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One more down 12 to go

Date: Sat, 06/30/2007 - 08:20

Submitted by MPEREZ56
on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 08:20

Posts: 253 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 6

One more down 12 to go

I got a call from PaydaySvcs this morning and put them on hold while I looked on my spreadsheet - I borrowed $600 and have paid $650 - if I went by NY small company they would be able to get $150 in interest. I offered to pay $100 today to be PIF. They checked with supervision and called me back and accepted the offer. I told them to email me the details on how to get them payment and make sure they marked the PIF in the email and I would send it today.
I know some of you will think I'm crazy but in my heart I know I borrowed the money in good faith and I am willing to pay the 25%. On the other hand I will also hope the AG can get me refunds on the ones I overpaid. They were so reasonable I only wish all of them were.

I received the email with the money wire info but it didn't have any reference to paid in full. I replied and asked for another email stating on receipt of the wire payment of $100 they would consider my account paid in full. I nicely stated I couldn't go make the wire transfer without having that note in hand first.
I hope it was just an oversight on there part. I'll keep you posted.


Submitted by MPEREZ56 on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 08:43

( Posts: 253 | Credits: )

PaydaySvcs gets my vote for the best PDL to deal with - when I didn't receive a reply email stating I would be PIF once I did the transfer I decided to call them. They apologized and said their email system was very slow. The agent went right to my account and sent me a new note with the statement included and then stayed on the line until I received it and reviewed it to make sure I was OK with it. This made my day!


Submitted by MPEREZ56 on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 09:32

( Posts: 253 | Credits: )

I received a response from Purpose Loans that says the following: "although we disagree with the merits of your claim as the loan agreement you clearly signed discloses the type of loan, the terms and the repayment schedule, we do sympathize with you in your current financial situation. As a courtesy, we agree to waive this remaining balance of the loan and accept on the $534.76 you have already paid as paymmnt in full. Furthermore, we will delete all informatin regading this loan from your credit report.

Ladybug :D


Submitted by ladybug on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 07:47

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )