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The light at the end of the tunnel is almost here

Date: Thu, 04/27/2006 - 20:13

Submitted by twokidtwocat
on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 20:13

Posts: 602 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 15

The light at the end of the tunnel is almost here

Today my last Payday loan was changed to paid in full,after paying them over $3500 in interest and complaining to the AGs office in thier state,a very nice person from Gecc call me today and told me that they a going to forgive the rest of my loan.They followed up with an email,and will be sending me the paperwork in the mail.I have no more payday loans,I so happy,now all the money Im putting into consolidation will be going toward my credit card bills,and they should be paid in full in about 11 months.Im so happy I found this board when I did,or I might be living in my car now.Thank you, to all that gave me advice and the courage to fight these payday loan people.I will never resort to a payday loan again,I have learned my lesson.I have learned how to budget better,and even though my credit is still pretty bad,I can now concentrate and getting my scores up by focusing on getting the credit card accounts paid off. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sweet! How does it feel to be winning?

On a personal note, thinking back to what you told me earlier, you seem to have forgiven your ex for not only cheating, but digging this hole for you. Your resolve must be absolutely formidable, and that's a repectable trait. As for me, I still hope my ex dies of gonorrhea and rots in hell for all the trouble and indignity. Perhaps I need anger management.


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 20:27

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

I guess,I just feel that life is to short,I lost both my parents when they were still to young to go,my dad was only 54 and my mom was 63.It took awhile,but I soon realzied that him leaving was the best thing that could have happened.He did give me two wonderful talented children(who take after me :) )
So if I had never meant him,they would not exist,and I cant imagine a world without them.Even though he turned out to be a jerk of a husband,he helped me create our children,How can you hate someone,that is a part of your children,my son looks just like him,it just doesnt do any good to hold on to anger,anyway,its his loss.I guess,I just feel that we are all human,and all make mistakes,I am probaly one of the most liberal people you will ever meet.That being said,my kids might not be who they are today,if he had been around.
And its does feel great to be winning for a change. :D


Submitted by twokidtwocat on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 20:47

( Posts: 602 | Credits: )

GECC forgave my loan too! I got a call from them last week and an email. No paperwork in the mail yet. I have 3 pdls I am going to send letters to maybe they will write me off. I'll be debt free in 16 months according to my paperwork from T&C. CONGRAUTLATIONS AGAIN!! What A GREAT Feeling it is to be debt free of PDLS!! I just wish I was there now just like you.


Submitted by oh2benc2 on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 07:28

( Posts: 284 | Credits: )

Hi Ari and Twokid

You both have a wonderful life ahead to live and you people are presently on that path only. Ari, don't remember your past so often. It will only make you feel sad. You have a very wonderful present and a bright future. Live it that way.

Twokid, I have been seeing you since the time you were fighting hard to come out of your debt related problems last year. You have almost covered your way and would be about to reach the destination within the next 11 months. I congratulate you in advance anticipating a glorious life ahead.



Submitted by roxette on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 11:36

( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

Congrats...what a great feeling! I am feeling a bit of breathing room after closing my account and signing up with T&C last Friday. I have a couple of PDLs who won't work with them and/or went straight to a collection agency. I'll pay them in May/June, so should be in great financial shape by July as I have a couple of other long-term bills paying off by then. So close I can taste it!! So glad I found this site...everyone is so supportive and not judgmental :)!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 12:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Roxette is absolutely right. I have it so good now with my loving and generous husband and my career on the rise. It does make me feel sad, even mad at myself sometimes, just knowing that I've been had before. During my dark times I've had a lot of unsavory characters come in and out of my life, and I'm embarassed and disgusted with myself for associating with them, and even though it's been three to four years I still think ugly thoughts when something reminds me of them. Very ugly thoughts that make me sick. I have no idea how to shake them and just let go of the past.


Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 18:34

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )