you guys. I too am having the same problem with these people. I filed a compaint with the FTC, so, now what else do I do? We did send those people $650.00, and now I am affraid I wont get it back. They scared us with threats of arrest, fines, jail time, having a name it, they threatend...

some advice is really needed.. email me at (e-mail deleted for your protection - Suebee)


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 07/02/2008 - 13:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

sorry about what happened lina,if you have any address on
these bottomfeeders i would consider a lawsuit.if not i would
just remember this experience and never ever pay a debt
because some thick accented doofus or a witch threatens you.
you now know they can't do anything except call and be stupid
with there threats.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 07/02/2008 - 14:05

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I feel like such an idiot. Yesterday I received a call from a woman by the name of Delores Miller and she threatened me on my cell voicemail as well as over the phone. The message on my voice mail also said: "You have been noted as a key element in an investigation of fraud." I called her back and she stated that her records show I spoke to one of her colleagues Winston Law in the past and she wanted to give me one more chance before signing off on my account for court tomorrow 07/10/2008. She also said Winston Law was no longer at the firm. Delores told the client wanted a judgement against me for $1300.00 on a $200.00 payday loan. I advised her I never took a payday loan from these people NetCash and didn't know what they were talking about, which is the reason I never called Winston back 3 months ago. I was provided with a fax from Spellman and Roman, crossed referenced it with my bank statement in March 2006 and low and behold there was a deposit for $200.00 like they said. I don't know how this could have happened to me. Normally I am up on banking but this one took me for a loop. Needless to say, I was a sucker and paid the $150.00 yesterday to the Bank of America and faxed them the receipt. Now, I am wondering if I can just pay back the $200.00 with no fees and this be over. Did I mention their phones are disconnected today. I think I forgot that part.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/10/2008 - 10:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

These people are very rude. I asked them not to call me at work and they agreed. They left messages on my home phone and turned around and called me at work. They refuse to give a mailing address. They only want a payment over the phone.

How can I go about reporting them?



Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 08:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is an actual cut and paste of the letter I sent them. It does have info in it from some research I have done, and some interesting background on them. Once I sent them this, they suddenly stopped calling, emailing, etc. I have not heard a peep from them since!

Here is the letter (with my personal information X'd out):

To the offices of D.C. Miller, Spellman & Roman, or whichever company name you are using right now:

I received an email from your offices on July 29th, 2008, which stated that I have 30 days to dispute in writing. I am exercising my rights under the fdcpa to request documentation of the original debt, the original creditor, their contact information and any and all fees incurred on the debt since it's incurement.

Legally, under the FDCPA, you were required to send me this documentation within 5 days of our first contact, which was on July 17th. The documentation is to be sent via USPS mail. This is my 18th request for written documentation via mail. I have given you my current address many time, but in case you misplaced it, here it is again: P.O. Box (XXXXX), Reno, NV (XXXXX).

Furthermore, under my rights in the FDCPA, I am notifying you to cease and desist calling my home phone, cell phone, employer and third parties. Legally you may only contact a 3rd party one time to request my contact information, and you may not reveal the purpose for the call or identify yourself as a credit collector to a third party; to date you have contacted 3rd parties regarding this issue a total of 32 times and have disclosed personal information and threats to the 3rd parties each time. This is clearly operating outside of legal parameters.

I have attempted 3 times to send a written dispute to the address you provided on your email, and 3 times I have received the mail back advising me the address is a "vacant" address. Further research into the address shows that it is an unoccupied storage facility. I checked for nearby addresses to see if there was possibly a "typo" in the address on your email, however, the State of South Carolina does not have a legal operating company by the name of Spellman & Roman...not in Moncks Corner or any other part of the state.

Your representatives going by the names of Lewis Steadman, Winston Law and D.C. Miller have continuously called me, harassing me and threatening me. The woman calling herself "D.C. Miller" has even made threats to my employer (saying they will cause a disturbance at my place of employment) and made a threat against my life (saying that she was going home but I would never even make it home). All of the above parties have threatened me multiple times with imprisonment, which is also illegal under the FDCPA.

On multiple calls, your representatives identify the company as the "Law Offices Of...", which is also illegal to falsely represent yourself as a law office when you are in fact not. Given that you are not actually any sort of law office; and given your multiple violations of the FDCPA; I realize now that you may full well not be familiar with or even understand the FDCPA. I would suggest to you that retain some actual legal counsel to assist you with this lack of knowledge.

In researching the debt, I have found that Ashland Funding "sold" the alleged debt to iCollect, who then "sold" it to you. However, no one is able to provide me any documentation that this is a legitimate debt, or original documents. You agents advised me that if I didn't pay the money via cash or a pre-paid Visa card, they would contact Ashland and tell them to collect upon the debt, however, after speaking with Ashland, they informed me that they no longer have anything to do with this matter as it was "sold", and then they advised me not to do business of any kind with your company.

Because your company has illegally extorted $1000 from me through threats of violence & imprisonment utilizing a bank account with Bank Of America, I have gone to Bank of America and notified them of the actions. They have had me fill out statements for their corporate securities division to investigate the fraud and extortion.

I have also begun filing complaints with the FBI, FTC, BBB, State Attorney General for South Carolina and the State Attorney General for Florida (where I traced your company to), Homeland Security Financial Division, and my local law enforcement. I am currently in the process of retaining an attorney to seek a suit against your company for damages, attorney fees and the original extortion amount of $1000, which by the way is a felony.

I have found many, many victims of your extortion and fraud, and we are collectively attempting to put together a class action lawsuit against not only your company, but to seek civil suit against those employees that have threatened physical violence against the victims.

The following two links go directly to sites where hundreds of victims describe the abuse they have received from your company, so you can see these for yourself:

(I pasted the links here)

Please provide me the written documentation of the validity of this debt immediately via United States Postal mail.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/15/2008 - 09:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i cant belive that people would take the time to fill out these "payday loans" and want to take a buisness down for collecting on a debt, that i havent seen on here that anyone has fessed up to. but want to call the FTC, FBI, BBB, and ETC. about how people are collecting. honestly. why dont people stop being so noisey and put back atleast what you borrowed, stop causing more drama to the attorneys that probaly have something better else to do instead of helping dumb broke people that are in debt! face the reality! you are trying to find away NOT to spend your hard earn money but take time to sit at the computer and complain! im actually, practicing in law my 1st year and interning in texas, the law office i work for gets a call about f.d.c.p.a and the attorney said that "why do people put themselves in stupid situations?" and told the man and his daughter that was being threatened to just pay off the debt that she originally borrowed. make this easy for yourself(s) pay what you owe and dont waste other peopls time.



Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 18:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My situation was NOT supposedly over a payday loan...they got all my private info from the payday loan place (which was paid in full back in 2005), and then called me trying to tell me a medical bill from 2007 hadn't been paid by my insurance, and that I was now responsible for the balance. When I asked for documentation, they refused and when I said I needed time to contact the insurance company to find out what happened, they started threatening me. We had some issues with the insurance company in the past not paying bills, so I thought it could be like a fool I went ahead and paid $1000 to them and THEN contacted the original hospital. Only then did I find out that the hospital had indeed been paid by the insurance, they had never sent anything to collections and I was out $1000 bucks! To make matters worse, they (Spellman & Roman) tried calling and demanding even more money AFTER they got the $1000 fraudulently! (I guess they figured if they had gotten it out of me once, they could do it again.)

I agree that if you took out a loan of any kind, you are responsible to pay it. I paid for mine, interest and all. The issue now is that some of these loan places are selling people's private information to unscrupulous entities. If anyone on here has an outstanding payday loan, as a responsible adult you should pay your debt...but you may want to ask for the original creditor's contact information to pay them directly instead of dealing with someone who thinks they can operate outside of the law.

Bottom line...if you owe it-find a way to pay it...but if you truthfully don't think you owe it-do your homework!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 22:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey LawStudent79-

You can't punctuate, capitalize or even spell? And you are a law student??? I'm not sure that you are a shining star for the legal profession...LOL Not too mention that as a law student, you should understand the concept of following LEGAL collection procedures, right? Or are you preparing to be one of those lawyers who likes to operate illegally?

Or, perhaps, are you an actual representative of the bogus "Law Offices of Spellman & Roman"? Inquiring minds want to know!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 22:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 10:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I think they are calling me again, but this time they called from 877-836-0073. I Googled this phone # and references to Spellman & Roman popped up. Huh! I went onto Bud Hibbs' website and read what someone wrote about Spellman & Roman. Same scare & threat tactics as I got back in April '08, I cannot believe that the company keeps morphing into other companies when the old one gets shut down.
One person researched the company's DBA's and the current list is: State Predisposition, Jacksonville Law, Offices of Winston Law, Offices of Sydney Roman, Law Offices of D.C. Miller, Bass Associates and Spellman and Roman...all name changes within the last 6 months!!!


Submitted by BethMinOH on Mon, 08/25/2008 - 08:41

( Posts: 97 | Credits: )

I received several calls yesterday from Ms. Spellman. I actually dealt with this same problem March 2008. At which time I paid them $364.90. Now almost 6 months later they call me back, claiming to be another law firm with the same name. They say the previous law firm did not collect all the fees I owed and that the case has been turned over to them. She states that Net.Cash made 3 deposits into my account @ $100 totaling $300 and that I am responsible for each deposit separately. Because of the 3 deposits, which were done back - to - back, all on the same day, I am being charged with 3 pay day loans instead of 1. The payment I made in March was to pay off 1 loan and partial payment of a second loan. She stated that she was currently speaking with the State to work something out for me because of the previous payment. After putting me on hold several times, she said they would not agree to anything and that the charges against me would the same as bank robbery. She then called back and asked me for $100 and said she was doing everything in her power to help me. She asked if knew how serious bank robbery is and how being charged with charges such as that could impact my life. Later I received a called from a gentleman in her office. Asking if I had spoke to her, I said yes and asked why. He said he only maked the calls and that she had noted anything in the system and apologized.
Is Ms. Spellman and her people legitimate or what?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 08:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Wow....they're claiming you have committed a Federal Crime. It should be the FBI knocking on your door and not the local police. They wouldn't give you the courtesy of a phone call in advance though. Can you record these calls. I would and then forward that information to the FBI, your AG, their AG and the FTC. Does this person speak with a heavy Indian accent?


Submitted by NASCAR_Devil on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 08:24

( Posts: 4671 | Credits: )

No she doesn't speak with an accent. But get this, she called back again asking me about another loan. When I told her that I did not owe this company or anyone else. Hold on and let me speak with the State, she says. Come back to the phone and directs her conversation back to the previous loan. Unbelievable.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 12:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You should tell them that you also have the state on the other line and would they like to have a 3 way call - LOL...I wouldn't even waste my time answering their telephone calls and I sure wouldn't pay them a dime...

I had a girl ask me for the California AG telephone number and I gladly gave it to her and told her exactly who she could speak with...never heard from her since..


Submitted by ksando44 on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 12:13

( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

Today I received another call giving me the Bank of America information. Only difference is today her name is Sydney Roman instead of Sydney Spellman. Does she change her name on a daily basis? She was so nice today. Explaining how she has held this for me, hoping I could take care of it. Is this woman legit or not? She claim to only be looking out for my interest. Did she really expect me to fall for what she was saying?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 13:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just a heads-up...many of you won't be surprised to learn that "LawStudent79" recently posted messages on 800Notes in defense of the SpellmanRoman/Bass/StatesPredisposition scam. Needless to say, it's someone who's affiliated with the scam.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 13:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a phone call at work today threatening me and saying that if I didn't pay a final $250.00 on a payday loan (that I had learned my lesson on that was paid off in 2006) by midday that they would be sending somebody out to pick me up because I was a person of interest and I was going to get picked up by my counties Sheriff Dept. and questioned about said loan. This lady made it sound like she was working for my state and was trying to avoid me being locked up if I would settle this debt.. So she gave me a Bank of America account number for a Spellman & Roman Co. and I was to have the money placed in the bank by 12 noon and it was already 9 am or I would be picked up at my place of work. I instantly got scared knowing that I paid this loan off so I called around and even talked to a police officer friend of mine and I was told to calm down and forget about it that it was just a tactic these companies use to get their money in which federally it is Illegal for them to do. I then got back on the phone and called this lady back and asked her just who was she working for and she said don't worry about it that she was doing me a favor keeping my out of jail on bank fraud charges. So i told her my lawyer would be calling her whom i talked to prior and she got mad and said she was sending her people up to my county to pick me up so i told her to send them to the firehouse where i worked. I called my States attoney general and advised them what happened and he in turn gave me a number for the Maryland State debt Investigations so I called this lady and she took all my info and told me that it was against the law to give out pay day loans in Maryland and basically I could have cut the first payment off with my bank and kept the money since it was illegal in Maryland and there would be nothing they could do about it. So I was told that I was not to pay them back because they can't even prosecute their loss in a stae where it is illegal to give these loans. This lady in turn was turning all of my information over to the FBI.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 13:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Some of you may like to know that this fraudulant company is still at it! They contacted me yesterday and said they had a pending warrant for my arrest that they would not send in IF I mailed them $600 before noon. I fell for their line and when I got to the agency (they told me to use) to forward the $, the cashier said she would not take any payments for "that" company and proceeded to give me detail on other scams they had heard of. On their suggestion, I completed an internet search, went to my bank and proved the said loan was in fact already paid off and then went to the police department. It is certain that these people really are scam artists BUT it appears they only grow back when shut down. TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/27/2008 - 15:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Wow! What a nice lady to refuse your payment. It is scary to wonder just how many times she saw this happen for her to immediately recognize it and give you all that information. You got -very- lucky...most people fall for it as they get very scared, thinking the things these fraudsters say is legit and they literally scare people into paying. You should report this to your AG, the police, anyone you can think of.


Submitted by goldenbast on Fri, 11/28/2008 - 00:13

( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

This was posted on another website from someone who claims to be a Spellman & Roman rep, and then my response is listed below hers:

As many of you are aware I am a representative from Spellman and Roman. I must admit that I am absolutely APPALLED at some of the posts on this website. Let me explain a few things:

1. Our company is based in Toronto, Ontario (for those of you that don't know that is in Canada...a different country than the United States). Therefore the federal laws in which you all discuss apply to United States, not Canada in which we work.
2. We are a 3rd party collection agency. We obtained these debts and can validate them, but Canadian law does not state that me MUST validate the debt.
3. Pay up and avoid us having to contact you.

Good luck to all!
Caller ID: N/A
Caller: Spellman and Roman

And my response:

Well, Ms. Beatrice Baltimore, thanks for the info!

This still doesn't explain why your company LIES about their location, THREATENS people with imprisonment or violence or DODGES answering any legitimate questions about the alleged "debt".

THIS IS IMPORTANT, PEOPLE...SO MAKE SURE YOU READ HER POST RIGHT ABOVE MINE! If they are located in Canada, think about it...they can't do a darn thing to you legally, much less have you imprisoned! And while Ms. BB says they don't legally have to validate the debt, you as a U.S. citizen don't legally have to pay monies to a foreign country that won't comply with US regulations!

Thanks very much Ms. basically just shot yourselves in the we know for sure you are not a threat! Be smart everyone: if you incurred the debt, go back and pay it off to the original debtor instead of these crooks who are intentionally trying to dodge U.S. Law. Think about this: if they don't legally have to validate the debt, then is it possible they don't legally have to tell anyone you paid them? They can just take the money and run!

If you owe it, pay it with the original debtor and if you don't, tell these sheisters to go to hell and hang up on them.
Caller ID: 1-877-627-0413
Caller: Spellman & Roman


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 12/07/2008 - 19:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is just me, but if someone from another country is threatening US citizens with violence, imprisonment, harm to their home and/or employer, etc.--isn't that called TERRORISM???


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 12/07/2008 - 19:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I've been sending payments to a Bank of America account in the name of Spellman & Roman in South Carolina. However, they seem to have hired a third party with an 877 phone number. This third party is claiming that their client will come after me for FRAUD (of all things) for using my employer's computer equipment to access the internet regarding deposits and/or withdrawals to my checking accounting. I'm a little confused as to who their client really is! I was under the impression that it was Wachovia, and that this Spellman & Roman were retained by them as counsel. After reading these postings, though, I'm starting to think THEY'RE THE ONES COMMITTING FRAUD. I don't dispute a debt owed by me to Wachovia, but I'm just slightly leary of the threat they've made to come after my employer as well as me because I used their computer system. In fact, after speaking with an attorney here, I'm getting the distinct impression that these guys are slimy!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/02/2009 - 13:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

to ummmm what?you are right.this clown just made veiled terrorist threats.secondly thanks for being super can a bunch of canucks have U.S. citizens arrested.i might just forward your post canuck to a friend.lastly i'm encouraging everyone to slam the phone down from now on when someone from your moronic company calls.from canada,you are a beyond evil and stupid person if you thought that posting that was going to do anything,but get you was an eye opener though.they are in canada everyone.just ignore them if they call.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 01/02/2009 - 14:33

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I also had these people call me her name was Stephanie and no last name, she said she worked for a Laney Bryant, and i paid them $159.90 and i still owe $319.90, said this was a fraudulent case, and if i did not pay i would go to jail and possibly loose everything i own, i was so scared, i had filed chapter 7 in september of 05 on the company they want money on, i told them i had filed bankruptcy and said this was not with the bankruptcy and if i don't pay i will be prosecuted and going to jail, in the next 20 minutes if i don't pay the money i can go to jail. So what do i need to do, i need help here, i am just a normal person with a problem.



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 11:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

so this debt was discharged in BK in 2005?if so contact your BK lawyer.confirm this.if it was discharged,then tell this bottomfeeder to FOAD.they can't have you arrested for owing a debt.especially one discharged in BK.the only one who can be arrested is her for collecting on a discharged debt.again,you will not be arrested.check with your BK lawyer and the trustee to confirm this was discharged.then go from not talk this pig again.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 13:31

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

This is my story about them--

2/4/09- 9:45 am- Received an urgent voice mail from Mr. Rowe at (843-243-7057) stating that there was an urgent legal matter that I need to call him and left me the number above.

10:00am- Called number above back and spoke to Kathryn Schorestein she said she was with 1st Patriot Bank, and that her client had purchased a payday loan. That I had supposedly not paid from Arrowhead Investments in 2006. She said she was giving me a courtesy call so that when the police came to arrest me that I wouldn't be embarrassed. I felt threatened and was upset so I gave her a payment for $763.90 she gave me a confirmation number of 039442. She then said she would send an exoneration letter showing the debt paid in full and I would not be picked up by the police.

10:40am- called Ms. Schorestein back and asked her the name of the bank and she said 1st Patriot Bank, the exoneration letter showed S&R Business Practices at 405 Corner Circle, Moncks Corner, SC 29461.

I then checked and looked up both 1st Patriot and S&R neither were showing in Moncks Corner, SC. I reversed searched the phone number and it showed a land line and not under S&R or 1st Patriot.

Then I called Arrowhead Investments at 866-355-7308, they said the debt was sold to ICollect, they gave me the number 866-856-1024 for ICollect. I called ICollect and the number said the mailbox was full and hung up on me. I then check ICollect on Better Business Bureau at and found that ICollect was no longer in business.

I then called Berkeley County, SC at 843-719-4234 and was told their was no 1st Patriot Bank or S&R in Moncks Corner, SC.

They transferred me to the tax assessor who said the address at 405 Corner Square was in a shopping center and suggested I talked to Moncks Corner Township at 843-719-7900.

I called Moncks Corner Township and they verified their was no S&R Business of 1st Patriot Bank in Moncks Corner. They suggested I speak with the police in Moncks Corner.
I spoke to Lieutenant Roach at 843-719-7959 and was told that he had received 4-5 other calls in the same situation as mine. I gave him the information that I had and he suggested that I call my Credit Union Quorum to cancel my check card. I called Quorum at 1:45pm on 2/4.

2/6 10:30 am-The funds had not gone through on the account but were still authorized. I called Quorum and spoke to Dalya at ext 3326, she spoke to her supervisor and they both assured me that there was no way the funds could possibly go through. She said there was a possibility that a $35 fee might be charged and to call her extension to she would have it reversed.

2/6- 9:30pm checked account on line at and saw that the funds had gone through the account.- will be calling Quorum in the morning of 2/7 to file a fraud claim.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 15:47

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