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Credit score went up!!!

Date: Fri, 10/05/2007 - 10:43

Submitted by krisT
on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 10:43

Posts: 133 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 10

Credit score went up!!!

My credit score went up 83 points!!!!! :D

I am so excited!! I noticed that the CA that I paid off are still on there. It says they will come off my report in 2008. Do I just sit back and relax, or should I send letters to them asking them to remove the mark totally??

Congrats Lucylu! A year ago my credit score was perfect. One escrow overage, which became a shortage later, and that's all changed. Thats how my payday loan hell started. I've decided that I'm not gonna worry about credit scores anymore. I'm done with credit. I plan on living in my house for the rest of my life, and least most of it anyway. I won't need a car again for a long time, and if something catastrophic happens I'll ask family and friends, churches, etc for help. I've also given up a lot of stuff, and actually have money in my savings account again. I'm not going to let credit, money, finances, etc ever and I mean ever become an important part of my life. Life is too short, as far as Im concerned. If I want something and can't pay cash for it, then I don't get it. If I need something, I'll find a way to get it.
I also recycle on the side, it might sound funny, but I've actually made a lot of money lately from doing this. 1000 bucks in August and 453 dollars a few weeks ago. It's not much, but it definitely helps.
Sorry! I didn't mean to rant! Like I said, congrats on your credit score going up. It must feel great when you see positive results from your efforts!!!


Submitted by submarinesailor on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 23:32

( Posts: 114 | Credits: )

Congrats Lucylu!
That's a huge increase! I'm happy for u!
And sub, i totally understand where ur coming from. I feel the same way as u do! If i dont'have the cash for it obviously i don't need it that much! But some people here are young, in their 20's, and want to purchase homes and such.... Then maybe one day they can be at a point in their lives as we are! :D


Submitted by Ang on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 06:40

( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

Awesome Lucylu! congratulations!! I have maybe a dumb question though...did you purchase your credit report to find out your score? I ask because I have a wamu card (got that after years of bad credit being on its way to being repaired) and I look on there for my score which is a perk of being with wamu. I noticed that my score goes up maybe 20 points give or take when i pay off multiple times a month and pay more than the minimum. However, that FICO score is only from Transunion I think. When I got my free score from I noticed that the score wamu provides from Transunion is much higher (almost 40 points) than when i saw the score from the I was just wondering. Again congratulations!


Submitted by debtstinker on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 17:33

( Posts: 288 | Credits: )