Credit score went up!!!
Date: Fri, 10/05/2007 - 10:43
Credit score went up!!!
I am so excited!! I noticed that the CA that I paid off are still on there. It says they will come off my report in 2008. Do I just sit back and relax, or should I send letters to them asking them to remove the mark totally??
Congratulations!!! That is a big jump. Send the letter challengi
Congratulations!!! That is a big jump. Send the letter challenging it. It can't hurt!
Congrats Lucylu! A year ago my credit score was perfect. One esc
Congrats Lucylu! A year ago my credit score was perfect. One escrow overage, which became a shortage later, and that's all changed. Thats how my payday loan hell started. I've decided that I'm not gonna worry about credit scores anymore. I'm done with credit. I plan on living in my house for the rest of my life, and least most of it anyway. I won't need a car again for a long time, and if something catastrophic happens I'll ask family and friends, churches, etc for help. I've also given up a lot of stuff, and actually have money in my savings account again. I'm not going to let credit, money, finances, etc ever and I mean ever become an important part of my life. Life is too short, as far as Im concerned. If I want something and can't pay cash for it, then I don't get it. If I need something, I'll find a way to get it.
I also recycle on the side, it might sound funny, but I've actually made a lot of money lately from doing this. 1000 bucks in August and 453 dollars a few weeks ago. It's not much, but it definitely helps.
Sorry! I didn't mean to rant! Like I said, congrats on your credit score going up. It must feel great when you see positive results from your efforts!!!
Congrats Lucylu! That's a huge increase! I'm happy for u! And
Congrats Lucylu!
That's a huge increase! I'm happy for u!
And sub, i totally understand where ur coming from. I feel the same way as u do! If i dont'have the cash for it obviously i don't need it that much! But some people here are young, in their 20's, and want to purchase homes and such.... Then maybe one day they can be at a point in their lives as we are! :D
That's great! I know things will just continue to get better for
That's great! I know things will just continue to get better for you. :-)
Congrats!! That's terrific! Definitely challenge, who knows what
Congrats!! That's terrific! Definitely challenge, who knows what could happen!
How long does it take to see the credit score go up?
How long does it take to see the credit score go up?
Awesome Lucylu! congratulations!! I have maybe a dumb question t
Awesome Lucylu! congratulations!! I have maybe a dumb question though...did you purchase your credit report to find out your score? I ask because I have a wamu card (got that after years of bad credit being on its way to being repaired) and I look on there for my score which is a perk of being with wamu. I noticed that my score goes up maybe 20 points give or take when i pay off multiple times a month and pay more than the minimum. However, that FICO score is only from Transunion I think. When I got my free score from I noticed that the score wamu provides from Transunion is much higher (almost 40 points) than when i saw the score from the I was just wondering. Again congratulations!
That is awesome Lucylu! I realized you posted this almost a mo
That is awesome Lucylu!
I realized you posted this almost a month ago. Did you send a letter to see if they could remove the mark?