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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Webmaster, could you please remove the site for the hawaii trip, we are family of hyla, everything else unsaid, it could instigate stalking and there is a baby involved.
Thank you

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 07:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The nerve of the previous guest who said they are family of Hyla and wants the pictures of the Hawaii trip removed. What about all the people who Hyla has scammed out of thousands of dollars. What about their babies? Some probably and to figure out where their next meal was going to come from or where they were going to sleep at. Lots of people lost everything, their homes and everything they worked all their lives for. I am the family member of one of the people who was scammed by this woman. My family member wanted to commit suicide because he lost everything. Luckily he is getting help from a professional. But he still has not gotten his money back even though she promised him his refund several months ago.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 07:21

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I did receive my first 1,000 check yesterday. Deposited it right away, but I informed the lady at the bank about how "not reputable" this company is. She said I must wait at least two weeks to make sure it clears. How frustrating is that?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 08:08

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And....unfortunately, I'm needing this money to pay my attorney to file bankruptcy thanks to these people.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 08:14

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Guess from that "guests" post we are sure thats them, question is, is it really a "family" or is that you Hyla?

I have to agree with the following guest too. What about all the people that they screwed and their families? Looks like they had a good time in Hawaii on our dime oh sorry not dime THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. If the family of Hyla's is that conserned with the well being of them why dont they get her to pay us all back. Its really a simple solution.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 08:32

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Family of Hyla & Chris,
Would you ask Chris & Hyla to have an independant auditor evaluate what happened with MMG /RMP and publish the results on the old MMG web address? Lay all the cards out on the table. Then provide a structured outline of the payback to their clients. The whole truth is going to come out at some point, I think them coming clean now would reduce their chances of criminal procecution later. It might also help simmer down this forum.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 09:34

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Everyone seems to forget who the "victims" are here!! Hyla and Chris are the ones, who by not paying these people back THEIR money, have instigated the stalking, what do they expect?? They are the ones, who, have involved their "own" family. What kind of parents would do that??

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 10:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hows it feel to have your little world crumbling around you Hyla? After re-reading some of the BS emails you sent me I do NOT feel sorry for you at all. You had the chance to help me and Im sure a lot of others but you didnt. You get what you deserve. And now the people you screwed over know what you look like.

Submitted by mavric on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 12:00


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Well, I have been promised my remainding refund amount, again. Now at the end of this month (May), as said before about getting my refund by the end of last month (April). I can't imagine why it would take so long to issue a check. I will keep you apprised if this actually happens, or again does not happen.

Submitted by citykid on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 12:03


( Posts: 88 | Credits: )

Yes, I believe that is exactly where she got that name from...classy, don't you agree, poor kid!!

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 12:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i asked this question earlier and no one has responded has anyone heard from the government agencies that we have been contacting? do they care? seems like they dont as i have contacted them and i have gotten no response. i have gotten no response from hyla and im sitting her wondering how im going to be paying my bills along with everyone else here. i would think since we have invested in their future that they would need to start paying intrest on our money because after 6 weeks that they said i would say intrest starts. i am just at a loss right now that we are getting nothing and yet they can still get away with our money and nothing is happening to them. it isnt like this site was started yesterday i have been here for a month and still nothing. please someone email me or post something that something is being done so i can keep my hopes up.


Submitted by goofy14you on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 14:20


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

I have numerous letters from agencies that they are looking into the issue of this scamming company. I feel that I will call these agencies back next week, since my letters are all dated for April, maybe after some time they have found something we can use to get our money back from these thieves.

Submitted by mfk on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 18:26


( Posts: 29 | Credits: )

i just realized we are in trouble too. we have about $12,500.00 with RMG. what do i do now? who do i call? i live in Mississippi. We went though Tekkain. And he is not there anymore. Brian took his place. We have tried to fax them and call them with no success! what can we do? thanks for any help!!!

Submitted by jerryhavis on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 18:42


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

jerry and goofy. i sent you both a pm message hope it helps

Submitted by lchrd3 on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 18:55


( Posts: 13 | Credits: )

Hyla, got scared? Why did you remove all of your picture album? Just think, maybe someone have already printed your fat ass pictures. Hmmmmm, we can actually re-post it everywhere. You are as ugly in appearance as your inside. All around you are EVIL!
I smell KARMA!!!!

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 21:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the pictures from Hyla's vacation was previously posted by Shutterbug. Took a while, but when I finally found it, made me sick to my stomach. I forwarded most of her picture to ftc, I cropped the baby's face. Baby has nothing to do with this WAR!

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 21:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i cant get in touch with anyone. i read where people receive cancellation letters. Does anyone have a working phone number for them. The one i call says all circuits are busy. How can I start this process of getting my $12,600.00 back? I need help badly! thanks for any info, Jerry

Submitted by jerryhavis on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 22:19


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Jerry, just calm down a little bit, not easy, but you can think better when you're calm. I felt the same way when I found out, I felt so stupid for knowing too late. Gather all your documents related to MMG, when was the last time they took money from your bank? Make sure you have the most recent bank statement that shows that they took the money. Access your MMG account and print the statement, assuming you can still access it. As for me as soon as I closed my bank account, MMG blocked my access, thank god I was able to print it b efore Hyla locked my account for access.

Submitted by on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 22:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

well i tried to email hylaleah @ but it said she is not excepting emails from me. This was the first time i ever tried to email her. also tried to email these:hyla @ mmgfinance. com, custserv @ mmgfinance. com, and mmg @ Any new emails address out there that i can try? thanks, jerry

Submitted by jerryhavis on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 22:37


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Jerry trust me we have all felt that way and its a roller coaster ride from here on out. I felt so stupid afterwards I didnt want to tell anyone about it but everyone on this site has felt the same way and we are all after the same thing. Take some time this weekend and read the whole forum, it will give you some good information and make your stomach turn from what you find out at the same time. Personally I havent had any luck getting any contact from these jackasses since the end of April but here are some additional email address you can try to bombard.

hyla @
mgerity @
Mike @
response @
windy @
finance @

As for Hyla's AOL account I think she is refusing emails from anyone she dosent know and those of us that she does owe money to because no matter what address I send email from it comes back that she is not accepting emails from that address

Submitted by mavric on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 05:24


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

personally, i'm loosing hope, MMG/RMP/Hyla/Chris/Tekkain/Mike, is all i think about, it's ruining my life even more. I can't eat, can't sleep, can't concentrate at work. Goverment Agencies doesn't seem to be doing anything. There, too, we're paying taxes for the goverment to ignore us, never there when you need them.
Hyla GOT AWAY WITH IT!, Probably millions of $$$$, she's probably still getting money from someone who doesn't know any better yet, someone who has not discovered her evilness. She has $8500 of my money, living in luxury, I'm left with debt, debt and debt.
It's almost summer, who knows, maybe she's in Europe or somewhere having a grand vacation again. Reading this forum, her face with a big smile, is all i can see, probably thinking to herself what fools we are, we're never gonna' get her, unless some high authority do something. Tis is depressing. Sorry all....

Submitted by on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 06:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I sent an email out today and received back this response:

Your mail to the following recipients could not be delivered because they are
not accepting mail from (my email address):

This response came back as Mail Delivery Problem to hylaleah at aol dot com. Does anybody out ther have another email address for this person?

Submitted by saeang on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 07:27


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

To the above guest who said they were losing hope.....Don't give up!!! That is what Hyla wants you to do. Nothing beats a failure but a try. If at first you don't succeed try, try again. Just like she got caught in Arizona she will be caught again. She has over 6000 dollars of my money and I am not going to stop trying to get my money back from her.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 08:33

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I agree, like I said earlier its a roller coaster ride from here on out. I have my good days and bad when I think about it all and I know the stress of dealing with this has affected my homelife, job, and health. They have over $8700 of my money as well. Yesterday viewing those pictures I wanted to say a lot of things on here that might not have been so good but Im trying to stay focused and keep the karma thoughts in mind. Although I know a swift kick in their **** or or a good punch in the face would feel really good that dosent get our money back. Its a pain but continue to write the atorney generals, ftc, and all the other agencies, they will listen, maybe not at first but dont lose hope. Thats what the forum is here for.

[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]

Submitted by mavric on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 08:44


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Well, I have been reading this forum for over a month and I am sad to say that I am also a victim of this company. I signed on with them in 2002. All went great at first. They settled 2 accounts in that year then nothing. Then I got sued twice. The first one they paid...the entire amount, no settlement...some $7,000.00. That wiped out the settlement account for awhile. A few months later I was sued again and that time I was on my own. I can't help but wonder now that they could have settled with these folks before I got sued since I had 7K in the settlement account.
I still have two accounts to settle and they have done nothing in the past year and a half to settle them and there is/was ~$6,500.00 in my settlement account.
I tried calling them about a month ago after reading on this forum and some other sites on the internet and never got an answer or a return call from my messages left. I then emailed to cancel my account/send me the money in my account and got a response that said they would send me papers to sign and have yet to receive them. My online account is inaccessable; says it is on hold. They said in the email the bank drafts have been stopped but I will know that for sure later this month, I guess. If not, I will have a talk with my bank about them and go from there. I want my money back so I can settle the remaining accounts I have. I don't think I can be sued now over these since the statute of limitations has run out, but I still want to settle these accounts the way they should have been to begin with. :evil:

Submitted by PC Lion on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 08:47

PC Lion

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Hyla I know you read this forum everyday. YOU WILL GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU SOONER OR LATER!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 09:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Good for you citykid, what I still dont understand is why they are "installments" and not the whole thing if we were paying into a settlement account?

Think someone has a ass beating coming...but dont worry you wont get it all at once...Ill make sure you get it installments...and just like the refund checks you wont know when they are coming...

Submitted by mavric on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 11:40


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Has everyone on here filed a complaint with the FTC? If not then make sure you do! the more complaints they have, the better off we all are. We all know they have $ to pay us back, not only in their other businesses, but also in their home! We'll get what is rightfully ours. Hang in there everyone. ....and let's try to keep this forum nice and clean. Who cares about the pictures, her family and stuff like that. We just want what is owed to each and every one of us. Right??

Submitted by on Thu, 05/11/2006 - 14:00

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