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What action can be taken against Account Solutions Group?

Date: Thu, 12/30/2004 - 22:53

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 12/30/2004 - 22:53

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 329

What action can be taken against Account Solutions Group?


I've been surfing around for information and ran across this page. I am irate over some phone calls I have received do to the rudeness of the people calling. I am not associated with the person they are calling for; I do not even know who it is.

Over the last week or so I have received numerous calls from Account Solutions Group. The first call occurred right before Christmas, the person on the line asked for "Jennifer Maxwell". When I told them that there was no one in our home by that name they asked who they were speaking to. I refused giving them any information and requested that the person identify himself and the company he worked for. The person would not tell me anything other that he was calling from New York from a company he called "Account Solutions." Unimpressed with his answer I told him that I did not have any information for his continued inquiries and asked him to remove me from his do not call list. He told me that he wasn't selling anything and continued to ask me for information. He was able to pull up information on who I was as well as my wife's name and asked me to confirm it. I told him to put me on his do not call list and terminated the call. The call struck me as funny because of the rudeness of the person on the phone and how elusive the person was to any questions about who he was or why he was calling.

Early this week I received a second call from this company. I immediately recognized the call because they again asked for "Jennifer Maxwell". I told the person I had already received a call and asked to be put on their do not call listing. The person again was elusive with any questions about the reason for his call and again pulled up information on myself and my wife. I told him again to put me on their do not call listing and hung up the phone.

Wednesday I received a third call from Account Solutions Group. The person again requested "Jennifer Maxwell". I (at this point extremely frustrated) told the person that I had received numerous calls from his company and had requested to be put on a do not call list. I asked to speak with a supervisor. I was placed on hold and a few moments later told that one was not available. I asked him to take my name out of their listing. He asked to confirm my phone number and address. I told him that I was not interested in confirming my address or any other personal information to him. He told me that if I did not confirm my address he would not remove my phone number from their listing. I told him that was ridiculous. He again started asking questions about "Jennifer Maxwell" and stated that if I did not answer the question he would not take my phone number out of the listing. I told him to remove my listing and told him I would be reporting this incident to the Indiana State Attorney General. I then hung up the phone.

Thursday evening my wife received another call from a company the person would only identify as "ASG". They asked her for "Jennifer Maxwell". When she asked who are they representing they stated, "That depends on who I'm talking to." My wife told them we were not interested and hung up the phone.

I looked the company up on the Internet and found their phone number (the number they gave me during the third call did not work when called.) I noticed a couple of postings on bulletin boards where people said they were "Unlawfully Harassed" by this company. I also found out they are a collection agency of some kind. I called the number on one of the posting and managed to speak to a supervisor. After speaking with her for some time, she said that I am now out of their listings.

I am tired of being called by people like this in the privacy of my home. Even if I did know a Jennifer Maxwell asking to remove from their listing should have been respected by any ethical company. I have enrolled in "Do not call lists" in the past but these people always seem to find a way around the system. What action can be taken to discourage companies like this one? really must be struggling to make your draw every month with that attitude. You sure as hell don't know how to collect. "You people" is such an overused phase used by collectors. Anger does not collect a bill.

My husband and his collection problems are a prime example. He lost his job in the computer industry 12 months after 9/11. It took him almost 3 years to finally get a half decent job again. He had several cards which he used and paid on time. There was no fraud or intent to defraud anyone. He had a good job and we lived comfortably. No one anticipated 9/11 and the fall out. He could not just go out and get a job. There were no jobs to be had in his field and he was over qualified for other jobs or had no experience. He tried dummying down his resume but it didnt work. So several cards went into collections. One agency worked with him and we paid like clockwork and paid that one off. The rest of the agencies came on like gangbusters because they saw a paid car loan and a mortgage on his credit report.
A) Get a job....duh, don't you think I am trying??
B) Refinance your home....duh what mortgage company is going to refi a house when the mortgage holder is unemployed???
C) Borrow money from were lending us money to pay the mortgage and help pay other bills like food.
D) Sell your car...yeah right. And I am suppose to get to job interviews how???

None of these agencies asked him what he "could do"..they all demanded what they wanted NOW! Most collectors don't know how to listen and this is the most valuable skill a collector can have. When I was collecting, I listened, empathized and then collected. The collectors who called my husband were all so angry and rude. Abusive?? Oh yeah. One agency who had my husbands phone number started calling his family in another state, telling them that their was a warrant out for his arrest! 3 calls in total, 2 statements made on answering machines! So consequently the collection agencies started supporting us! We have one account left in collections now hopefully we will receive a check on that one. The agency who has it now has a bad rep so I am just waiting it out with the recording device attached to phone.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 07:37

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

1 ACCOUNT SOLUTIONS GROUP, L. L. C. miedce 2:2007cv10267 01/17/2007 890
2 ACCOUNT SOLUTIONS GROUP, LLC ilndce 1:2006cv03118 06/07/2006 890 08/03/2006

They are being sued in federal court for violation of the fdcpa in Detroit,Mi. They tried to pin plaintiff's
father's debt on him.Account was opened in 1976.He was 13 years old at that time. He even sent in paperwork to prove all of this and they still pursued it. What a bunch of dirtbags! :evil:


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 09:12

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

What the hell is a draw? Yes i do work for collections and the best part of my job is to watch lawyers try to protect the debtors. Lets put it all togather. Person doesnt pay bill, person gets phone calls from creditors, acct gets turn to collections, person gets lawyer to file bkt, judge denies bkt, lawyer gets paid, person gets garnish or sued. Why would a lawyer care if the bill gets paid he/she does! the best lawyers are the ones that try to offer settlements, OK lets wait 2-3 years till we have enough funds to settle out your accts. well there goes your credit and by the time debtors have enough money to settle out they occured an interest that doubled the balance, but guess what THE LAWYER GETS PAID the card holder suffers. If you give an honest effert to work with the collectors your gonna get alot more options, but when you try to run, refuse to pay and be rude, give me a good reason why we should work with you. Im not sure how account solutions group works but most agency work the same theyre doing a job, giving honest hard working people a job, people that can pay there bills because they WORK. You lawyers want to know the truth, Most collectors make more then you, hows that degree and student loans working out for you? My friend just had a $200,000 house built. hows your one room apartment? Thanks sidekick for taken my side. Oh and bull dog, most likely that father open up the acct, CAN YOU SAY FRAUD?
Thanks Guest


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 18:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


You're all scumbags. If you had worked with the original creditor, you would have found them to be very accomodating. But one day, you got your bill in the mail and said, "oh no, I can't pay that." And that started the whole cycle. Idiot. Do you think it's going to go away?. And hey, college-educated scumbag, you pay off your student loans yet? Or are they in collections, too. Do everyone a favor and die.

Then what are you going to do? Try to contact her distant relatives and demand for full payment up front?

Dave Ramsey (best debt-free guru of all time) is right; Collectors are scum and just pathetic excuses for human beings. But he has quite a few secrets and as long as people put in the effort to work with them (meaning call them back and calmly try to work out a plan) collectors will actually be disoriented and be like "uh, um, well, uh, let me see what I can do".

I am currently working with a couple of collection agencies, none of which are ASG, and they are all professional, willing to work out plans, and adhere to their promises (ahem ASG).

Best rule of thumb is to calmly work with them. Good collectors will realize that them being nasty and childish will not get them paid. Most collectors were trained over a weekend on how to be assclowns and placed on the phone. But thankfully there are some who actually have customer service skills in them.

Other rule of thumb is to work out your debts BEFORE they get to collections!


Submitted by d-townmike on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 21:54

( Posts: 51 | Credits: )

Hmm, wish I'd seen this thread before. From the first week of November 2006 to the last week of February 2007 I received 2 calls daily to my cell phone every weekday for 4 months straight from ASG ... and I ignored every last one of them; deleted the voice messages instead. Why? Because they were calling for someone I had never heard of before that isn't even the same gender as me nor has a name remotely resembling mine. They had gotten that debtor's account previously from Capital Management Services sometime after Fall 2005, whom I had talked to and informed they had the wrong phone number.

About a week after they stopped calling, ASG transfered that debtor's account to National Enterprise Systems whom I'm preparing to deal directly with to get these calls to stop once and for all. The phone number that is connected to this debtor's account is a total dead end and will never lead to the debtor, only to a very irritated wrong phone number.

So Mister Anonymous "BIG Mouth, Tiiiny Dick" Guest, am I (who is completely without debt and has already tried to correct the record of this debtor's account) a scumbag too? Or is it you, the debt collectors, who did NOT remove my cell phone number from this debtor's account as originally instructed (3-4 separate times if memory serves)?


Submitted by DRoseDARs on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 02:31

( Posts: 8 | Credits: )

You know I guess they are dense enough to not believe a damn word I say. I don't owe anybody any overdue debt.My credit cards are paid in full twice a month when I get paid. :evil: I probably have more sitting in my wallet on available credit than you earn annually! I will say it again,go back to your cubicle and leave us alone. If you was a collector worth his title,you would have loads of work instead of working for a dirtbag company like asg.

Really the only big debt I have is a mortgage and them people love me. I would guess 10 years of payment history never late would have something to do with that.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 09:24

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

cajun, does it really take 10 years to payoff a trailor? thats like one bonus check for us. im glad your sittin on a boat load of credit, what kind of retarded excuse are u gonna come up with when those dont get paid? Katrina? ur just upset cause debtors pay an agency and not you. your loseing this battle.



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 20:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They are a useless company who should be shutdown because their collectors understand nothing about federal laws.Login on a federal Pacer account and read.The truth stands right there in the courtroom.

You guests should understand that we do not condone any personal attacks on our board. You steady posting of useless drivel trying to get a rise out of will not work because you are not worthy of giving me a rise in blood pressure. The other guests that do have problems that they wish to discuss are more than welcome.Do not let these spiteful posts from these collectors alarm you. If they are having to monitor the board,then I know we are making a positive impact on their potential debtors they wish to walk on.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 08:42

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

ATTENTION: The people commenting positively about ASG are obviously the same person, employed with these criminal collectors. I get so disgusted with these individuals who come here, trying to speak highly of their employer. Stop coming here to speak of lies. No common person comes here and tells people to "pay your bills". You are obviously a crazy collection crook coming here to spread propaganda. Get lost.


Submitted by Anthony Lemons on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 18:54

( Posts: 1828 | Credits: )

Haha anthony, your just another debtor. Hard workin people? most people in debt are lazy, they feel bad about the mess they got themselves in and now they try to find the lazy way out of paying back the debt they owe. Again there are some situations that are different regarding maybe a death in the family or medical reason on why you had to put off the bill. Most people open up a line of credit when they dont work nor have any intentions in going back to work, just lazy americans that are trying to get something out of nothing. Ask yourself this. "WHY DOES OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO PAY THERE BILLS BUT I DONT?" does that seem fair? How does it feel to pull up your credit report and seeing the amount of debt you owe? I wouldnt beable to sleep at night. Bottom line is that all you gotta DO IS PAY YOUR F-ING BILLS. Not a hard task. Out of a job? GET A NEW ONE. and stop actin like a telephone tough guy we just laugh at you. your a joke to us. Sleep tight.



Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 19:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Guest: I am not a debtor, and even if I were, who the hell isn't? Most collectors are known to be in their own World of debt. I am here to spread the word of people such as yourself. If you have balls, you will register with this forum and share who you truly are. If you post a comment under the 'guest' name again, we will then know that you are just a vaginally secreted spore.


Submitted by Anthony Lemons on Sat, 03/10/2007 - 20:06

( Posts: 1828 | Credits: )

If you people claim your not in debt, why are you bothering putting up bad remarks about collection agencies? What would cause you even to come to this site? I will not reveal my name because i dont want you scumbags to know it and by me revealing my name will not get you out of debt. I dont work for ASG, ive never even heard of them but i do work for an agency. Some people need a boot in there behind to get started on paying back there debt and guess what most people THANK US when the debt is paid. Why is that? All lawyers do is prolong the debt causeing poor remarks on there credit reports and costing the debtor more then they should ever have to pay because now you gotta pay lawyer fees and the debt, that doesnt make a whole lot of sense. But what america does is sue, to either get out of trouble or try to make a quick buck. Your remarks are making me laugh, i like this site. Anthony i can only wonder on what your life is like, wake up, make some coffee, run to the computer, rub one out, sit one the couch, watch some TV, go back to the computer, rub one out, eat dinner, think about going to the mail box but why bother theres only bills in there, watch some TV, rub one out, then go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow. Have a nice day, im going to. :-)



Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 05:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

STOP arging with the rude guest. He/she will never go away if you keep responding. FYI there was a sign in necessary policy here for about a month and that has been lifted just recently. I don't think it is a good idea to go back to that. I think it is better to just ignore, ignore, ignore. The bullies do go away if they are not getting a reaction from anyone. You are feeding right into his/her childish game.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/11/2007 - 09:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just got off the phone with this company and my agent, whether she was being truthful or not I can't tell, but there are some matters I found intereting. First I just got a letter in the mail today with an amount that is over twenty dollars less than what the rep told me I owed. Once she saw on my credit rpt that I have been handling my collection accounts she was able to arange a payment agreement that was two hundred dollars less than my letter. So at least I can be slightly grateful. Also the rep was courteous and I think had some extensive experience at her job. Bravo to her cause my job is also a communicator and I know how much she goes through daily. There is a real human being on the other end of the phone, even if they are a peculiar one for picking such a job as debt collector. But even Jesus broke bread with such persons.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 19:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recieved a letter fromn asg claiming that I owed them over $400. But no where in the letter did it state who the original creditor for the debt was. When I asked them why this information was left out of the letter, I was told it was because this letter was just to validate the debt, not to collect. But the first line of the letter says to enclose my payment in full in the envelope provided. So once they told me where the debt was from I said that yes I was responsible, and I would be more than willing to agree to the payment arangement they wanted to establish. But when I told him I needed until next pay day to have the first payment, he told me that if I didn't give a payment within 24 hours they would start garnishing my wages. They also asked if I recieved welfare, SSI,and food stamps. And told me to call everyone I knew to borrow money to pay this. They were extremely rude and talked over me through the entire conversation. I couldn't even answer the questions he asked me before he would intrupt. I was yelled at, called names and hung up on 2x. When my husband called them back and asked for the manager they argued with him, yelled and hung up on him also. When I called back later, the "manager" picked up the phone and addressed me as Jason Miller, whom I've never known.He continued to address me as this jason Millers wife, even giving me that last 4 digits of her social security number trying to get me to verify that I was her. Then he couldn't even get my name correct. He continued to over talk me, no matter what I was saying. And when I told him that I needed a week or so to make my 1st payment, he said that he took that to mean I was refusing to pay. He then informed me that he would put that notation on my account as a refusal to pay and hung up on me. I was also told that if I didn't pay them they would continue to harass me over the phone. And he himself used the word harass. They also knew, without me telling them, that I had children. And were questioning me about them. And all 3 times that I called them they answered the phone, "HI, HELLO, and YEAH", they didn't say the company name or their name until I gave them my name and account #. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL, especially when the letter they sent says "A PROFESSIONAL DEBT RECOVERY AGENCY".


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/31/2007 - 08:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Garrison,please send them this letter to validate and protect your federal rights:
Send it certified return receipt.Please review this website so you know what they can and cannot do:

If they are not going to follow the rules,record in your state if legal.Then pick your attorney and sue them for evey cent you can.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Sat, 03/31/2007 - 08:55

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

Life is unpredictable. There is always two sides to every story. Not all who have problems with debt collectors are irresponsible and uncaring of their debt. Most individuals, like many in our state, have lost their jobs and are competing with thousand to make any income they can to just pay their for their home and utilities. So to you who says,"Go get some education. And also.... PAY YOUR BILLS, and you won't have this problem" take your own advice and get some education. It's closed minded people such as your self that makes the world harder to live in!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 17:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello, I was researching on trying to find out who these slimeballs of ASG are, by using google I came in your page and was reading the comments posted here. Actually, the problems started when I notice a weird incomplete number that showed on the called ID for the past several months when I was not home. One day the phone ran when I was home and that weird incomplete number showed again and that's when I picked up and a man identify himself from a collection company has asked for my name and I said how may I help u. He says that my actual phone number had a balance of 4000 dollars from a long distance company dating back more than ten years. I said you have to got to be kidding right, are you for real. I told this guy that how come I never receive a notice in the mail in all these years that I had owed this money, he said that this account was turn over to them months ago. Yea right plain all bullshit, I don't owed anyone anything and I never used the long distance company he just mentioned not only that, I never had a phone number in my name more than ten years ago or any phone number period. Not knowing who this guy was I told him to show me proof by sending a fax at the actual phone number he had just dialed to reach me immediately. All that I had to do is connect my fax machine. He said ok it would be in a couple of hours. Guess what I did not receive anything. To my knowledge I do not owed or have gotten behing in payments and never used the company he mentioned before.If there was suspicious activity with my accounts I would had been on top of it immediately but I never received anything. I am the type on of guy who those not fall behind in any type of payments. After hanging the phone I was suspicious of probably been a victim of ID theft maybe someone stole my ID to open a phone account. I decided to order copies from all the credit report companies. After reviewing the reports my credit is excellent with no deliquent account from anybody. Also I had bills that date back more than ten years ago with a different number we used to have on my mother's name and it was until 6 years ago we witch to this new number that they are claiming that money is owed. Then I knew I was about to be scammed. Since I never received the fax, the kept calling from once to two times a week, until one day I was home, picked up the phone and it was those loosers with the same enchilada again, that's when they identify themselves as ASG. I started to fume and raise my voice and told I that I do not owed anybody, that we never had this phone number more than ten years ago, that how ridiculous are they by tryng to collect money from something that is so old. They guy I spoke with said to send a letter stating that I do not owed this money to have this account closed. I am not sending crap shit that's probably one way to gather more info about me. before I cursed at them I told that this better be the last time they called this phone number again period. Hang up the phone at those creepy people. I think they did called yesterday again by looking at my caller ID after I told them not to call again. I am thinking at taking actions against these fools. I may to file a police scam report, probably sue their **** in federal court for harassment and other charges.

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 17:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Do not pay them a dime. First of all, every state has a cap placed on how much a consumer must pay. Second, who would give money to a stranger, especially one who calls and threatens you? Send them a letter of validation, which puts the power with you, and they will either drop the debt, because they are acting illegally, or they will make real, legal calculations to your debt, making it possible and realistic to pay. Never allow collectors to scare you with threats of arrest or accusations of wire fraud and such, it is illegal to use those tactics to collect on a debt.


Submitted by Anthony Lemons on Fri, 04/13/2007 - 12:15

( Posts: 1828 | Credits: )

Can this account solutions group call and leave on answering machine 'this call is for----. if you are not-----, do not listen to this message. In listening to this message you are acknowledging that you are-----. This is ACG, we are attempting to collect a debt that you owe, any and all info we get on this debt will be added into our records. Call us today with ref.#-----'. Can they do this? They call at least 6 times a day, sometimes not leaving a message, sometimes when I answer there is no one there, and other times they leave a message like this one. Any advise???


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/27/2007 - 21:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

No, they cannot leave messages like that. The fdcpa says that collectors are not permitted to disclose collection information to anyone other than the debtor and the debtor's spouse. Since the collector, in this case, has (apparently) not confirmed that the answering machine is used only by the debtor and/or the debtor's spouse, leaving that type of message is a violation of the FDCPA.


Submitted by Debt Padawan on Sat, 04/28/2007 - 06:04

( Posts: 89 | Credits: )

Actually, collectors CAN now leave that message. Some debtor actually sued the NCO Group because he thought it was "inconvenient" that he had to call NCO back to find out what the message was about. He won his case and subsequently collection agencies are now forced to leave that message.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 19:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The message goes like this:

This is a confidential and important message meant solely for [insert debtor name]. If you are not [insert debtor name], do not listen to this message. (At this point, if you're not that person, you're supposed to stop listening. If a person listens to the rest of the message, it's his/her fault, not ASG's.) By continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge that you are [insert debtor name].

The law requires I notify you that my name is [insert collector name] and I'm calling from Account Solutions Group, LLC., a debt collection company. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Please call me toll-free today at [insert toll-free number] and refer to reference number [insert reference number]. Thank you.

Collectors are only to use that message on VERIFIED residential numbers (i.e. the debtor has answered the phone there, a third-party has answered and confirmed that they live there, or it is registered to their name) or VERIFIED PERSONAL cell phones. If the voicemail identifies a business, that message cannot be left.

Listening to the message when it is not for you is exactly the same as pretending to be the debtor when speaking to a collector. It's misrepresentation.

It's not illegal.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 12:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The phone # is not under my name, phone was answered once and they (ASG) didn't hang up like they usually do, they were told I was not here, never really knowing if I do or do not live where they placed the call. I would think (and hope) that it would be illegal to leave this message for anyone to hear.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 13:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The person who answered the phone simply stated 'she is not here' when asked if they could speak to -----. Does that imply that I am living at the number they called, NO, not in my eyes. I can't see where you find that it it is 'safe to reason that you do in fact live there and it is a verified home number'. I am sure that if I did file charges on them that it would be hard for me to prove that they didn't know for sure if I resided there or not.
I have called a few houses looking for my son from time to time, and was told 'no he is not here'. Doesn't mean he lives there. When I went to collage, I lived with 5 others who shared a large home, would it have been illegal for them (asg) to call there and have someone else listen to the message? Same goes for the number they called, so if I had roommates now, would it be legal for those messages left on machine when others can hear it? Are you one of those who would walk away from the machine when it is said 'if you are not ---, do not listen to this message'. ???????
Why even have the fdcpa if Judges are going to rule opposite of what the laws of FDCPA state?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 22:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )