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What action can be taken against Account Solutions Group?

Date: Thu, 12/30/2004 - 22:53

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 12/30/2004 - 22:53

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 329

What action can be taken against Account Solutions Group?


I've been surfing around for information and ran across this page. I am irate over some phone calls I have received do to the rudeness of the people calling. I am not associated with the person they are calling for; I do not even know who it is.

Over the last week or so I have received numerous calls from Account Solutions Group. The first call occurred right before Christmas, the person on the line asked for "Jennifer Maxwell". When I told them that there was no one in our home by that name they asked who they were speaking to. I refused giving them any information and requested that the person identify himself and the company he worked for. The person would not tell me anything other that he was calling from New York from a company he called "Account Solutions." Unimpressed with his answer I told him that I did not have any information for his continued inquiries and asked him to remove me from his do not call list. He told me that he wasn't selling anything and continued to ask me for information. He was able to pull up information on who I was as well as my wife's name and asked me to confirm it. I told him to put me on his do not call list and terminated the call. The call struck me as funny because of the rudeness of the person on the phone and how elusive the person was to any questions about who he was or why he was calling.

Early this week I received a second call from this company. I immediately recognized the call because they again asked for "Jennifer Maxwell". I told the person I had already received a call and asked to be put on their do not call listing. The person again was elusive with any questions about the reason for his call and again pulled up information on myself and my wife. I told him again to put me on their do not call listing and hung up the phone.

Wednesday I received a third call from Account Solutions Group. The person again requested "Jennifer Maxwell". I (at this point extremely frustrated) told the person that I had received numerous calls from his company and had requested to be put on a do not call list. I asked to speak with a supervisor. I was placed on hold and a few moments later told that one was not available. I asked him to take my name out of their listing. He asked to confirm my phone number and address. I told him that I was not interested in confirming my address or any other personal information to him. He told me that if I did not confirm my address he would not remove my phone number from their listing. I told him that was ridiculous. He again started asking questions about "Jennifer Maxwell" and stated that if I did not answer the question he would not take my phone number out of the listing. I told him to remove my listing and told him I would be reporting this incident to the Indiana State Attorney General. I then hung up the phone.

Thursday evening my wife received another call from a company the person would only identify as "ASG". They asked her for "Jennifer Maxwell". When she asked who are they representing they stated, "That depends on who I'm talking to." My wife told them we were not interested and hung up the phone.

I looked the company up on the Internet and found their phone number (the number they gave me during the third call did not work when called.) I noticed a couple of postings on bulletin boards where people said they were "Unlawfully Harassed" by this company. I also found out they are a collection agency of some kind. I called the number on one of the posting and managed to speak to a supervisor. After speaking with her for some time, she said that I am now out of their listings.

I am tired of being called by people like this in the privacy of my home. Even if I did know a Jennifer Maxwell asking to remove from their listing should have been respected by any ethical company. I have enrolled in "Do not call lists" in the past but these people always seem to find a way around the system. What action can be taken to discourage companies like this one?

Boo Hoo Hoo. Bill collectors were mean to me. Let's see, it's because you people are all lying debtors. Call me back tomorrow. Call me back in an hour. Call me back so I can ignore the call like usual. I'm poor. Not poor enough, obviously. You weren't poor when you were watching that plasma screen tv, were you? Or when you were sitting on that new leather couch. I'm so poor, and all those charges are interest and late fees. Yes they are and you now owe them because you... wait for it... didn't pay your bill. And according to the contract you yourself signed, smart guy, you owe the full balance. And for those of you on here who advocate paying what you can, when you can... as well as those of you who think nothing will ever happen to you... guess what? You're wrong again. I work at a collections agency with a pre-legal department. And we make the determinations who gets sued for the bill. So if you act like an idiot when we call you, you're definately going to be standing in front of a judge, explaining why you didn't feel you had to pay the bill. And no matter what whining, pathetic excuse you come up with to throw yourself at the mercy of the judge... doesn't matter. This is business and he has a contract in front of him with your signature that states you agree to be liable for every cent. Well, you can't get blood from a stone, right? Sure we can, as easily as you got $2,300 from a piece of plastic. How about a lien on your house? How about we repo your car? How about we garnish your wages for the next three years? Sound fun? We don't want to do any of that. We'd rather you borrow half the money from a relative and take a settlement on the account. That's easier for everyone. But if you think you're going to get away with not paying your bill... you're wrong. Once again... pay your bills and stop your whining. Grow up.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 17:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Im a current employee at ASG. Collectors are basically in one of two groups, good cops, or bad cops. Good collectors know how to talk to people or debtors without harrasing. I never ever talk down to people. Good collectors also know how to verify with a third party whether the person is screening or they really have the wrong number. However, there is a fraction of collectors in any collection firm that has a skewed view of their debtors. Bad collectors wish for the days back where debtors were thrown in jail. At ASG its better than most places ive seen, people actually get in trouble for that stuff there unlike some other agencies, whose names i would rather not mention. The truth is that our calls are monitored anyways. But people rarely realize how easy it is for a collector to really think he is being screened for example. You call a debtor at work because that is the only number that was ever given to you, the debtor advises you to follow up at his residence number. You call that number and somene tells you that the person doesnt live there, better yet they dont even know the person. You look the person up and discover that the house is in the same last name as the debtor. Would you call that number again? The truth is that the average collector would be insane not to. You call back and ask the right questions however, and you find out that this person has been receiving calls for the same debtor for about 2 years from about 3 different agencies with regards to about 6 different credit cards. Better yet you call that work number back and the co-workers start telling you that the debtor doesnt work there anymore either. Collectors do little more than negotiate and follow leads, some people use their brains, and some people just beat their way to payments, i can easily say debtors should thank the lord that their account is with us instead of american corradius or capital management. Im sure people who answer the line when its the wrong number know what those calls sound like


Submitted by LazyE462 on Tue, 08/15/2006 - 01:51

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Account Solutions Group is full of unprofessional Hoodlums who get high in the parking lot during breaks...


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 20:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

No offense to anyone who has had trouble with ASG but I have had a very pleasant experience with them. I admit at first it wasn't easy to swallow that I had to deal with them but once I made a payment arrangement and have stuck to my payment arrangement they have been pleasant. I started with about a $1500 bill that was turned over the them and have only three payments left. Try to work with them it will be easier. If they call you and you know you owe the debt try to work out a payment arrangement and get your bill paid.

And no I don't work for them.


Submitted by CycloneFan on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 07:32

( Posts: 1155 | Credits: )

Guest is a racist piece of garbage and the main reason why people will not deal with debt collectors.

I've paid ASG on an old CapOne account and they treated me nicely. Have no complaints. Now if CapOne had sold the account to a company who bought the account for pennies, I would ask for validation. No way I pay one of those people interest when the account was charged off.

People like Guest think folks are deadbeats? No most aren't. Guest is a symptom of our society as a whole...he thinks he can bully people into paying money they don't have for whatever reason. If a job is lost, guess what? House, food and car come first, credit card gets pushed aside. If the CC companies would work with their customers in times of hardship, there would be no need for folks like Guest. Problem is, crap happens and that does not make one a deadbeat.

Are there deadbeats in the world? Yes. And if we had debtors prisons as "guest" hopes for, this would not fix ANYTHING. CC companies dug the holes by giving credit to anybody, so as a cost of doing business you will have bad accounts.

I used a card from a company that went out of business. Bad times job for almost a year and my business partner screwed me out of my earnings for a million dollar idea. Anyway, I let this account go because they went out of business and stopped sending invoices. One day I get a letter stating I owe all this interest and realized the company collecting the debt is famous for BUYING out of business companies credit accounts. I ask for verification, NOTHING. I called up to discuss this...the man says they don't verify. I ask why. He says they just don't. I ask him how I owe interest on a charged off account and did they buy this debt from wherever. He hung up on me.

I sent him a cease and desist citing that one phone call. I never heard from them again. I told them in the letter to VERIFY and I will settle. NOTHING. Lesson learned: Folks like Guest are the norm in collections. ASG has bad apples but my experience tells me they will work with you if you try to pay it off. Problem for them is they are collecting for a CapOne who won't stop charging interest and that makes it hard for them to do small amounts :(

It's a shame that our country has fallen so far. There was a time when credit was a hard thing to get. Maybe we need these times to return so we can put people like GUEST out of business.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 10:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am a former collector for Account Solutions Group or ASG. I worked for the Capital One division in the company, who collects for various clients. To clear things up, the accounts I was collecting on were never "bought out" or sold to the company. The company gets a commission on what is collected. If nothing is collected, the company takes no loss except for the time invested in the account. Still, the debt is considered "charged off" because a 3rd party agency is now collecting on the account. Since the debt is being charged off, it is not uncommon for a credit card company to double the original balance so that in the event of a settlement, they will still make money on the deal. What would be the point of issuing a credit card if they were not planning on charging interest and fees?
Regarding interest and fees on unpaid debt, it is legal, well in practice, unethical, but necessary for the system to function. The key word is UNPAID. What would make you pay someone back if there was not some kind of incentive? For example if you are delinquent on a mortgage, they take your house. Since this is an unsecured debt, they charge interest on the debt to get you to pay it back sometime before you die.
Regarding the agency, we were required to follow fdcpa rules and guidelines. There was testing involved in how well we knew and obeyed the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). Truth be told, the company did turn a blind eye to those collectors who were successful and only require that they not get caught. Efficiency is the key in this business. An experienced collector knows to only concern themselves with finding who will pay and who will not. If a nonpayer is found, they will be turned over to the next collector down the ladder.
I understand that in many situations people are in a poor financial situation. There is nothing that can be done at this point except to pay dues. With current bankruptcy laws it is quite common to still be held responsible for credit card debt. Credit councilors were not given any special leway at ASG. They were just treated as mediators. With ASG, you are better off working with a collector yourself and save some money.
I do have personal feelings about credit card debt in that I feel people should take responsibility for what they owe. Putting it off will never help. Unlike some collectors who I have worked with, I do not believe that everyone is a "deadbeat" who has an outstanding balance on a credit card. For some, I don't even believe that they necessarily CAN pay and still maintain current on all other bills. HOWEVER, and this is a very important, the whole purpose behind a credit card is to provide either emergency funding (i.e. when my car broke down on the way home from my 1 hr commute from school and I had no choice but to get my car towed from the thruway and buy a $200 replacement radiator,) or to provide funding for a purchase which will be paid off immediately or before the billing cycle end. Proper use of credit cards do not include going out to eat, buying clothes or anything else non-essential when immediate repayal is not intended. If misuse occurs, you have only yourself to blame.
We have lived with credit cards and contracts long enough where people should know to read a contract before signing it and that even though fine print, you are expected to have read and agreed to all conditions. Regardless of how unfair, inhumane, cruel or heartless these conditions are, by signing the agreement you have agreed to such treatment and conditions if you ever fall behind on repayment.
So the best advice I can give if you are in debt and don't know where to turn, STOP. Put down the shovel and start the potentially lifelong process of repayment.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 18:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I myself am in debt and feel peoples pain because I work for a colection agency. This comment about people should just take #'s out is completely idiotic. Just answer peoples damn questions. It makes it easier on you and the people DOING THEIR JOB! Unlike some people who like to sit around and become lazy fat and a leach off todays society :twisted: . How about I went to your work and asked you to do your job and everytime you asked me a question I said F**k You. You tell me how your day would be. The funny part is that the collection industry is one of the highest paid entry level professions. Further more no collector is violating any law by not taking your # out of their computer system if you are going to be difficult and not answer a easy a** question. People Like you make me sick and I do hope I run across you in the near future.


Submitted by favajp28 on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 08:17

( Posts: 2 | Credits: )

Once again favajp28 blesses all with his wisdom and wit. Honey, I would love to run into you in my line of work. You sound like a snivling little twit, who does nothing more but whine and complain. There is a hint of threats in your postings, again be careful of what you post it is on the internet forever and could come back to haunt you later. But there is great humor in your empty threats. You must have had one hell of a bad day. Sorry for your luck. Deal with it.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 16:01

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Because you are such an inspiration to others, I dedicate this thread to you.


Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 17:06

( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Ohhhhh..I DARE you to come and try to do my job. I CHALLENGE you. I am not a scumbag, neither is any other person on this board. We are all entitled to our opinions, but I will not accept you attacking us personally.

Guess what, Fava? I am a college educated woman with More than an entry level job. I get up off my butt and go to work every single day, as do the others on this board. If I'm not mistaken, you said that you were in debt yourself. How does that make you any different from us?

I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of intelligent threads getting screwed up because of small-minded people like yourself that are so angry with what's going on in their own lives that they have to criticize everyone else's. We all have problems..Deal with yours.

You're not cute and you're not funny. Frankly, I think you are making a mockery of this board. This place helped me overcome my own financial problems and helped put me in a comfortable spot again. I am proud of myself, this board, and all the people here. I WILL NOT have you degrade that.


Submitted by finsfan13 on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 21:50

( Posts: 6919 | Credits: )

Does anyone have a working contact number for AGS? I have tried calling them back for 2 days now and I get a "all circuits are busy now" message.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 06:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You're all scumbags. If you had worked with the original creditor, you would have found them to be very accomodating. But one day, you got your bill in the mail and said, "oh no, I can't pay that." And that started the whole cycle. Idiot. Do you think it's going to go away? Deadbeat scum. And hey, college-educated scumbag, you pay off your student loans yet? Or are they in collections, too. Do everyone a favor and die.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 13:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am pissed off because you people use sites like these to try and worm your way out of paying your bills. It's as simple as that. You idiots seriously think you can trap bill collectors into committing an fdcpa violation, then sue them to pay your bill. You all have some sorry-assed story which you think entitles you to getting off the hook when a collector is forced to call your house and tell you to pay your bill. No one cares. Everyone has their own problems, but not everyone has them because they're so stupid they can't figure out things like interest rates and late payment charges. If you cann't afford it, don't buy it. End of story. You scumbags are ruining the economy, causing every business to raise their interest rates, which costs me money. I'm sick of your shit. You're dead weight. Pay your bills or go hang yourself in the basement.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 16:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello, I am Ravi from ICICI OneSource, parent company of ASG.

Mr. Fava is a supervisor at ASG. He does not speak on behalf of the company. We are a global organisation and fifth largest BPO from India. Our ethics and honesty are exceeding this unfortunate display.

Please accept our apologies. We are investigating such breaches made by employees who make such remarks or attempt to hide behind anonymous "Guest" id's on posting boards and blogs.

Such behaviours are not to be tolerated. Please know very well that employee disciplines will be taken as appropriate.


Ravi S.K.
DGM Corporate Security

ICICI OneSource
Mumbai, India


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 21:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I find it funny that there's so many angry people who use the excuse "pay your bills" and this won't be a problem.

Let me tell you, I'm 25weeks pregnant, I lost my job at 20 weeks. I also went through a divorce just prior to this and am stuck with the debt overload because *I* made the most money. Well, now it's not there. I have to try and survive on unemployment which, in and of itself, is severely lacking.

I've never been unemployed, I've always worked and my credit was STELLAR up until this October. Now, I'm forced to try and find a job while entering the third trimester of a pregnancy.

I've contacted debt consolidation and credit counselling services. They've all told me the same thing...I cannot do it on what I'm making on unemployment. Now I have choices to make. Food, heat, roof over my head, or credit card. Let me tell you the choice is very easy for me because it's not just MY life that hangs in the balance.

I've been recieving calls from ASG as well and had one man call me a theif for ever using my cards to begin with (before the disasterous job loss) and another woman tell me that my "priorities are screwed up" because I chose to feed my expected baby before paying my credit card bill.

Being in debt and struggling just to survive is hard enough but I want to know how these people ever expect to collect a dime when they're using "scare tactics" such as this?

I contacted every one of my creditors when I lost my job to try and set up SOME type of arrangement so I could pay them back while I tried to secure work and was told "Sorry, we cannot help you" So now my back's against a wall. It's a survival instinct that kicks in.

Bankruptcy is in my future. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm going to lose everything, not for lack of tryin, but for lack of an understanding on my creditor's part. A simple agreement for a lower monthly payment until I was employed again would have worked for me. I have no problem paying the interest and my debts when the means are available to me.

Some posters ignorance as to how and when trouble can come knocking with NO warning is just incredible and, I hope to the gods they never have to make the decision of food vs. visa when a son/daughter's health hangs in the balance.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 11:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Actually, I have a worse story.

I'm being harrassed by ASG, and I believe the underlying debt is fabricated. If they don't reply to my letters requesting more information about the underlying debt, I'll be contacting the New York Attorney General.

Could anyone else who has experiences with ASG that may be fraudulent in nature write me at dashley at gmail dot com?


Submitted by dashley on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 19:11

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especially DAVE whoever you are... Talk like a tough guy to me over the telephone... Not giving any information. I've told him to stop calling me for the third time!! He said what are you gonna do call the phone police on me!! They really are SCUMBAGS!!!!!! Talks tough over the phone.. come see me face to face alone. You wont talk like a tough guy ever again.. The telephone number that Dave has been harassing me from is 781-213-4502


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 16:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I guess all you really got to do is pay the bill that you owe and you wont get phone calls. credit cards isnt free money, its a loan given to you from a bank. same with a house or car payment. you dont pay that your out on the streets. If something comes up where you just cant pay FIND A WAY.Stop crying. Most people that are in debt havent work in God only knows and now they feel abused caused they are expected to pay money back. Get a job and stop living off the goverment. B.K has great benefits.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 19:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well isn't our guest a smart ass. Probably one of the very debt collectors that pays me every time I talk to his boss. A credit card is unsecured debt. It is not the same as a house or car loan. Banks that offer credit cards take the risk of giving unsecured credit. They charge more than enough to cover that risk.

Most people who fall behind on their bills have lost a job or someone in their family became ill. No one in that position deserves the type of illegal harassment all debt collectors engage in.


Submitted by texaslawyer on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 19:32

( Posts: 258 | Credits: )

Is the problem you have that the advice we give out makes it harder for you use illegal collection methods? Did your online ****subscription run out, and you can't pay for it, so now you flame people in an anonymous forum to get your jollies? Did your parents just never teach you how to play nice?

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]


Submitted by Morningstar on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 06:02

( Posts: 1633 | Credits: )

You people that feel sorry for themselvs are the ones that fall behind. If you lose your job, GET A NEW ONE. Dont sit on the couch watchin your family members on springer waiting for someone to walk up to you and offer you a $1million salary. Now people that end up getting sick is a different story but still have to find away to pay back the debt that they owe. yes, credit cards are a unsecured debt, but thats why when you dont pay it, your gonna be either sued,garnished and a lein on there property. Those are the ones that call back crying to the collections agency that we didnt try to work with them, when the matter of fact is we tried but its hard to work with ya if your gonna hang up everytime we call or be extremely rude. Why should we work with ya? People with jobs that earn a living have to pay there bills why shouldnt you? You tell tell the people that write on this site are the ones in debt. Get a job and stop your crying.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 06:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Once again Guest, you are giving all us other guests on this site a bad name. We all suffer becuase of your arrogance. Enough already. Even if you think you are right, which I don't believe you are, you have no right to come here and slam people you do not know. I believe you are probably heavily in debt and come here to say what you do, so in some wharped way you can feel better about yourself. There is no reason for you to be here. Go play on AOL, there are plenty of others there just like you. They love losers like you.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 06:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Guest is obviously clueless with his response.If he would have done research on this board before typing,he would have realized that texaslawyer is in fact a attorney. I myself am not. Just a advocate to help people on this board so debt collectors don't run over them completely with their tactics. I will tel you like I told the others.Go away ! You are doing nothing but wasting out time with your useless tactics.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 06:38

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

I totally agree with Guest. Why do all of you fools go out and open up lines of credit with the grand illusion that it's free merchandise you're getting and that the tooth fairy will actually pay for it in the long run?
If you don't have $ for something, then don't buy it, plain and simple! Also, when you do mess up and get in over your head, don't get mad at the person calling you to do their job and get back what is rightfully owed. Don't get defensive, don't be elusive, and don't be a damn liar. You made your bed now lie in it.
Yes, Illness is a different type of situation, but do the credit cards care that you're sick? Did they know you were going to get sick? Did the creditor calling to collect the debt know you were going to get sick? No one did. If we all sat around worrying about the future what fun would today be? Yes we all realize that the unforseen can and does happen. The fact is that it's something in the past that still needs to be taken care of.

No you may not ax who callin, we know you're lying when you say "He ain here", and don't tell us "well u dint send no bill cuz I never receed it"

Sidekick of guest.....OUT


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 20:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )