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Is it possible to settle with Zwicker and Associates?

Date: Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:27

Submitted by kakbar13
on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:27

Posts: 3 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 86

Is it possible to settle with Zwicker and Associates?

Hey Guys Wanted to see if anyone can help me out. I have a Discover account that went to Zwicker and Associates and I am trying to settle this account, but they stated they won't do anything less than 80% is that true? Has anyone had any luck with them?


Originally Posted by Anonymous
they're bluffing....Discover just settled with me for a one-time payment of 45%.... Find out who owns this debt...see if Discover sold it to Zwicker or if they're servicing it.....If they're servicing it...then prepare a budget and ask if they can take your offer to Discover....if they refuse than call Discover's legal recovery dept and tell them that Zwicker won't present your offer.

Wihat phone numbers do YOU have for Discover's legal recovery dept??? sure didn't work with my debt when I called them and they asked my name............have several thousand ind ebt with them but had gotten the debt down from over 12K by letting them take monthly pyts from my account when I was working; was laid off a year ago and have no job still and now Zwicker has my account and Discover said they can't talk to me about it; only call the law firm.Zwicker...and from the stuff you all are saying about them, they are awful to work with and give us no credit for even trying to pay some or part of our debt, even if we have to take what little we have to settle it!!!!
what's up with that, Zwicker?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 14:49

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Each card is diff. Chase,AMEX,Discover, they all have diff. terms to settlement by. I do know for a fact that Zwicker does not own the debt discover still does. in all the ones to hear people talk about 20-30% those are ones that were prob with diff collection places. I promise you that a 30 or 40% settlement with discover while its with Zwicker WILL NOT HAPPEN !!! take care of it before they sue you.....


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 08:53

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Hey HandekBar, Go screw yourself, you blood thirsty bastards! Lots of people have lost their jobs due to no fault of theirs, and are unable to get another job, vice losing their homes, and all you want to do is bury them even further! Remember this, whaat goes around, comes around! And I hope one day you find yourself unemployed, and someone going after your ass with no compassion like yo all do!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 10:09

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I had Zwicker & Associates contact me regarding a credit card debt we negotiated and ended up settling for 50%, the gentleman i worked with was professional, curteous and willing to work with me on payment arrangements, I'm disabled right now and on fixed income. So far I have only encountered one very rude person there, she was just outright nasty when i called in for some info...and went on and on about they MUST have 2 contact #s blah blah blah and i should just make electronic payments or overnight them! HAH!! Right, i do a money order in REGISTERED mail. Up to this point I never had a problem so I prompted ended the conversation...other than that, all's going well SO FAR!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 20:07

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Just spoke with Swicker for the first time today. I owe about $10k on an AmEx. Their first offer was 50%, which seems like a good offer after reading some of the comments. The man I dealt with was very nice. I am on unemplyment and just had a baby. My health is poor and I am not sure when I will be cleared to get back to work. i am going to contact family to see if I can come up with the money/ Do you think they will go lower than the 50%...that was thier first offer...


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 08:11

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Zwicker and Associates contacted me 2 months ago and I told them I am unemployed and trying to keep my head above water. I never would have imagined that I would go from making $115,000 to $0. The job market is tough right now. I offered them some of my unemployment, but they laughed at the amount I can pay, $150 per month. I believe in paying my debts and could have worked with them. However, my priorities are keeping my home and feeding my family. Yesterday, I was served with a summons. I had been talking with a Bk attorney and I have an appointment with him tomorrow. My parents are giving me the money to pay him. This headache will finally be behind me and I won't have to deal with Capital One or Resurgent now.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 07:33

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Sazap-very easy, they do it all the time, daily some blood sucking JDB takes a poor person to court and tries to get a judgement against them. Then they empty bank accounts and garnish wages if they can get away with it. It happens everyday to people that have had everything under the sun go wrong, unemployment, medical problems, etc. It sucks but it happens


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 09:44

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to Handel Bar: Zwicker and Ass. are cruel, and will not work with you. Threaten is all they know and to demean people in their worst time. We were served after only 3 months late with AX. Well what goes around comes around. AND NO ZWICKER DOES TRY TO WORK WITH THE CLIENT, ONLY THREATS, AND TO DEMEAN PEOPLE.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/02/2010 - 12:04

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Remember to dispute evry debt. A judge in New York just threw out a lawsuit because the attorneys for Chase could not come up with the original credit card application. They had a copy but the judge wouldn't take it. I don't think all judges are so easy but always ask every collection agency to send you a copy of the original credit card agreement


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/20/2010 - 17:50

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I am trying to settle with Amex, an unsecured debt that Amex are trying to stick to me personally since I was involved in a small business that was forced to close in Illinois. This is actually a liability assumed by another biz that purchased my biz's assets, but that business went bust with upside down collateralized bank debts. So I have a $30K bad biz corporate debt to resolve ... I am unemployed over a year with no assets, personal or business wise. I have told Amex that I am going farther into debt each month on my personal cards maintaining a family of five on UI benefits until they run out. None of this will sway them from asking for a minimum $20K (75%) settlement!

The account is 84 days past due ... and i have been told by Amex that they don't keep original credit applications past seven years (and I opened the unsecured "line of credit" acount with them in 2002). So they apparently have no original app with my signature on it to present. If they offered closer to $15K settlement, I could probably swing a bail out with friends who'd like to see the end of months of persecution and indifference from Amex... and the possibility of the likes of Zwicker crawling all over me while I try to re-invent myself and support my family again after 26 years of prior success.

Any advice of comments appreciated ...


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 07:55

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I was sued by Zwicker representing Citibank. I answered and counterclaimed. I answered their Discovery and sent them my discovery requests. They only partially answered and stated that they would have their client send me the remainder of the answers I requested. In the meantime they filed to have my counterclaim stricken or dismissed after the time allowed for them to make this motion. I then filed a motion to deny them their motion to strike or dismiss.This is the strange part. I got a call From a Jason Green from Zwicker wanting to make nice all of a sudden and work something out. When I told him that it made no sense for me to settle because I might have to file bankruptcy anyway if I couldn't settle some other matters. He then encouraged me to file Bankruptcy because Citibank would not drop their suit. I couldn't believe that they would want me to file for Bankruptcy. After that I got a motion that they filed with the court for an Emergency Motion to Extend the Time for Plaintiff to Respond to The Defendants Discovery Requests. In other words they are 3 months past due answering my Discovery requests and are asking the court for more time. I have filed a motion to Deny their request and Dismiss the case with Prejudice. Anyone have any thoughts as to why they would want me to file Bankruptcy?


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 08/21/2010 - 08:13

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I too have been contacted by Zwicker in the past week for a $20K balance. Amex says I am 90 days past due, however, I have continued to make a monthly payments no matter what, past due or not, I have made the effort to make some sort of payment every month (and we're only talking $900/past due... and the last three weeks I have submitted some sort of payment "EVERY SINGLE WEEK" to show my obligations ... now at this point, I am only $500 past due! I contacted AMEX to ask them why. As of today, I contacted their credit dept. and they say they can't see my recent payment history ... it's locked ???? and only Zwicker can see it. The gal was quite informative in how to approach Zwicker ... but from everything I am seeing here, it doesn't look like they are very cooperative ???


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 16:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

it still amuses me to see how many people here are complaining about Z&A when they dont realize that every collection agency is under extreme scrutiny, if someone was TRULY out of line with you, report it, every call in and out of Z&A and any collection agency is recorded, and its a FDCPA law to state the call is being recorded, seriously, just pay your bills, i dont understand why people expect there to not be reprecussions for not paying your bills, collectors can and will work with you if your having a hard time, but dont expect things to go in your favor if you cant pay, they will continue with the law suit either way, they atleast give you the option to voluntarily fix the problem


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2010 - 18:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What if I got a summons from Zwicker and Assoc. and I had never been notified? I went through a divorce 2 years ago and in the agreement, I got stuck with 3 credit cards but my ex spouse is paying the house mortgage until our son turns 18. I went through Practical Debt Relief and have paid off the 2 larger ones, then Discover was going to be next (last one) which I did not know until I got the summons. I asked PDF if they had ever notified Discover Bank, and stated that they had. Now I have a summons and am being sued which I had never been notified about? I am responding with the legal forms. Can I call without PDF and try to negotiate this last debt myself?


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 20:16

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If they have no proof that they can give to you in writing DENY DENY DENY it is yours and get an attorney if they sue you, because they will sue you (just don't accept any certified mail!). Eventually they will sue you. Get an attorney when this happens and let him handle it. If we had not tried to go Pro Se on our suit our attorney said he could have got the case dismissed (with prejudice) and we would not have had to pay anything but his fees. We could have walked away from $30K by paying about $900 for his services. However we filed Pro Se (on our own at first) and said yes this was our account (turns out they AMEX didn't have the original paperwork so they couldn't have proved it was our account). By denying you just shift the burden of proof to the Plaintiff, you aren't lying. If they have the proof then you can still settle. Odds are they don't have the proof. We ended up settling out of court for 60% of the balance. Our lawyer said if we had come to him first he could have saved us $17000! Live and learn. Oh and Zwicker still lied and called us after we have legal representation so I'm trying to sock them with FDCPA violations. Keep records, write down names and times!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/20/2010 - 19:10

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This guy in sub#16 is really walking a fine line when it comes to saying " yes we will take you to court" especially profesing to be n employee of Zwicker. I have done business with Zwicker for many years for hundreds of clients, and the settlements range from 30-80% depending on the creditor and depending on the balance and delinquency status, depending on if it is or is not a business account, there are many many factors, I have seen people with 750.00 owing and Zwicker is going forward with litigation after only 120 days of past due and then I have seen balances in excess of 40k and after 18 months of past due/failure to pay litigation had not been sought and I was able to it simply depends on many factors. Once your account goes to an ATTORNEY backed collector, the chances of litigation increase however that is not to guarantee you will be served papers.
Again I am in debt settlement, and the bottom line is, pay your bills weather its settlements or payments, and know your options too, how many payments will they take a settlement over, will they take less if you pay in only 1 or 2 payments (generally yes), and dont let them intimidate you, if they threaten you then wait the month out and call the next month and chances are that the file has been transferred to another rep, also do not be scared to ask for a supervisor. Remember you have the money and YOU have the power. EVEN if you are served it is not the end of the world, simply file your answer and ese if you can settle of make payments arrangements, get everything in writing stiip agreement or entry judgement and if they will nt work with you show up in court, you do not need an attorney, and you can tell the judge that you tried and they were not willing! Best of luch to you!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 10:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Discover hates working with debt management companies. If you have one expect a poor settlement if any.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 18:16

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Has anyone settled with Zwicker for AMEX in the last few months. Im about 90 days late on $20K and was quickly told 80% would work, but that if I fought and put a hardship letter together he thought 50% would be a fair number. Obviously Im going to shoot for the moon and go for 30-40% if possible.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/08/2011 - 03:35

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discover sent both mine and my husbands cards to z&a ..and we had never missed a payment, and were not behind, just because we signed on with a settlement company, who sent out letters within 24 hours. well, we called them back within 48 hours of signing on and cancelled the enrollment .. the sc told me at get-go they would not and could not send out letters until AFTER they received the first month payment.. THEY LIED ! well, 3 months later, we got letters from z&a on the accounts- which we still had not missed a payment on ... we recently tried to do settlement with z&a, when i gave them our % offer, the man snickered and said "they will not even consider less than 80%". and he did not even send them our offer...


Submitted by generallee on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 22:30

( Posts: 150 | Credits: )

Yes....most Clients will settle the accts for 80%. Most want bif, if you don't care about the credit report, you can settle. But remember, in some cases you will have to pay tax on the amt you saved. Plus "settled in full" means that you didn't pay the entire debt, and this does reflect on your credit report.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 18:17

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