Regent Asset Management Solutions - Does this CA really scam you?
Date: Tue, 06/16/2009 - 17:54
Regent Asset Management Solutions - Does this CA really scam you?
Ok it appears to be a different company. It looks as though RAM
Ok it appears to be a different company. It looks as though RAM has no license to practice business in my state. That will be a nice point to bring up next time they harass me.
ok, I have to post here about this company. I am an Employer, an
ok, I have to post here about this company. I am an Employer, and have these leeches calling my office daily about an employee. How do I stop it! It is effecting my other employers and creating issues with work accomplishment. HELP!
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousGot a letter from these peop
Originally Posted by Anonymous Got a letter from these people from an old U S Bank account. I'm in the military in Afghanistan. So they call my mother constantly. Telling her the bill that started out being 500.00 is now 2494.95. With all there Lawyer fees this fee that fee, but will settle for 1746.47 if I pay 14 days from the date of the letter. Also told mom NO CHECKS has to be debit card or credit card. Said if I didn't paid I would lose rank they would attach my account, Take me to court. They keep saying they are a lawyer firm. Since I can"t be there to handle this myself (I THINK ILL LET MAMA HANDLE THIS ONE ) He Doesn't know whats gunna hit him! |
Use the JAG attached to your states military dept. There is a law that covers this kind of harrassment and your JAG will be very interested to handle the complaint from your mom and let me tell you that JAG does not like individuals or companies that threaten enlisted men and women or their family members. they will handle this and your mom will not have to deal with the calls and harrassment again! Tell her if they call again to refer them to JAG and the soldier sailer act. So sorry you have to deal with this and deployment. I am sorry your mom has to deal with this and hope it is resolved quickly. Thank you for your service God Bless you and your comrades. stay strong come home soon.
My experience with Regent Assest Management is simply this, they
My experience with Regent Assest Management is simply this, they are rude and have been threatening me with an old account which has been charged off, years ago, also numerous employees with the company have called me, told me to shut up and two of their represenatives hung up in my face.
They are some very unethical people.
Wow what a company... In June I got a call from jackie jackson w
Wow what a company... In June I got a call from jackie jackson which is a collector for regent. She broke several laws, such as abusive talk threatening to sue and garnish my wages, she misrepresented herself (thought the way she talked the collection agency was owned by this lawyer), I was cursed at and she for real dog talked me, amongst many other things. I really was doubting myself and the fact that I had paid my debt... She had me so upset I had to leave work, and as a sufferer of PTSD, I can't deal with that type of stress. I called her back later on in the day to get my account info so I could personally contact the OC, She gave me some bogus id number. I made a remark to her about the obvious mood change, how funny when she thought I was going to pay up how sweet she was!!! Well I never got a VD letter, no threatening letter... absolutely nothing. It has been 2 1/2 months now and they have just started again. I told them I would report my correct current address to them by mail, they insisted I was refusing to update information... I insisted he had a small hearing impairment and little man syndrome to boot! He not once informed me that he was a debt collector, or the legal spill they are supposed to tell you, only that his name was Mr. Adams, he wouldn't give me an employee number, an extension or his personal line... or his first name!! lol He then informed me he was referring me to the "Law Offices of Jerry Bowlin" .... But the first Lawyer was Carruthers... hmmmm, so I checked out this jerry bowlin, I couldn't find him in the american Bar Association, But did find a website for him here he is a realestate lawyer... Then yesterday I had someone actually call here from ky, with a Frankfort number... when I looked that number up it comes back to "Level 3 Communications" So if this is another company, have they given my info to a third party??
How can we get them?
Regent Collections.
Where can I get a detailed "How to" on how to go after these guys?
I have the same story as everyone else: US Bank, Rude, threatening etc....
I want them to be hurt.
Maybe if we all got together and started clogging their phone lines it would be a little funny?
I talked to "Lauren" 877-591-7651 she said her boss was Adam or something Adams and would not give me any info regarding their company.
I wish I would have looked here first, they convinced me to make
I wish I would have looked here first, they convinced me to make 2 $450 payments to clear an old US Bank account, I have made one, but I'll be god dammed if they are getting the second!
employee at regent
Originally Posted by Anonymous I wish I would have looked here first, they convinced me to make 2 $450 payments to clear an old US Bank account, I have made one, but I'll be god dammed if they are getting the second! |
i work there and yes you did make a pymt for $450 on 9/17 they gave you a settlement to reduce paying off your acct... you have anthoer pymt pending for 10/16 and if that pymt does come back, their will be no more settlemt offer to you and the acct will be forward out for litigation process to our attorney D.Scott Carruthers
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousi work there and yes you did
Originally Posted by Anonymous i work there and yes you did make a pymt for $450 on 9/17 they gave you a settlement to reduce paying off your acct... you have anthoer pymt pending for 10/16 and if that pymt does come back, their will be no more settlemt offer to you and the acct will be forward out for litigation process to our attorney D.Scott Carruthers |
yeah,yeah.sure, you idiots have ever sued anybody.i will look up mr.carruthers to see if they are really an attorney on retainer by you.
your attorney isn't licensed in most states and likes to break t
your attorney isn't licensed in most states and likes to break the law as well.alot of complaints and DV letters that result on no-action on his part.there is even a question of whether this person has a license to practice law.that's what i expected from a bottomfeeder like yours.
to matthew power!! lmao
[QUOTE=Anonymous;759190]i work there and yes you did make a pymt for $450 on 9/17 they gave you a settlement to reduce paying off your acct... you have anthoer pymt pending for 10/16 and if that pymt does come back, their will be no more settlemt offer to you and the acct will be forward out for litigation process to our attorney D.Scott Carruthers[/
tisk tisk declined payment and no settlement jinxed your self now didnt you
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymouslaughs is an idiot.typical b
Originally Posted by Anonymous laughs is an idiot.typical bottomfeeder. |
and works for RAMS!!!!!
Received a call from Regent Call Center in Kansas just awhile ag
Received a call from Regent Call Center in Kansas just awhile ago. I reqeusted a validation of debt, verified my address only, and then hung up. Individual called back - both time using bogus numbers - stating that I refused to cooperate with Regent, and it would proceed with legal recourse. Well, after reading all these entries, I am glad I hung up...if Regent wants to correspond with me, it has the right address, and it can do so IN WRITING. I absolutely will not discuss payment arrangements until I can verify debt, and all dealings will be writing (another entry made a specific point of getting everything in writing). And, of course, the individual was rude and threatening about taking me to court.
They are a bunch of thieves! Never send them money! Ignore the c
They are a bunch of thieves! Never send them money! Ignore the calls or report them! I reported them! They have been calling our cell phone and even used the wrong name of the person they think they were contacting. I called them 3 times and they hustled me off the phone so I called back and told them they were going to be reported after I asked what company they were! Those people should get honest jobs!!!
iv noticed from most of these reports that thier only talking ab
iv noticed from most of these reports that thier only talking about old bank acounts that twere opened from US bank. wonder why they are only able to get thier informationn on acounts from US bank???
this company is a total scam do not believe anything they tell y
this company is a total scam do not believe anything they tell you. I have reported them to US bank as well as the local police who in turn has referred this to the FBI once i showed them all of the messages on this board and BBB website
Well like a broken record. These people also claim that I had ac
Well like a broken record. These people also claim that I had account with US Bank. They refuse to send me any info statement this.(I requested it certified mail). They claim that United Credit buys accounts from US Bank that are owed upon. Regent in turn collects on these accounts. The supposed acct. with US Bank is supposedly closed because United Credit buys these accts. Hopefully this info helps.
Go to fair debt collections act on the internet. They can help y
Go to fair debt collections act on the internet. They can help you stop the calls and find an lawyer to fight for you at no cost. Good Luck
People will do and say anything out of ignorance. People will al
People will do and say anything out of ignorance. People will also try to get out of paying a debt. By law only one letter is required to be sent to the debtor. That is the charge off notice to which they get when the debt is charged off. Because an amount is charged off, it does not mean that it has gone away and disappeared from your life. It is still legit and meant to be paid. What is misunderstood is interest it adds up over time, you signed your name acknowledging INTEREST. You know when you sign your name to anything there are expectations and consequences. Just because you don't like it, does not mean that is fraud, or ID theft, or harassment. We all sign our name to the dotted line and have the same expectations and consequences from banks, mortgage companies, retail stores....ect. Stop being a deadbeat, and pay your bills.
ahh i see anon the idiot is back.couldn't resist posting stupidi
ahh i see anon the idiot is back.couldn't resist posting stupidity could you.because that is what that is total stupidity.back to the phones maybe someone who hasn't been on here,or other sites like this will just pay you,but not if they frequent here.
let me actually go over anon's points to really make them look bad.
1)the next time this bunch of crooks sends anything in the mail will be the first time.
2)the interest point is laughable as since this is a JDB pile of scuzz you are not allowed to charge interest.
3)the lawyer scott caruthers is barely licensed to practice in the state he's based in,and would have as much chance as ice in august trying to litigate elsewhere.
4)speaking of deadbeats alot of idiots who work for slime like this have money issues that make us look like daddy warbucks.
so there you have it.
A. by law a 30, 60 , 90 day notice is sent as a courtesy when a
A. by law a 30, 60 , 90 day notice is sent as a courtesy when a debt is delinquent. By law, only one notice is to be sent (to the address on record) to notify of a charge off. You signed it, in the contract, it is noted, it is the consumers responsibility to notify to any address changes. Makes you bad if you did not receive it.
B. the idiots that you are condemning, are the representatives to the litigation process. They make the recommendation as to where the debt shall go. If you have a small debt, you are lucky, if it is large, YOU ARE SCREWED. $$$$$$ They have to feed their kids too.
C. the agents who you dog, bonus off your debt. Once again, they are the one making the recommendations, the more you piss them off, the more of a target you have on your account.
D. it is illegal to suggest anything other than the truth. All collection agencies litigate, the lawyers who represent them, don't advertise, so....they pick the lowest legal representation to "represent" the company. SEE?
E. Pay your debt.
OH, and F. One of the first things any collection agency does is
OH, and F. One of the first things any collection agency does is check to see if any prospective associates has debt with any of the clients. If so, they are then asked the same questions as any other person who has an outstanding debt. They are then updated in the system, and told to pay off the debt. Considering that most collection agencies have at least 100 to 200 to 1000 associates representing client accounts, your "perception" is kind of offbase.
So I got my call today.... Little do they know my job is collec
So I got my call today.... Little do they know my job is collections.. I know the Fair Debt Collections Act inside and out.. Yelling, threatening and calling me names does not scare me. Hanging up on me does not bother me.. Take me to court I would love to see you in person there.. I do not owe US Bank money and I never have... The only information this "Company" could provide that was correct was a job I had ten years ago.. They are a scam do not send them money!!! They will soon be shut down.. They are being investigated.. For all the "employees" of this company get a real job..
I see my post got deleted. I thank you for your thoughts Paul Me
I see my post got deleted. I thank you for your thoughts Paul Mergel from IL.
btw i just go on about two minutes ago,and haven't been on all w
btw i just go on about two minutes ago,and haven't been on all weekend another stupid post from you got deleted by another MOD.big deal!!!!!!!!!!you are a humanoid who works for this piece of garbage,and have contributed nothing to the topic thus far.don't throw accusations that have no grounds here.i know it's how you roll at regent,but not on this site.btw i edited on of your stupid post because of the profanity.that is against the TOS(terms of service)while cussing and profanity is allowed and encouraged at RAM it is not allowed here.more than likely why another MOD deleted your post.
[COLOR=black]Paul, [/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Seriously, if you are
[COLOR=black]Paul, [/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Seriously, if you are going to try and thrash a company, use proper grammar man, come on. It is not hard to capitalize, spell check and insert a period or comma here and there. This is a legitimate company, backed by legitimate attorney's, with legitimate recourse for collecting an account which is not being paid on a voluntary basis, as all collection agency???s do. If they choose to do so, it is entirely on that given agency. Getting on here and taking a completely uneducated approach to the topic, and deleting posts that make sense both legally and logically is about as useful is an ashtray on a motorcycle.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Speak to a branch manager when you go to US Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc and they will inform you of the existence of this company. Do not just go to a regular teller, and expect them to know more than how to work a register. More than one person has been pointed in the direction of RAMS or other agencies by a bank associate. Not only do they report to check systems, but they also report to the major credit bureaus. Surely if they were non existent, numerous people would be able to open an account without paying RAMS off first right? [/COLOR]
[SIZE=3]I have zero problem sitting on here and talking with anyone like a rationale adult. Many people inside a collections office are just trying to make money to feed their families, so how does that make them different than a car salesman, door to door salesman, office workers, and surely it sets them above the unemployed, right? With this rough economy, which has been significantly effected by individual???s unpaid debts, resulting in the banks bailout, a person with a job is damn lucky! They make calls to people because they took money, broke a contract, and never made up for it. If it is not you they???re after, get your number out and move on with your life. [/SIZE]
If you had a bad experience with a collector, get their over-seeing manager. You will eventually land on one or two grumpy ones; keep in mind you have a pool of 50-1000 to land on, and each one will take a different approach. Also, getting tied up in this BBB rating of an F is obscene. Would you expect any collection agency to have a rating over that? No one likes paying their bills, and you can bet they will not get on here and praise a collection agency when they do.
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okay,enough.someone who's spelling and usage are on par with a 2 yr olds shouldn't be throwing rocks.because it's trash,not thrash.also those banks know of you because they sell their junk debt to you.this thread is closed.buh-bye stupid.