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Upfront cash

Date: Tue, 11/18/2008 - 09:55

Submitted by anonymous
on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 09:55

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

Upfront cash

I recently found these boards and have been paying on a payday loan with Upfront Cash since 3/2008. I have been paying rollover fees every 2 weeks and that is illegal in my state (Michigan). I knew nothing about the laws until I came here. My original loan was $600 and I have overpaid them by $1180.00. It makes me sick to think of all the money they have gotten from me! Well today, with info I have gotten from this forum, I emailed them and this is the response I received 30 minutes later-


Dear -

Thank you for your email. After receiving your email and reviewing your account, we have satisfied your balance on your account leaving you with a zero balance owed and we have issued a manual credit to your account that will be reflected in your account tomorrow morning totaling $1180.

Best Regards

I was in complete and total shock that not only did they give me $0 balance, but also refunded me all the money I overpaid. I hurried over to the website just to make sure and it did, in fact, have my loan listed as inactive and my balance as $0. I will cross my fingers and hope for my refund in my account tomorrow.

I just wanted to thank everyone on the boards for doing what you do! I can't imagine all the people that you have helped, including me, that never even post. I am sure you have helped more people than you can imagine! You are all so wonderful! I thank all of you again so much!

I was having money problems at the time like most of us do and i went on line and applied for a payday loan and these to places came up,Up front cash and up front pay day loan they both loaned me the money i needed but i was charged fee after fee every week when i got paid....And now they are on my credit report and i am not happy at all because i cant get in touch with them to talk to them...


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 07:17

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