Regent Asset Management Solutions - Does this CA really scam you?
Date: Tue, 06/16/2009 - 17:54
Regent Asset Management Solutions - Does this CA really scam you?
The funniest thing about coming on here is reading about everyon
The funniest thing about coming on here is reading about everyone that complains about collection agencies but don't pay their bills to start, if you paid your bills and handled your business none of this would happen.
I am disgusted by this company and am now experiencing anxiety a
I am disgusted by this company and am now experiencing anxiety attacks over this. It all started on 9/24/09 when I received a call from a man named George with an attorney firm stating that as of 2007 there was a balance with US Bank in the amount of $1977.20. He stated that a letter was sent 15 days ago to my current address. I stated that I never received the letter and I am the only one with a key to my mailbox. I live in an appartment complex and always receive neighbors mail and I receive theirs. George then told me that they are going to file court paperwork on October 8th. I asked for the detailed account information and he stated that I could obtain it in court. I stated that if I am disputing charges, legally they are required to provide me with the account information, he stated I would need to contact US Bank because he was not going to do the work for me. I stated that he has to understand that after 2 years I receive a phone call stating that money is owed, any person would question this. I was told that Regent Asset Mgmt was his client. I was finally, after much loud arguing while I was at work, able to get the number for Regent from George. I called Regent and spoke with Jonathan Hayes, whom was extremely flirty. He stated that the best he could do was settle for $1500.00. He specifically stated to reach into my left shoe and pull out $500.00, reach into my right shoe and pull out $500.00, and hit up my man for another $500.00. Who could possibly be so unprofessional? I basically told Jonathan that I currently already had a wage garnishment so there was nothing I could do at this time. He stated that George would probably file the paperwork for a wage garnishment within the next couple of days.
On 10/23/09 I contacted Regent again and spoke with Dennis Ross. We set up a payment plan, only in fear of this reflecting on my credit report, for $80.00 every other week until the end of the year. They would call me back after the end of the year to see if we could increase the payments. I received a letter from Dennis stating that I had 30 days to dispute it, which I did by fax and mail.
January 2010 Received a call from the attorney's office again. Called back and spoke with Sheila. Sheila stated that I should have never been paying Regent, I should have been paying the attorney's office. She stated she would call me back. Received a call back and per Sheila, I am to be paying them. Fine. Whatever. Told her that I had disputed Regent's letter and haven't received a response. I only authorized Regent to take money out until the end of December. Set up same payment plan with Sheila. Went to US Bank, no branch manager available. Employees could not give any information. One lady stated to another employee that he would have to help me because she needs to go to lunch or she will be penalized.
01/15/10 Noticed on my bank account that $80.00 was charged to my bank account from the one and only Regent Asset. Figured that it had to do with the attorney. Called Sheila on 1/18/10, left a message need to obtain clarrification about charge.
01/20/10 Never a return phone call, noticed that another $80.00 was taken out by the attorney.
I will be going to US Bank tomorrow on my lunch break to dispute everything. This place is a rip off and I will take them to small claims court if they do not provide any information as they are responsible to do according to the FDCPA and will dispute the $80.00 charge from Regent as this was an unauthorized transaction, which is fraud!
Quote:Originally Posted by mandymyri received a call from 866-84
Originally Posted by mandymyr i received a call from 866-847-4539 yesterday with no msg---then again today wth no msg---when i call the number a recording says you have reached the legal department of regent asset managemtn solutions then sayd if you would like to make a payment u can go to a website they list, or there is an option if u have recently been given a garnishment on ur payroll or bank account or u can hold for a rep....anyone know anything about this place....i have nt recieved any letters and have not heard of this comp b4 or been left a msg..... |
I am being contacted regarding a debt from this same company using 877-591-7740, Joe Green. I have requested a copy of the bill on every occassion and have yet to receive the bill. He finally identified the company he claims I owe. I am going to contact them directly and attempt to settle the debt directly with that organization. By law I am allowed a written verification of the debt and 30 days to reach some type of pymt agreement after the 1st attempt to collect the debt.
Regents Asset Mgmt Problems
I have made several attempts to get a copy of the bill they claim I owe and to date no bill. If there is a legitimate debt, I am willing to settle but no bill, no settlement. I have attempted to reach the company they claim they are collecting on behalf of and no response, no bill. Once again no bill, no settlement. I have a Regents number of 877-591-7740. I have now spoken to Joe Green, Andrew Bauman and Velma in the Phoenix call center. I'm now going to contact the AZ State Attorney General.
***** PLEASE READ Re: Regent/Carruthers ***** I'll preface this
***** PLEASE READ Re: Regent/Carruthers *****
I'll preface this post by telling you I am a debt collector, but also a consumer and what these people are doing egregiously violates numerous consumer laws.
Like most of you, in addition to phone calls from Regent, I too, received a letter from D. Scott Carruthers referencing an old checking account (which I settled years ago). The letter states I owe some 1300 dollars, 900 of which is interest. Even if I did owe the debt, this is illegal as the statutory rate for interest on an overdrafted checking account is 6% or less depending on which state you live in. [violation #1-FDCPA 807(2)(A)]
- "The false representation of the character, amount, or legal status of any debt."
The initial notice is from an attorney on his letterhead, but is not signed by the attorney, which is required by law.[violation #2-FDCPA 807(3)]
- "The false representation or implication that any individual is an attorney or that any communication is from an attorney."
"Unless the attorney has in fact reviewed the debtor's file and made a professional judgment that whatever action is threatened is appropriate, and the threatened action has been authorized by the creditor, the use of such letters is a violation of 1692e(3), which prohibits "[t]he false representation or implication that any individual is an attorney or that any communication is from an attorney."
In Clomon v. Jackson, the Second Circuit found that the use of an attorney's name in the letterhead of the debt collector's dunning letter, where the attorney did not review the file, violated the FDCPA.
The initial notice also does not contain the required statement that a consumer has 30 days to dispute any portion of the debt and/or request validation of said debt. [This is a blatant violation of FDCPA 809(a)]
Furthermore, the letter goes on to read "If you have not contacted Regent to discuss this settlement offer within 14 days, I will begin preparing your case for a lawsuit to be filed in XXXX county..." [violation #4-FDCPA 807(4)]
- "The threat to take any action that cannot legally be taken or that is not intended to be taken."
My research indicates this attorney is licensed only in CA and not in my state and therefore cannot directly take ANY legal action. Not to mention the alleged debt is beyond the statute of limitations in my state.
The irony here is that I work for a reputable law firm which lawfully collects on debts and we always conduct ourselves in a professional manner and we strictly adhere to all applicable laws provided to protect the consumer under the FDCPA.
I've been a debt collector for over 10 years and never had any complaints filed against me. These people give my industry a tarnished reputation and should be held accountable for their actions. Frankly I'm ashamed to even acknowledge that they work in the same profession.
So please, if you do owe a debt and a collector attempts to LAWFULLY collect on said debt, I encourage you to work with them. However, low-lifes like these need to be taught a lesson.
Hope this helps.
I just got this letter in the mail from that same lame-o guy Jas
I just got this letter in the mail from that same lame-o guy Jason Davis (fake). Number 1-866-886-7390, I checked my credit and found that this is obviously a scam. Don't call the number and stay away form them trying to scare lonely and well off American's into giving away our money for nothing. F.Y.I, CHECK YOUR CREDIT.. IF IT DON'T SHOW IT DON'T GO..!!
I worked for this company for only a few days and quit , i would
I worked for this company for only a few days and quit , i wouldnt pay them either, nothing but low lifes work there they violate the fdcpa all the time the doors should be closed !!!!
rather than say i would not pay them, i would first demand a deb
rather than say i would not pay them, i would first demand a debt validation. i sincerely doubt that they will validate, so in that case, i would than say do not pay them.
They called this morning form a fake phone number a cell showed
They called this morning form a fake phone number a cell showed upo on my caller ID thought it was a scam cal the number back took 3 calls to get a letter.
received a letter today from this group, addressed to some Start
received a letter today from this group, addressed to some Starte R Group and Associates, at my home address. We're never mentioned in the letter, and based on everything I've read, they're scammers. I just did my credit report and nothing is listed to US Bank, and nothing even rings a bell on that name. I'll write the DV letter and see if anything happens. They're also pretty persistent in calling.
Regent Asset Management Solutions
Regent Asset Management Soulutions is a fraudulent company plain and simple. DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION TO THESE PEOPLE. Maybe contact your local law enforcement agency as well.
I don't understand why so many people assume that they have unpa
I don't understand why so many people assume that they have unpaid debt, rather than assuming (like me) that they *do not* have unpaid debts. First, I delete every message they leave. Second, if they do catch me on the phone, I tell them my name is John Smallberries. U.S. Bank? Never heard of them. Then I told the guy at Regent that *he owes me* $7500, but I'll accept $500. Either that, or just act like your insane or senile. Put them on speaker phone, call some other people over, and see how long you can torment them.
Yes. I believe they are a scam. They are requesting money from m
Yes. I believe they are a scam. They are requesting money from me for a debt I paid in full 5 yrs ago. When you call the number it is either busy for you are on hold for hrs. I have left messages and they won't return my call. Then we get a letter with a Colorad address and a post mark from Las Vegas. Seems strange to me. We have filed a complaint with the Attorney Generals office. Do not pay them!
I've paid them $100 a month for 6 last payment was i
I've paid them $100 a month for 6 last payment was in February. i still owe them $ according to them. They told me to use my tax refund to pay off the remaining balance...they never sent me a statement told me i had this outrageous amount of interest my concern is that they are going to start calling my work again & demand that I pay them w.out me having any statment from them. i do not want to continue paying them $100 a month with out a statement in writing, however, they are charging me daily interest. any suggestions, help, ideas. obivously I am trying to be responsible and pay back my debts, however, I do not want to get taken advantage of either & I am worried this is what's happening!
To the person above.... FIRST thing you should always do BEFORE
To the person above.... FIRST thing you should always do BEFORE you ever send one single payment to a collection agency is to send them a Debt Validation request. By law, they have to show you proof that they have the legal right to collect any debt you owe and are licensed to do so in your state. SECOND thing to do is NEVER just agree to something with them verbally....NEVER! Always get everything in writing before agreeing to any payment plan. It is always best to communicate with them solely in writing and have them do the same. That way everything is documented and they can't do the wacky things that we hear so much about. It is not at all recommended to ever give a collection agency your credit/debit card number. There are countless horror stories about Regent and others, taking out money from peoples account that was never agreed to. Collection agencies by law, have to accommodate all reasonable means of collecting a debt. That means if you don't have a bank account or don't want them to just withdraw funds each month from one, you absolutely have the right pay them with money orders.
Again, always get everything in writing. Never just send payments without any proof of paying....and always when first contacted by a collection agency, send them a Debt Validation request. Outfits like Regent and others are notorious for not following the law with their initial mailings. They, by law. must state in their first contact with you in writing, that you have 30 days to dispute the claim. Regent is a prime example of a company that does not abide by the law. Many times in their first letter to people, they will give you 14 days to pay....a clear violation of the FDCPA.
Good luck and don't let them bully you around. If you owe, pay....if you dispute what they claim....make them prove it.
BBB Report
They are a scam. Do not pay them. According to the BBB they have no affiliation with US Bank.
BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F:
* 57 complaints filed against business
* Failure to respond to 53 complaints filed against business.
* Overall complaint history with BBB.
* BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
* BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
* One complaint filed against business that was not resolved.
According to complaints filed against the business, this company collects on debts that appear to originate with US Bank.
US Bank does not have any dealings with this company. The debts that this company is collecting are unverified and US Bank has no knowledge of them.
hahaha. yeah that would deffinetly make me feel better. these pe
hahaha. yeah that would deffinetly make me feel better. these people have been bothering me for 1 1/2 yrs. i have ignored them until now... doing ym research. dont plan on paying a dime!
Just got call from them and the person was Connie Scott. Boy, is
Just got call from them and the person was Connie Scott. Boy, is she a winner!!!First she told me to borrow the money(on what she said was a $1200 debt on a $500 US Bank account debt.) from friends. I told her I was waiting for SSD and I would not pay a dime since I have not been able to work in 2 yrs. She said she "KNOWS" I can pay because they know I have a phone(doesn't make a bit of since)--she said in fact we have 3 numbers for you. I asked her if she would take like some BLOOD and believe it or not she told me to go and try to sell my blood to pay Regent!! Right!!!!I told her I was going to send a Cease letter and would contact US Bank about any debt! This really got her . End of call
I got home , saw this site and wanted to have some fun so I called back(within 1 1/2 hrs and asked for Connie Scott. Well guess what---a mumbling idiot said he didn't know her and transfer and had the balls to ask iof there was anything he could help me with . FunTIME USA. I demanded a debt validation letter and he immediately passed the phone to some Casey Anthony type slut and she said "is your address still such & such----in Lake Geneva Wisconsin?( I haven't lived there since 2004. She then hung up on me----------DAMN!!!!!!!!
Has anyone found out how they obtain a person's information? The
Has anyone found out how they obtain a person's information? There's a lot of references to US Bank, it's hard to believe the bank doesn't know anything about it. They called my office today trying to reach a client of mine, saying he had an account to settle with them or they were going to court. My client is 18, could have plenty of debt problems or could be the perfect target for a scam, I am waiting to find out if he has received any notice of debt. I work with youth who have been in social services, emancipated, and are learning how to take care of themselves, they are really susceptible to scams and being taken advantage of, but they also make really irresponsible decisions. I just want to know how these people got the contact info for my client in the first place. I will probably help my client file a DV if I can even get an address from Regent.
Same story different person
Regent has contacted me for close to a year now and they said I owe like 1300 to them from a US Bank account. I called US Bank they researched and found nothing, so I'm not paying not matter how many legal letters I get. They're a bogus co. and I asked for they're address to send a cease and desist letter. If you want the address it's
8665 w 96th st sweet 100
Overlank Park, Ks 66212
I'm a former debt collector and the anonymous companies I worked for time and time again would rather let a account charge off than take legal action because of court fees. It would cost this company millions to take all of us to court.
Wow, I'd forgotten about these guys. My wife (with her maiden n
Wow, I'd forgotten about these guys. My wife (with her maiden name, to our previous address) got a letter from these guys about 5 months ago, and following some of the tips on this thread I sent them a validation letter. Fortunately, I had the foresight to keep a copy of the validation letter I sent them and the read receipt. The validation letter I sent (with a few details changed near the beginning since I diligently check our credit reports and it has never shown up on them):
And in their reply (sent 4/16/10 according to the letter) was... still sent to our old address with still her maiden name. After the same account details they put before, the text they put in the letter states as thus:
"To whom it may concern:
We have received your request for validation of debt. We have confirmed with our client the accuracy and correctness of this debt.
Customer Service"
If you think about it, their reply is rather clever -- note how the sentences technically are two separate clauses? "We received your request for validation", and "We have confirmed the debt". The second doesn't necessarily indicate validation.
Any suggestion what I do from here? It's been awhile since I've researched any of this stuff.
(Strangely enough, I see the rest of you are getting mailing addresses with Overland Park KS. I live in KS, and just a half-hour drive to Overland Park. Yet the letterhead on mine comes from Denver CO.)
I also got a letter from this company. I got the letter late Oct
I also got a letter from this company. I got the letter late October of 2009. Funny thing is I received this letter exactly 2 weeks after I recieved my Bankruptcy discharge paper work. Had this ever been correct I would have taken care of it with the BK. So I called them and they told me it was an old US Bank account from 2001 based out of a state I moved away from before the account was open. Two things for me said red flag. One I recieved the letter right after my BK was finalized and two it has been since 2001 so the statute of debt collections has lapsed and they cannot provide any information on the original debt nor will they give you any information to contact US Bank. I called us bank and they have no record that I have ever had an account there.. Which I haven't. I am contacting my Lawyer today to find out what I can do to get this stopped. I just got another letter this weekend stating that I am going to be sued for the money.. Go Ahead I live in Texas now and you can't garnish or levy any of my wages or bank account so spend the money if you want. Regent Asset Management is a joke... Also on one of the phone calls I asked for a fax number and where they were located.. The guy gave me Kansas is where they are located-- the fax number was a 714 area code which I knew was California since I lived there. The letters come from Las Vegas and the letter has a CO return address??? Ask them about this if they call and they will have no clue what to say.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI also got a letter from thi
Originally Posted by Anonymous I also got a letter from this company. I got the letter late October of 2009. Funny thing is I received this letter exactly 2 weeks after I recieved my Bankruptcy discharge paper work. Had this ever been correct I would have taken care of it with the BK. So I called them and they told me it was an old US Bank account from 2001 based out of a state I moved away from before the account was open. Two things for me said red flag. One I recieved the letter right after my BK was finalized and two it has been since 2001 so the statute of debt collections has lapsed and they cannot provide any information on the original debt nor will they give you any information to contact US Bank. I called us bank and they have no record that I have ever had an account there.. Which I haven't. I am contacting my Lawyer today to find out what I can do to get this stopped. I just got another letter this weekend stating that I am going to be sued for the money.. Go Ahead I live in Texas now and you can't garnish or levy any of my wages or bank account so spend the money if you want. Regent Asset Management is a joke... Also on one of the phone calls I asked for a fax number and where they were located.. The guy gave me Kansas is where they are located-- the fax number was a 714 area code which I knew was California since I lived there. The letters come from Las Vegas and the letter has a CO return address??? Ask them about this if they call and they will have no clue what to say. |
you are in texas.that does mean two things.
1)the SOL has passed on this,and
2)if you send a strongly worded DV letter they have a set in stone 30 days to validate.if they can't then they must drop it entirely.
have your lawyer contact them about their real address,and get the DV letter out certified mail return receipt,and watch this bottomfeeding slime dissappear.
Originally Posted by mandymyr i received a call from 866-847-4539 yesterday with no msg---then again today wth no msg---when i call the number a recording says you have reached the legal department of regent asset managemtn solutions then sayd if you would like to make a payment u can go to a website they list, or there is an option if u have recently been given a garnishment on ur payroll or bank account or u can hold for a rep....anyone know anything about this place....i have nt recieved any letters and have not heard of this comp b4 or been left a msg..... |
Regent Asset Management Solutions does not have a business license in Colorado, and other states where I found one, the titles don't match up. My son, and two of his friends (so far) have recently been receiving letters from Regent Asset Management Solutions. All of the letters are trying to collect debts they state are from US Bank. It is a total scam. These young men don't bank there and upon calling the US Bank Recovery, we have proven that these debts don't exist. They were nasty and threatening; even referring to my son and his friends as "Deadbeats who won't pay their bills". The common thread these three young men have is that they were all laid off in Oregon, and they are on unemployment. The Reliacard is affiliated with the US Bank - my thinking is that it is the Reliacard records may have been stolen, or compromised. When I told the rude dude at Regent that there was no business license in Colorado - he got mad and told me there was. I told him there wasn't. I asked him the name of the owner - he did not know the name of the owner. I asked him why the letterhead reflects a Denver, Colorado contact, but the envelope was posted in Las Vegas. Yep, Las Vegas and Florida are two of the most common states to conduct scams. Regency works real hard to get your Visa Number, or if you send a check, they will garnish - legal or not, in their case! We are going to contact our Attorney General in Oregon and get our local news detectives on it! Good Luck.
Pay the debt to the bank not regent!
FYI, to everyone having problems with these people. Please TAKE NOTE. By law a bank has to hold on to the bank account information for 5 years. Thus, if you can go to the bank and they can pull up the information still then you can pay the debt to the bank right there and get a printed statement from the BANK itself that it has been paid in full! Case closed and NO MORE assholes to deal with. The next time they call you simply tell them. "Oh I am sorry I paid the debt directly to the bank and this is no longer a debt!" and see what they have to say to that!!! PS I just spoke with Bank of America of which there was a balance on my husbands account that we missed and they verified it and we paid it right there in the bank. Be sure and have a supervisor process this payment so they put the balance owed to zero in their system right then and there. Hope this helps everyone!
I have a new number for them. 18775917014 Regent Asset Managemen
I have a new number for them. 18775917014 Regent Asset Management Solutions. They called my cell phone. I use a prepaid phone and don't give out the number to anybody. So when any strange # calls me I just tell them they have the wrong number. I really don't know what to do. I reverse look upd the number and found out that this is who they were and got a robot voice recording. I looked at their website and it doesn't look that impresive for a company that makes $3mil a year. I found this wonderful site and now I'm going to get educated.
The second letter I received from them today, I sent them a debt
The second letter I received from them today, I sent them a debt verification letter nine months ago and they never responded until today, telling me I ignored requests to contact me, I noticed the letter is post marked in Las Vegas, even though they do business in Denver. Although they are a licensed agency in Minnesota, MN has a statute of limitation on bank debt, 2 years, seeing as this debt was from 2005, good luck fly by night attorney.
I got a call from these guys about a Wells Fargo account. I was
I got a call from these guys about a Wells Fargo account. I was suspicious but after checking with WF I was told it was legitimate.
They worked with me without any threats, harassment, etc on a payment plan and were nice about it. I'm going to call back and get a verification of debt letter, but the bank itself told me that these guys are legitimate.
I have had multiple calls from this company trying to collect a
I have had multiple calls from this company trying to collect a debt from an old boyfriend. They said it was abank account from 4 years ago and I was a co-signer for the account. They keep calling my job and what's great is I wasn't at this job 4 years ago. They told me they have my social and when I asked for it they wouldn't give it to me (naturally) but I also asked for the last 4 digits and they said they couldn't give that out either. What I dont' understand is how are they able to discuss with me the amount of his debt and what he owes without verifying that I am the supposed co-signer listed. With the first call I got I asked what company they were from and 3 times I was put on hold and everytime I got another additional word the name of the company. They said the number they do not have a number for him and I know he has the same number, they refuse to call him except at my work number. They told me I am held responsible and I have to pay the $1400 bill that he has. They never leave a message and never give their name and refuse to give me any info that they are legit.
Omg they have been harrassing me for months!
I have been recieving calls from this company for months and i just found out their name. I have been through hell and back with them and have been called every name in the book. Talk about rude. I paid this huntington back charge off back a few years ago and they refuse to give me anything in writting. What am i to do? Someone help. I filed a complaint with the ohio attorney generals office on and am looking to sue for harrassment and refusal of service/information. Any ideas?
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThe second letter I received
Originally Posted by Anonymous The second letter I received from them today, I sent them a debt verification letter nine months ago and they never responded until today, telling me I ignored requests to contact me, I noticed the letter is post marked in Las Vegas, even though they do business in Denver. Although they are a licensed agency in Minnesota, MN has a statute of limitation on bank debt, 2 years, seeing as this debt was from 2005, good luck fly by night attorney. |
Who was the name of their attorney? I got the same issue from a Huntington Bank, but I had settled like 3 years ago, and was surprised to see it pop back up. Then I sent in a verification letter request, and they sent the exact same letter as above. To make it even better a few days after that I get a letter from the attorney saying that they would settle for half the interest (even though by MI law they cannot charge interest on a debt in collections) if I contacted them in two weeks. When I called in to look into the matter (I've been keeping close records and knew the name and extension number to the rep I spoke to so I thought) they said the account was canceld. I asked for it in writing and Faith Williams #266 said she would put in a request for that info. Since when do you have to put in a request for information like that? Can it be denied?
It's all bullshit. I work for a financial aid office at a University and happen to be well versed in debt law in MI. But this attorney is a wild card to me....?
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI have requested a few times
Originally Posted by Anonymous I have requested a few times, twice by email, and while on the phone for them to give me some sort of document varification about the debt. The guy told me he would provide it in court, for me and the judge. If I request that information, does he have to give it? Or can he wait til court? |
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is being sent to you in response to a settlement notice sent to me regarding the subject account. Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice sent pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) that your claim is disputed and validation is requested.
This is NOT a request for ???verification??? or proof of my mailing address, but a request for VALIDATION made pursuant to the above named Title and Section. I respectfully request that your offices provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you.
Please provide me with the following:
??? What the money you say I owe is for;
??? Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
??? Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
??? Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
??? Identify the original creditor;
??? Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
??? Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
??? Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent
Also, that if your offices have reported invalidated and inaccurate information to any of the 3 major Credit Bureau???s (Equifax, Experian or TransUnion) this action might constitute fraud under both Federal and State Laws. Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found on any of my credit reports by your company or the company that you represent I will not hesitate in bringing legal action against you for the following:
??? Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
??? Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
??? Defamation of Character
If your offices are able to provide the proper documentation as requested in the following Declaration, I will require at least 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all collection activity must cease and desist.
Also during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered detrimental to any of my credit reports, I will consult with my legal counsel for suit. This includes listing information to a credit reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated or verifying an account as accurate when in fact there is no proof that it is.
If your offices fail to respond to this validation request within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of such deletion request shall be sent to me immediately.
I would also like to request, in writing, that no telephone contact be made by your offices to my home or to my place of employment.
If your offices attempt telephone communication with me, including but not limited to computer generated calls and calls or correspondence sent to or with any third parties, it will be considered harassment and I will have no choice but to take appropriate legal action. All future communications with me MUST be done in writing and sent to the address noted in this letter by USPS.
Your prompt and full attention to this matter is advised to avoid legal action. This is an attempt to correct your records, any information obtained shall be used for that purpose.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousToday, a representative from
Originally Posted by Anonymous Today, a representative from the agency contacted me, demanding that I have to pay 1600 immediately, otherwise I will loose 4000 if I go to court. The problem is that I did not receive recently any letter from this person. How I can be sure that information given to me is correct and that I speak with legitimate representative and not with some scam person. Does anyone know if it is a Regent Asset Management Solutions scam? Is it possible to retrieve any paperwork regarding the matter? |
regent is a total scam dont pay. they got 600 dollars from me .i called the bbb and they have 200 complaints against them .i was also told by the better business bureau that u.s bank has no dealings with this company.dont pay total scam
Ron kennedy is a shadey character - scum bag
All regent employees are un-educated and aren't prepared to answer any questions when you return their calls. The messages they leave say "i am calling on behalf of mr. Ron kennedy, he needs you to return his call at such-and-such phone number". When you [do] call back, they don't connect you directly to him, instead they ask for a method of payment (credit card) without giving you any information (they just expect you to give them money). This "ron kennedy" should be sued for defamation of character, and the girl that calls thinks she's something else, but has absolutely no class whatsoever. But never just take someone's word for it and fork over money you don't owe! Ron kennedy you have no class and you're a scum bag!
Ron kennedy is a shadey character scumbag
All regent employees are un-educated and aren't prepared to answer any questions when you return their calls. The messages they leave say "i am calling on behalf of mr. Ron kennedy, he needs you to return his call at such-and-such phone number". When you [do] call back, they don't connect you directly to him, instead they ask for a method of payment (credit card) without giving you any information (they just expect you to give them money). This "ron kennedy" should be sued for defamation of character, and the girl that calls thinks she's something else, but has absolutely no class whatsoever. But never just take someone's word for it and fork over money you don't owe! Ron kennedy you have no class and you're a scum bag!
I have just been scamed for 900.00 by regent collectiion on an o
I have just been scamed for 900.00 by regent collectiion on an old US bank account that has been closed for over two years. they called and threaten to take me to court if i didn't pay. they have now changed their name to Jacobi Law Firm and the number is 1 877-334-0930 the same people working there. what can i do to recover my hard earned money if anyone knows
Attempting to collect Ficticious Debt
Regent Asset Mgmt Solutions began calling my home phone about 3 months ago. They would never talk to me directly, they would just leave messages on my voicemail for a debtor, I've never heard of. These calls would start at 8 am each morning and continue throughout the day until 9 pm at night. Each time, I attempted to answer the calls, I would just get their automated system with no telephone number. After 3 months of this harrassment, a collector actually called me at 8:03am this morning, asking for the ficticious person. When I informed them of the continued harrassment and asked them if they had verifed the address or number calling; they had no answer. When I asked for the name of their collection agency, address and information plus claim number involved, the creditor hung up on me. This afternoon, once again there was the automated message for the fictitious debtor; only this time, a live person left a telephone number for return call. After doing a reverse telephone number lookup, I've located Regent Asset Management Solutions as the culprit of all this harrassment. I now have their company numbers. I am sending a request in writing for them to cease all harrasing phone calls. Additionally, I am getting a record of their incoming calls to my phone for the last 3 months. If this doesn't work, my next stop is an attorney. With proper documentation, people are winning these illegal forms of harrassment and debt collection cases. Don't pay someone else's debt; that's what these harrassing calls are after, document everything and file a lawsuit! You will win!!!
Dear OMG
Originally Posted by Anonymous I have been recieving calls from this company for months and i just found out their name. I have been through hell and back with them and have been called every name in the book. Talk about rude. I paid this huntington back charge off back a few years ago and they refuse to give me anything in writting. What am i to do? Someone help. I filed a complaint with the ohio attorney generals office on and am looking to sue for harrassment and refusal of service/information. Any ideas? |
Easy, you say you paid the charge off years ago. Start digging through your records. How did you pay the charge off, Check, Money Order, Visa Charge, Bank Charge. Get a copy of the paid off bill, from your records. Document in writing to this scam company, that you have located the original receipt and demand they cease all harrassing collection attempts immediately. Make sure you keep a copy of everything for yourself. Tape record incoming calls, (yes, this is legal, because they state calls are recorded on their end). Turn everything over to a legal aid attorney or private attorney and file an illegal collection attempt against the company. Citizen's are winning these cases in all states with proper documentation.
Originally Posted by Chrys Henderson Only 4 people have ever sued them for an FDCPA violation. There are only 6 complaints on the BBB about them. If they violate Federal Law (the FDCPA), you need to file complaints with the BBB, the FTC, the FCC, your state Attorney General, the Bureau of Consumer Affairs, etc. They appear to be a new company so they may need to be smacked around to teach them to behave before they get too big for their britches. |
65 lawsuits have been filed against Regent as of this writing.
Quote:Originally Posted by anonymous65 lawsuits have been filed
Originally Posted by anonymous 65 lawsuits have been filed against regent as of this writing. |
have you sent them any money with a check if so ca u give me they banking information thats on the back of your returned check
If anyone has sent this company money with a personal check can
If anyone has sent this company money with a personal check can you please look on the back of the check an post their company banking information. What bank did they deposit your money into also the account number so i can put a lien on the account
File complaints with Attorney General.
I worked for these idiots for about 6 weeks, never did receive my last paycheck. If you are in Denver, there are attorneys that specialize in suing collection agencys. You may also want to file a complaint with the Colorado Board of Collections.
This is a total SCAM!!!! BEWARE!!! Regent Asset Mgmt. Solutions
This is a total SCAM!!!! BEWARE!!! Regent Asset Mgmt. Solutions called my mother-in-law's house this morning. She got a phone number and an extension for the person who called. It was (877) 878-5210 ext. 2016. I called the number twice and punched in the extension and it hung up on me both times. So I called a third time and pressed 2 for the next representative and a woman named Ms. Eman answered. She said that I had a charged off acct from 2003 with US Bank in the amount of $4,822.48. She gave me an acct number with US Bank, said that US Bank sent the debt to Bank First and then it was sent to them. I called US bank and they said that there was no record of me in their system. So I called Ms. Eman back and asked for an address for them so that I can request a debt validation letter from Regent. Ooooohhh... did she fight with me over the phone after I asked her for their address! She said that because I had no idea of the debt that it probably wasn't mine and that she wasn't customer service so I should stop calling her office. I told her that I was trying to cover my end by making sure I did what I could to take care of this matter. She told me that there was no need, that I shouldn't be telling her how to do her job, she called me "Honey" and "Elaine" which isn't professional at all rather than calling me "Ms. So and So." I hung up the phone on her in the middle of her rant and started writing this post! So, because of all the mess I gave her today, I know she won't be trying to scam me anytime soon. It's a scam because she wouldn't provide me with their address and fought with me to piss me off so that I wouldn't call her again. Right before I hung up with her, I told her that I knew this was a scam and would be calling them and bothering them all the time now! (I just said that to piss her off even more =) )
ok so Regent calls me, refuses to give a letter verifying that I
ok so Regent calls me, refuses to give a letter verifying that I owe the amount in question, and then consistently and doggedly pursue the idea that they are going to go to court. I also had a payment arrangement set up with them at the end of last year so that all of this would could go away and they didn't collect anything so for two months I was like "wtf." As if to add to this factor the account was closed at the amount of $268 but they are claiming I owe $500 which is also bogus. At this point I'm not sure what to do with them but they won't accept the original payment and keep saying I'm in default so i'm not 100% sure what to do about them
Regent Asset Management Solutions uses many phone numbers. The m
Regent Asset Management Solutions uses many phone numbers. The most recent call was yesterday 9-7-10. The number on the caller i.d. was 208-3179. I answered, but after a few seconds they hung up without saying anything. I called the number back but got the "you can not call this number as dialed please check the number and call again" recording. So I added my area code "417" and dialed 417-208-3179 to which was answered very nicely "thank you for calling Regent Management Solutions". I told the lady that someone from that number had just called my house and hung up when I answered. She hung up. WTF! I don't have anything outstanding, my credit report is good. My cedit score is good. Do they just call random numbers? FYI, my number is unlisted. So how did they get it?
I recently talked to a local US Bank Branch myself, as well as t
I recently talked to a local US Bank Branch myself, as well as to a phone rep, and as it turns out, they ( US Bank) had never heard of them! They use their own people, and if you call them, they will refer you to their recovery department, who will tell you where your account is, and I promise you, it's NOT Regent Asset Management Solutions! In fact, when I told the rep over the phone of my experiences with them, she apologized for all of the negative experiences that I went through. Regent Asset Management is a fraudulent company. And US Bank reps will never, ever treat you in a disrespectful fashion.
They have been harassing my husband and I for months. I live in
They have been harassing my husband and I for months. I live in Oregon so I checked to see if they were licensed to practice business in this state and I got these guys:
1403 W 10TH PL STE 110-B License No: 49131
TEMPE, AZ 85281 Phone: (480) 921-3917 Start Date: 12/17/2004
Renewal Date: 12/31/2010
This was the only company with the word "regency" in the title that is licensed to practice in this state under debt collection.
I want to file a complaint with the state, but I want to make sure this is the same company. This thread mentions that they are a Colorado based company and this has AZ as their headquarters. I just want to make sure I report the right company. If this is not them, then it doesn't look like they are even licensed to practice in my state. Can someone clear this up for me? Since they call from so many different numbers, who the hell knows? Nice little trick they have there; makes it hard to report them when you can't figure out where they actually are. Also, do I send a cease communications notice to this address in AZ or should I send it to CO?
Same story as everyone else. US bank has no history of my husband having an account there. The debt does not show up on his credit report, although RAMS has threatened to report it- I'm thinking if they could do that they would have already.
Last "supervisor" also disclosed info to me about my husband's debt, which as far as I've found anywhere is illegal by the Fair Debt Collections Act. She claimed in Oregon she can disclose this to me if I identify myself as his spouse. Sounds totally bogus, but if anyone can shed some light on this c**t's statement, I'd like to hear it.