Fight with Check n Go Over!
Date: Wed, 09/19/2007 - 14:19
Submitted by Lukeskywalker
Wed, 09/19/2007 - 14:19
Total Replies: 73
Fight with Check n Go Over!
Thank you and all the best,
sorry to keep asking, just donkt want to look back later and fin
sorry to keep asking, just donkt want to look back later and find out that I could have prevented something from happening; thats why I keep asking for help with this.
Luke-when were the checks written to Check n Go? What is your ba
Luke-when were the checks written to Check n Go? What is your banks stale date policy? But even so, the account is closed right?
the checks where all written April of this year. My bank closed
the checks where all written April of this year. My bank closed that checking account that these checks where written on and the check n go loan has been forgiven.
Considering all of those factors..I wouldnt worry about it. Thos
Considering all of those factors..I wouldnt worry about it. Those checks have been shredded and if they were going to deposit them, they would have done it by now.
I agree volleyballmom, Ill stop thinking about it. thanks, L
I agree volleyballmom, Ill stop thinking about it.
New to site; how and where can I follow along on LukeSkywalker's
New to site; how and where can I follow along on LukeSkywalker's ordeal with Check N Go - I live in IL and Im interested to see how Check n Go screwed up !!!
(Congrats Luke !)
im sorry i did it again, can a mod remove my name from my post a
im sorry i did it again, can a mod remove my name from my post above. I will try not to do that again.
Luke - please PM your experience to me, I too would like to writ
Luke - please PM your experience to me, I too would like to write to the IL dept of finance re check n go; how did you approach your complaint with them? Thanks!
hvn_sent I did pm you twice today. And I advised you what you
hvn_sent I did pm you twice today. And I advised you what you may want to do. Please do this first.
hvn_sent, I want you to pm finsfan13 right away, like now. She
hvn_sent, I want you to pm finsfan13 right away, like now. She will be able to help you. Do it now please.
Luke, Was this an internet loan or a store based, must have mis
Was this an internet loan or a store based, must have missed it in the thread?
It is a internet check n go from IL. He really needs help and I
It is a internet check n go from IL. He really needs help and I am trying to get him to pm finsfan13. There never was a thread, I think he wants it pvt. Sounds like he could use the help from you too fedupinpa, maybe you can pm him as well and he will also tell you whats going on and both of you combined will get this taken care of Im sure. I wanted to help him, but did not want to point him in the wrong direction.
I just hope that hvn_sent is just working or something and did n
I just hope that hvn_sent is just working or something and did not decided to leave us. I sure hope he accepts your help and others here finsfan13.
Between all of us, we will get him out of the PDL mess! We've al
Between all of us, we will get him out of the PDL mess! We've all been there.
I look forward taking a hand in helping him and take comfort in
I look forward taking a hand in helping him and take comfort in knowing that you will be helping him, thanks again finsfan13.
You're welcome Luke! It means a lot to me that you thought of me
You're welcome Luke! It means a lot to me that you thought of me. It seems like not that long ago I was in this spot. It makes me feel great to be able to help.
BTW, you have done a lot..You have gotten the ball rolling, and helped him out a ton. You rock.
Morning - Sorry! I was unable to monitor exchanges. After 400pm
Morning - Sorry! I was unable to monitor exchanges. After 400pm (CST) my 5 yr old & I have a ritual. (Im a single mom) Schoolwork/dinner/bath/reading-bedtime.
The transaction between check n go and myself is a internet installment loan. I live in IL. I learned of skywalker's success with check n go in the SUCCESS STORIES on the site. I was hoping his loan product with check n go mirrored mine so I could pursue a successful avenue as well. Any assistance is appreciated.
hvn_sent, Please check all of your your pvt messages I and fin
hvn_sent, Please check all of your your pvt messages I and finsfan13 sent you yesterday, she is going to help you with this. I want you to let me know of your progress, ok?