Target National Bank: Can customers rely on them?
Date: Mon, 09/12/2005 - 11:52
Target National Bank: Can customers rely on them?
I am trying to contact Target National Bank by ph.Do you have that ph#
target card behind in payments
I got a summons last nite from Target National Banks attoerney to appear incourt for not paying my credit card. The bad economy has really effected my life, plus I had a babay and was out of work for almost 2 months. I am slowly paying off my bills. What can I do. I can start paying my Target maybe 100.00 a month. Should I call them so we can work something out a and not have to go too court. Christina
I have also had a bad experience with Target. Actualy a couple. The first bad experience was when I paid down the credit card by about 2k. Just as soon as I did they shrunk my credit line by that much. So when I went to pay a small 20.00 fee at my chiropractors, the card was declined! They never told my wife and I they were shrinking the credit line. I was furious. Called Target and they told me that the econemy was the reason they were doing this.
This made me so mad , I paid off the card card entirely and shreaded the card. I noticed they took the credit line from 5k to $500.
The second thing that happend is what I am still trying to fix today! I have always been an authorized user on this account. Somehow, right before we told them to close the account, They made me a joint user without my permission! I have called three times to have this fixed and have gottn no where! The last time I spoke to them, They said they would send me documentation that I had signed to become a joint holder. They said it would take 14 days. It's now been 45 days and nothing!
Just as I suspected there is no documentation.
So now I have a ding on my credit report showing that I had closed this account. Whereas if I was just an authorized user, This accout would have been erased.
What can I do?
Tony Roy
What is the current address and contact person for contacting Ta
What is the current address and contact person for contacting Target National Bank Visa regarding a delinquent account? Is the Wayzata address still correct? Who do I address my letter to? I am disabled and want to make sure they know that, since my income is exempt. I am trying to avoid being sued, even though I have no cash to pay what I owe right now. I have no equity in my car or house and have no assets. They can sue, but they can't get blood from a turnip as they say! Thanks.
Just got off the phone with them. Here is the current contact in
Just got off the phone with them. Here is the current contact information.
Target National Bank
P.O. Box 59317
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Contact # 800.659.2396
Best thing to do, is not to give them any information on your ca
Best thing to do, is not to give them any information on your car or home, etc., other than you home address and contact number. You can always request a settlement amount and with a promised date to be able to pay it. Many times you are able to do this and a payment plan will be set up, but usually no more than 2 or 3 months to pay.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousHello I am trying to contac
Originally Posted by Anonymous Hello I am trying to contact Target National Bank by ph.Do you have that ph# |
"1-888-755-5856 target credit services. I would like to add that I have spent 8 years paying them in full on my delinquent account, and they refused to renew or issue me a credit card again."
Red card !
I have been a red card holder with target for over five years and they have raised the interest rates to were we never get any where paying it down or OFF, What can we do to get the interest lowered?
They issued somebody else a credit card in my name, and this per
They issued somebody else a credit card in my name, and this person somehow ran up a debt before I found out about it. Target has been impossible to deal with, and have been blowing up my credit for years now over it. I didn't make a police report or anything at the time because I was a kid and didn't even realize it was happening until it was to late. Just got a letter in the mail telling me about this debt I owe them from a purchase that had gained 2 years interest. And I have never even shopped at Target, nore had i ever heard of Target National Bank.
In short. I have a strong hate for Target. They have really hurt me and cant even supply me with the information so that I can try to fix it. Instead they wait 2 years and ruin your credit.
I suggest to anyone who's thinking of getting a Target VISA card
I suggest to anyone who's thinking of getting a Target VISA card - Don't! If the cashier at your local Target store suggests you get one, because you're going to get 10% off your purchase - DON'T - it's not worth the hassle!!!
I'm currently being sued because they (TNB) claim I haven't been sending any payments for 4 years - I know that's BS because I have. I have an attorney who's fighting for my rights.