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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

Kristie c. Why don't you send a copy of that email to the ftc since she was so rude to you? What nerve she has to say that you should pay your bills, what kind of business person do you call that, i thought that is what companies like hers ( well not like hers) you know what i mean is for, oh that just makes me sick to read that, she needs brought down a few notches, if she isn't careful in what she sends in the emails she will be in court for the words she has put in them. I have all of mine and i will show it to ftc or a lawyer if need be, mine were not as mean as yours but i have a couple that are nasty, i keep it all,keep calling , pushing whatever it takes, and as far as harrassing, you better believe we all got harrassed because of them so wonder how they like it to be bugged over money , it isn't funny when the shoe is on their foot is it?

Submitted by MadMom on Sat, 05/06/2006 - 17:58


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Good idea MadMom...I will send her nasty correspondence to the ftc. It does prove what kind of person she is and how crazy she is....going off on me in one paragraph and then blessing and thanking me in another... as far as her grammar and spelling goes,I really don't care about that... I have made a few typos on this site and hope not to be judged by that.

Submitted by on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 08:27

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Take it from somebody that worked with Hyla folks, her picture is in the dictionary under "bipolar disorder". The true Hyla is the one that goes off on you, not the one that blesses you. Just like the little 3 year old that doesn't get its way, watch Hyla scream and cry about "poor Hyla". Hyla's not a business woman, a mother, not even a person; she's just an ex stripper that steals money.

Submitted by on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 11:55

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Everyone that they owe call chrone lotus wheels and tell them you want your money,Keep after them now,Especially the ones that she wrote bad checks to.They will take any money they have and spend it on themselves instead of giving your refund to you.Call them, leave messages at Chromes Lotus, call 20 times a day if necessary. Get after them, drive them crazy like all of us have been done.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 03:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey great idea Mad Mom, if their MMG phone is gone, you can at least contact their other business, and cost them money for each 800 call you make, they will then get tired of paying for the charges on that line too, and since its the only one left for you to call and contact the Stantons go for the gold. If Hyla threatens to sue for harassment, let her and her antics will come out in court yet again and it will be yet another loss in the courts for the Stantons. The only way she has out is to pay all the people she owes, she does not want the courts or Feds involved.
Oh, I have been watching their EBay account and they just sold a $20,000 car thru Chrome Lotus Wheels over the weekend, so there is money, get it before they spend it all

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 07:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well...not sure what to do at this point. Hyla has now blocked my email address to her AOL account. I am to expect a check tomorrow for the first 1,000 dollars. I have several other email addresses. If she doesn't contact me or her attorney Mike Gerity, I will be contacting the authorities TODAY!

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 07:39

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Contact them anyway! All you are likely to get are stalling tactics from Hyla. Also, if you look at the number of accounts you have with her, the few (if any she has settled), and the amount of time you have been a "customer" - it all adds up to fraud. You have a case even if you get your money back - they didn't do what they said they would do!

Submitted by skipper on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 10:21


( Posts: 95 | Credits: )

WOW, what an email she wrote to you!! What is she talking about, you fired the company that hired you? They seem to forget so often that their so called company was closed down due to operating without a license!! That email is so bipolar, yelling at you one paragarah and blessing you and the closing, wow, she's crazy! She is going to need to keep all of the blessings for herself!!

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 12:02

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Amy F.

I would contact the authroities, she dosent respond to threats she dosent care. She blocked me as well. They didnt settle any of my accounts and I was suckered in for 4 years. Then they had the nerve to tell me that my account had "limited funds" and thats why they couldnt settle any of my accounts. Sorry but I dont believe that $8000 is "limited funds". If it is "limited funds" by your standards why am I having such a hard time getting it back then?

Thank You Come again....

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 12:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I would like to have $20.000.00 , must be nice to buy and sell like that, hey hand over some of the money to those you owe why don't you, including the part of mine that you held. Hey while you're at it pay all of us the part that you held since you didn't do what your contract stated the guest is right it is fraud, well maybe we will all see you in court in the end, think about it.

Submitted by MadMom on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 13:50


( Posts: 170 | Credits: )

Chrome Lotus Wheels number on the internet is 866-582-9752. Call every 20 minutes or so run up the bill for them , Let them see how it feels to have a big bill and get pressured to pay it or get it cut off. Call Call Callllll.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 13:56

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Good evening everybody. Today is my last day of the semester. Completed my final exam. I`m tired. Very tired. I`m now free...

I see a lot of things taking place for the past 3 to 4 months. Among them, the damn 1-866 number being disconnected.

Hey are very shameful for your misdeeds and dishonesty!!! You hear us?!?!?!

I`m definitely tired playing with you and your stupid company. Why do you bother making false statements to all of us...that the check is valid yet it bounces...or the check will arrive in the mailbox by the end of the month and yet never arrived??? You can`t keep your shut your damn mouth and do something!!!! We`re still waiting for our refunds!!!

Our forum will continue to grow with more dissatisfied clients when they find out the damn 1-866 number is disconnected. No company...and i mean no company will ever leave clients in the dark by disconnecting customer service number...hell, you have non existent customer service to begin with!!!!

What`s your excuse this time? "oh, the number was disconnected because i was busy selling the house and the process of moving out"??? You have pissed alot of people who lost more of their hard earned money and especially resulting in ruined credit histories!

"oh, i`ll sue you because you won`t stop your harassment" hey hyla, a lot of us in this forum is extremely upset with you. We can voice our anger and frustration against you....because it`s justifiable!!! Go ahead...sue us!!!!

Thank you guest for displaying the chrome lotus wheels number for everyone to see.

Imagine that...we`re about to reach a new milestone...the 100th page of this forum.

The house of dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 21:50


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

All you new folks to the forum - Google "arizona department of financial institutions". Click on the "press releases" link. Read the Miracle Management Group consumer alert. Also click on "Miracle Management Consent Order and Affadavit". This should erase any doubts you have about the legitimacy of MMG/RMP.

The owners have created a semi-legal Ponzi scheme. Your money is not in a trust account - it has been embezzled. The good news is you are not alone. The bad news is - you are not alone - there are LOTS of us out here. Fortunately, we have managed to gather some information on how to deal with these folks. If you are interested, pm me with your email address and I will get the info to you. Sign up with this forum. In your profile, check the box that has the forum notify you when there are new postings. And stay up to date with what is going on.

ALSO - and this is very important - file a complaint with the FTC at www dot ftc dot gov. If you need help, I have info on how to do that - it is pretty simple.

ALSO - if you have joined with MMG/RMP in the last year, please let me know. And if you live in Arizona, I need to know also. pm me if you fall into either category.

Submitted by skipper on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 03:48


( Posts: 95 | Credits: )

I remember last year in August when they were about to go to court in Arizona a week or so before their court date they had the phones disconnected. I tried to reach them by phone for a week. Finally after e-mailing Tekkain he finally answered my e-mail and told me some bull crap story about there was a wind/sand storm there and all the phone lines were out and should be up and running in another week. What a liar. The more I think about it the more I know that Hyla knew that at the end of April the phone number would no longer be in service.. So that is why she kept telling people they would receive their money by the end of April. I also think that after so many have reported to the FTC and the Attorney Generals in Texas and Nevada she is probably going to try and set up shop somewhere else. Like I said before HYLA, YOU CAN BUT YOU CANT HIDE!!!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 05:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have received a report that there is actually someone in the RMP office in Irving. I called the number 972-819-3840 and talked to the receptionist. This is a set of 'executive' suites where Hyla has rented a suite. The only name the receptionist has is Hyla Stanton and hers is the only extension that calls can be forwarded to. The receptionist stated that Hyla is never there and that there is no one else in the office. I talked to the opeartions manager for the company that rents the suites and she said that they forwarded RMP's mail but wouldn't give me a forwarding address. I would hate to harrass the folks managing the suites but maybe someone will get lucky with just the right approach to get some info? If so, please let me know. Thanks

Submitted by skipper on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 08:34


( Posts: 95 | Credits: )

They must have just opened, time zone thing for you maybe skipper? Someone answered and I asked for Chris Stanton, just said he wasnt there and asked if I wanted to leave a message. Didnt really have anything prepared so I just said Id call back. So...with that said...I say open the flood gates on Chrome Lotus Wheels....=)

Submitted by mavric on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 09:09


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

Im sure some may know this but just to really show how pissed we are I think all of us should fill out the online complaint forms from AZ, NV, and TX Attorney General's office. I have listed the links below, not sure if the rules of this site will let them fly but Im hoping. If not PM me and Ill get them to you one way or another.

Submitted by mavric on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 09:35


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )

I live in the Dallas area next to the Irving office. I visited the office back in January this year. Only thing left was leave a message to the 10th floor manager. The manager called me back a little over a week later stating refund process begins when i sign and send back cancellation letter. It`s been more than 2 months!!! Where`s the refund???

You know, the office suite is extremely classy and nice in a nice environment(Las Colinas area)....this is what is happening through our own expense!!!

Getting ready for work but when I get the time later tonight, I`ll finally post a complaint to There are a lot of complaints against RMP.

The House Of Dagger

Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 09:45


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

good morning everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for everyone here being so helpful. You all have given me a little bit of hope in this process and I look forward to hearing updates on these Swindling jerks who run a FAKE company. Let's keep at it and I'll be sure to give my 2 cents on here along with any updates. Hang in there folks...we can do it!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 09:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

By the way, the 10th floor manager forwarded my message to Hyla and that`s when the manager called me back a little more than a week ago to notify me about the refund process based on what Hyla said. The 10th floor manager is just the messenger and has no direct involvement with RMP other than maintaining the virtual office account.

Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 09:55


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

The 10th floor manager is a female. It`s not Hyla nor Chris. I agree, there are NO RMP employees`s just simply just that...a virtual office.

Happy 100th page! C`mon Hyla, swing on that pole for us!!

Submitted by USDagger on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 10:01


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

Hey everyone, I am joining up to fight RMP along with everyone else.

Submitted by DreamSktr on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 12:14


( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Remember to contact the national TV shows!

Here are the emails!

Primetime Live
60 Minutes 60m(at)
48 Hours 48hours(at)
Dateline NBC dateline(at)

Submitted by on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 13:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i wanted to ask if anyone is getting any response from any one? i have emailed the fbi and the ftc and everyone else and i get no response except they will get back to me if they need more info but as of now cant help me? am i doing something wrong or is there a trick to all of this. im just so frustrated along with everyone else and no one seems to be able to help us.


Submitted by goofy14you on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 13:07


( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

Front page of the Arizona Republic yesterday had an article about 2 men in AZ that scammed people out of millions selling phony pills. It was a ver in depth article.

If someone wants to the AZ Republic reported who wrote this story and tell him about this mess and Hyla the Thief.

His name is Dennis Wagner at 602-444-8874 or dennis.wagner(at)

Submitted by on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 14:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

HYLA, if you are truly witnessing this forum, people can now see your face, aren't you scared? How can you sleep at night? What about your child's welfare and future. Think about it... redeem yourself, do the right thing. Give us back what you've stolen from each and everyone of us. I'm sure peple will leave you alone, we just want our money back. PLEASE!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 22:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Guest, how were you able to locate the Stanton`s Hawaiian vacation pictures?

Thanks for the chrome lotus wheels email address.

Submitted by USDagger on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 02:17


( Posts: 65 | Credits: )

If you Google Chrome Lotus Wheels the first hit I get is his website that contains all of the phone numbers, email address and the business address. There are additional hits below it on Google that list his ebay auctions as well.

Happy Hunting All....lets bring them down!!

Submitted by mavric on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 06:39


( Posts: 63 | Credits: )