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Is it possible to settle with Zwicker and Associates?

Date: Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:27

Submitted by kakbar13
on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:27

Posts: 3 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 86

Is it possible to settle with Zwicker and Associates?

Hey Guys Wanted to see if anyone can help me out. I have a Discover account that went to Zwicker and Associates and I am trying to settle this account, but they stated they won't do anything less than 80% is that true? Has anyone had any luck with them?

they're bluffing....Discover just settled with me for a one-time payment of 45%.... Find out who owns this debt...see if Discover sold it to Zwicker or if they're servicing it.....If they're servicing it...then prepare a budget and ask if they can take your offer to Discover....if they refuse than call Discover's legal recovery dept and tell them that Zwicker won't present your offer.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 18:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi there;
I had an American Express account that was sent to Zwicker at a little over 90 days past due. They told me that if I did not settle within 10 days that it was set up for litigation. They started at 80%, but we went back and forth and ended up settling at 55%, spread out over 3 payments. Just figure out what 50% of your balance is and then tell them that is all that you can come up with...and that you have to borrow it from a relative, friend, or whatever. Be convincing and if they think that is all that they will get out of you they will come down. According to other threads on this forum, they are pretty tough and I do happen to know for sure that they have attorneys in almost every state. That is basically why i was not willing to push my luck. I was happy to get them to the 55% figure. (My account was sent to them with a balance of over $10K)


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 18:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got served papers on an AmEx acct and contacted them immediately to settle. You would think I asked them to kill their puppy! All I want is something in writing before I send them a check. Been back and forth with them since March 6th, it is now March 18th and the court date is April 7th....still nothing. At least I now have fodder for when I go to court!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 16:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

how quickly did zwicker send you to court -- they are threatening to do that - and I'm only about 4 month late - seems early to me


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/20/2009 - 14:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was told by Zwicker & Associates that 80% was the lowest they go so don't even start with 50% or 60%. I am going to hold out. Any advice?



Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 05/21/2009 - 18:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i paid 7500 on a 4k total balance after they took me to court & squeezed me dry...i went to a few meetings at first and i cried poor and indigent in front of the judge...they cut me sum slack in the beginning but in the end i paid 5 years later....omg i hate court they had me on a plan called no abiity to pay but after a while they kept sending soooo many papers to go to court i gave up...mark my words collection agencies are snakes !!!!!! i hate them!!!! now i try to settle for the lowest i can


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 06/20/2009 - 21:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

we just settled with Zwicker for .25 on the dollar. over 4 payments.

just keep trying they can do better than the 80%


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 08:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a fresh case with Zwicker and Amex. During the first conversation I was told that they no longer accept complete settlements, Amex is no longer doing this. Is this a bluff ? Collector is "offering" to speak with Amex and help me get enrolled to 6-month long Amex "customer care" program, definitely a good deal and I know about this program, it is 0% for 6-months, but as I might be in a position to settle my debt at 50%, I would like to push that one forward, but the guy keeps telling me that it is no longer an option with Amex anymore. Any feedback appreciated .....


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 13:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am a Case Manager at Zwicker and Associates. We are a Law firm. We have attorneys in every state. Once your credit card is deliquent or isnt paid the card holder themselves try and get you to pay. After a period of time you dont pay, they send it to a collection agency and they try to get you to pay. After that it may go to another collection agency or be sent to our Law firm. Case managers there are trying to work with you to get the debt paid off, other wise...yes we will take you to court. Once that happens to the extent of the law in your state, you have a judgement against you, you have court cost, attorney fee's etc, etc.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 09/12/2009 - 04:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am a Case Manager at Zwicker and Associates. We are a Law firm. We have attorneys in every state. Once your credit card is deliquent or isnt paid the card holder themselves try and get you to pay. After a period of time you dont pay, they send it to a collection agency and they try to get you to pay. After that it may go to another collection agency or be sent to our Law firm. Case managers there are trying to work with you to get the debt paid off, other wise...yes we will take you to court. Once that happens to the extent of the law in your state, you have a judgement against you, you have court cost, attorney fee's etc, etc.

I would love to get your pespective, given your experience working for/as a debt collection attorney. What is your method of collecting that judgment, and recouping your time in court, etc. if the person you just successfully sued is out of work, insolvent, disabled, or otherwise unable and unlikely to pay?

In otherwords, legal or not, what is your motivation, and method, of "squeezing blood from a turnip"? What happens to all those judgements on people that have no means to pay? Is it really worth your firm's billable hours to pursue?

And I am being completely honest; I am asking the question not to be inflammatory, but to get your perspective and understand the process better from a legal standpoint.

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Submitted by Will Mason on Sat, 09/12/2009 - 13:40

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The link was to a free resource at a dot*org domain...Does that qualify as "advertising" at this forum?[/COLOR]
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Submitted by Will Mason on Sat, 09/12/2009 - 16:07

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This woman is a minister of a church here in Atlanta. She dehumanizes the people that work for her and violates all overtime and employment laws. She has been reported to the labor board and I am asking any former employer who just got fired recently to join me in a suit against this firm. Obviously the main office in massachuetts does not know how this woman is running there company into the ground in atlanta. Something needs to be done immediately. She is defaming and attacking the character of her employees and she is blatantly turning on employee against another..She is being investigated I need others to join me in Closing down Zwicker and Associates. I vote to fire Denise Arnold she is not equipped to manage a dog...


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 10/03/2009 - 21:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have a debt of 17k i am looking to make settlement for a lump sum. i strted with zwicker approx 4 months ago and they do not want to settle. they say amex doesnt let them. They sent me a summons via regular mail that i must appear in court within the next 30 days. I got a call this morning from them at work telling me that if i dont pay now then they will sue and take money from my paycheck. I tried offering a settlment again and they refused. ANY IDEAS?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 07:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i would check to see on the summons you got by mail.check with your court clerk to see if there is a case filed.if not i would send them a DV letter.the fact that they are still contacting and threatening after a supposed summons doesn't smell right to me.if the summons is legit.answer it,and get a court date.a judge may make them settle,or a real court date might.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 07:38

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I received a collections notice from Zwicker & Associates and quickly sent off a Debt Validation letter to them which was Certified mail, delivered and signed for. However, they are still calling my work number. They have called three times since receiving the Debt Validation notice.
They are caling my work number and not leaving a voice mail. I see thier number on the caller ID with time and date stamp.
So, they are in violation at this point are they not ?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 12:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
You got that right, zwicker is not a debt buyer so they will have to go by what ever the client (american express,discover,chase etc...)tell us to....

no your pull people's credit then throw it to the wall.then you illegaly manipulate the process server to get defaults because you wouldn't have a prayer in a legit hearing.NY AG cuomo is gonna put it to you good.i can't wait.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 05:13

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Folks if you have that much debt and haven't been able to pay it back your credit is probably already screwed. I had medical bills that set me over the edge and had the wonderful experience of dealing with Zwicker. I filed for Chapter 7 and basically gave Zwicker a nice FU. They didn't get a penny. That was a year ago and my credit score is already 720.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 17:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Have 2 amex accounts that zwicker was handling. One was completed in September....the other continues. I have been waiting on a letter from zwicker stating the final payment has been satisfied but never received anything. Now
it appears as if another company has the balance and they want to collect.
Zwicker now denies that September was the final payment and says we defaulted by not paying the final payment. Who does that? They deny having the conversation and the representative is no longer with the company. Can anything be done or am I screwed....


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 12:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I would not mess with them. Depending on what type of card you have depends on how quickly they will file suit against you. Some as soon as they clear the dispute period others they never sue. I would try to get into contact with them and see what they have to offer. Remember to try to work with the person who answers the phone because they are the person who most of the times gives you the low settlements such as 30 % and 40 %.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/25/2009 - 10:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I would not mess with them. Depending on what type of card you have depends on how quickly they will file suit against you. Some as soon as they clear the dispute period others they never sue. I would try to get into contact with them and see what they have to offer. Remember to try to work with the person who answers the phone because they are the person who most of the times gives you the low settlements such as 30 % and 40 %.

really?seeing as NY AG cuomo is working on getting hundreds of default judgements vacated because this bottomfeeder illegaly manipulated the process server the only thing they would get from me is a DV letter.then if they try to sue countersue.why pay this place when it's up in the air if they have any right to collect.again the only suits they have won are gonna be vacated because they got the defaults illegaly.never just pay over the phone.this place will get theirs shortly.


Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 11:47

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Zwicker are zionist scheisters. Lookup "STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" for your state. In Florida, for examplr. It is 2 years. Meaning any contract after 2 years is VOID. Providing
you had NO contact/payments in 24 months, with the creditor. If debt is 2 years old...tell them "SOL"! They know what it means!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 18:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Zwicker are zionist scheisters. Lookup "STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" for your state. In Florida, for examplr. It is 2 years. Meaning any contract after 2 years is VOID. Providing
you had NO contact/payments in 24 months, with the creditor. If debt is 2 years old...tell them "SOL"! They know what it means!!

Sorry but Florida is 4 or 5 years depending on the type of contract. Do your research.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 18:18

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Many years ago I had an American Express Card and was diagonosed with cancer and was very ill. The person I talked to at Zwicker and Associates was mean, nasty, did not believe me when I told him I was sick and not working and could not pay the debt like they wanted. He threatened me on the phone and was all around just nasty. These people AMEX hires are brutal. They are doing what they do best, Intimitation. I dealt with them directly and I can honestly say in my 30 years, at the time, they made me cry on top of everything else. I did file a complaint and got educated. Checked the statute of limitations in my state, read up on Fair Credit practices and learned my rights and became an informed consumer. I will never, ever do business with AMEX again. WHO CARES! I am successful, older and alive and just bought a house. Never, ever pay anything on a debt until you are ready to. Even a verbal agreement to pay something even a few dollars sets the Statute of limitations all over again. I did not settle with them. I paid every damn dollar off. I pawned anything of value to get them off my back and never looked back.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 17:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Zwicker are zionist scheisters. Lookup "STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" for your state. In Florida, for examplr. It is 2 years. Meaning any contract after 2 years is VOID. Providing
you had NO contact/payments in 24 months, with the creditor. If debt is 2 years old...tell them "SOL"! They know what it means!!

OK.... So you're a racist pig, who can't spell, and you have absolutely no idea of what the law actoally says. Now that we've established that, did you have anything accurate or constructive to add?


Submitted by unclewulf on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 18:00

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

Just got mine today, I was thinking of just filing Chapter7. I have very little savings, live with my sister and my wife and 3 kids in Denver with her sister. We sold our house and the IRS took all of the equity. I'm in the Real Estate industry and the economy has devastated so many in my industry and nationally.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/15/2010 - 18:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To add, it is Amex and owe 30k. at first it was some overseas collection, but when I wanted to get something in writing they did not want to. This Zwicker only called once and I told them that I have nothing. They lady on the other side just told me good luck and I thought that was the end of it. But now I get this summons/served papers. I have been through worse, I just have to spend the time and money now to really start over.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/15/2010 - 18:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

are you referring to tax refund check or paycheck?

Not sure what "the raven" was referring to, but it does not matter. The IRS will keep all of any refunds you are due if you owe for a prior year. They can also garnish a portion of your paycheck. They can also just go into your bank account and take the money if it is there.

Depending upon your State, another creditor may be able to garnish a portion of your wages, but this doesn't seem to happen often.


Submitted by Andrew Bernard on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 07:52

( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

Zwicker just called me and wouldn't even give me an address. Lol i am googling them (even their website won't let you have access) and i am sending a cease & desist letter. They can pass it on to the next debt collector because i refuse to deal with them. I even gave them my bankruptcy attorney's name and number for "all my accounts that may be with you as well as my husband's" they told me that he has to call in about his accounts and i have to call in about mine. But wouldn't even tell me what accounts i had with them! What the....

Surely there are several federal trade commission rules they are breaking. I am looking into suing them myself.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 15:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

People if you have NO ASSETS Let them take you to court even if they win you are judgement Proof they NEVER EVER Can Collect. They can't get water from a rock. It NEVER turns Criminal in fact if they threaten criminal prosicution on a civil matter you can sue them! Don't be scared of these collection agencies. If your going to stiff one you mise well stiff all!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 17:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Stupid move and one is judgement proof. You may not have anything today ...most people hope for the future. Job changes, new spouses, improved you really want it coming back to bite your ass 8 years from now? Besides, that judgment also is the first step to getting your wages garnished and your bank account frozen.

Go climb back under your rock.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 17:27

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am a Case Manager at Zwicker and Associates. We are a Law firm. We have attorneys in every state. Once your credit card is deliquent or isnt paid the card holder themselves try and get you to pay. After a period of time you dont pay, they send it to a collection agency and they try to get you to pay. After that it may go to another collection agency or be sent to our Law firm. Case managers there are trying to work with you to get the debt paid off, other wise...yes we will take you to court. Once that happens to the extent of the law in your state, you have a judgement against you, you have court cost, attorney fee's etc, etc.

Thats BS I had a delinquent account with Discover and never got a call from Zwicker; the only thing I got was a knock at the door from a civil process server serving a civil law suit from Zwicker and associates. I called the attorney listed for Zwicker and he would no even negotiate a settlement for less than 100%.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 18:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Please... I had two accounts - one on time, one delinquent. They lumped the two together, told me that I had 10 days to pay the "settlement".. for 75% of the final total. The case manager was ALWAYS rude... he became nasty because I WAS IN DEBT.. like it was HIS fault... then they give you email addresses and these "boss's names" that never work... They will only speak to you for "x" amount of minutes before cutting you off and hanging up the phone, and other rude practices. Then they told me that if I agreed to pay the settlement, I wouldn't receive a judgement. I made my first payment (1 of 3) to them, and a month later, they filed a judgement against me ANYWAY! When I called about this, they told me "oh no... ignore that, I'm sending an email to my boss RIGHT NOW so he knows to stop all of this."... this is the same answer that I received EVERY TIME that I called, in addition to them cutting me off and hanging up on me... I, then received a summons for court, that they ALSO told me to "ignore." Long story short, I paid these people the settlement money and they STILL filed a judgement against me, after telling me that the had no intentions of filing the judgement due to my agreement to paying the settlement amount... When I called to find out why the STILL filed the judgement, all of a sudden they want nothing to do with me, or can't remember who I am, or don't recognize my file... and then they hang up - what a waste! If anyone has a similar kind of issue with this "firm" PLEASE POST!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 13:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by kakbar13
Hey Guys Wanted to see if anyone can help me out. I have a Discover account that went to Zwicker and Associates and I am trying to settle this account, but they stated they won't do anything less than 80% is that true? Has anyone had any luck with them?

I'd like to know that too.,,,,,,tried to call DISCOVER card and girl put me through to her "manager" and said nope, we can't deal with you; we've sent you to an atty since in Jan of 2010 when we spoke to you, you were going to get a credit debt co involved; I said I did and I cancelled them after 3 mos 'cos all they were doing was taking my money and was not sending in any to them (Discover or my other credit card) in fact they were just taking the $ out of my account for their services and I was to "save up" $ to negotiate a settlement when I saved up some money! Well,...........hello!! I'm not working and still don't have a new job, so tried to tell Discover card people that I'd even dipn into my 401K which didn't have much, but I'd be willing to give them at least 35% of the debt because that's about all I had in there and DISCOVER CARD REFUSED TO WORK WITH ME ON THAT and only wanted me to call ZWICKER & ASSOC............because they'd already sent my account in to them in Jan or Feb.

I said yeah I know, but again, am no longer working with them.......DISCOVER CARD would not work with me on settling the debt at all! Even with my 401K account what I had left in it! Unbelievable..........they suck! And now it sounds like this Zwicker &Ass's are going to be even worse about it. Am in a dilemma about it myself and this is a current post, SO HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS BAD EXPERIENCE DEALING WITH DISCOVER CARD, AND WHEN YOU CALLED ZWICKER, DID THEY WORK WITH YOU ON A 35% OR SO DEBT SETTLEMENT OR NOT????


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 14:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )