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Fight with Check n Go Over!

Date: Wed, 09/19/2007 - 14:19

Submitted by Lukeskywalker
on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 14:19

Posts: 1909 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 73

Fight with Check n Go Over!

Hey everyone, I did not know where else to post this. I have great news,I am typing this and doing the happy dance (kinda hard with a lightsaber). I got home today and checked the mail and I got a letter from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations. I wrote to these guys a few days ago and today they answered. It seems that check n go back in July of this year forgot to tell me that they wrote off my entire loan. I almost hit the floor. The IDFPR said they where supposed to tell me in July. All this time I was worried about how I was going to come up with the money. Now is is finaly over. I have no more payday loans, they are "ALL GONE FOR EVER" There is no way in Gods earth that I could have done this alone, I would not have a clue. I thank each and everyone of you who showed me what to do and was there for me. I love you all very much. I am going to go jump around outside now.

Thank you and all the best,

It is a internet check n go from IL. He really needs help and I am trying to get him to pm finsfan13. There never was a thread, I think he wants it pvt. Sounds like he could use the help from you too fedupinpa, maybe you can pm him as well and he will also tell you whats going on and both of you combined will get this taken care of Im sure. I wanted to help him, but did not want to point him in the wrong direction.


Submitted by Lukeskywalker on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 14:52

( Posts: 1909 | Credits: )

Morning - Sorry! I was unable to monitor exchanges. After 400pm (CST) my 5 yr old & I have a ritual. (Im a single mom) Schoolwork/dinner/bath/reading-bedtime.
The transaction between check n go and myself is a internet installment loan. I live in IL. I learned of skywalker's success with check n go in the SUCCESS STORIES on the site. I was hoping his loan product with check n go mirrored mine so I could pursue a successful avenue as well. Any assistance is appreciated.


Submitted by hvn_sent on Tue, 10/09/2007 - 08:01

( Posts: 218 | Credits: )