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United Cash Loans - What are the complaints against them?

Date: Tue, 04/25/2006 - 07:05

Submitted by SHbear
on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 07:05

Posts: 63 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 287

United Cash Loans - What are the complaints against them?

I received a voicemail today from a woman named Kathleen Robinson with United Cash Loans at 800-410-9275. She stated that I needed to contact her today by 5pm to avoid further processing. When I called the united cash loans phone number, they answered. Has anyone spoken with this woman and is she really calling from UCL or does she really work for a CA representing UCL?

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

I for a loan from them a month ago and received the money and was told that if I paid the loan off I could get another loan when I applied for the second loan I was told I do not make enough money, I make the same amount of money as I did when I got the first loan. The Girl told me I should probably go to anuother company and apply for a loan. I don't think that is the way to run a business.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 05:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes this company UCL is out of control. I got my loan $300 and paid it off and still they continued to maintain the schedule of removing additional funds from my account. I asked my bank to stop payment against that company immediately. When my bank got the funds back two weeks later then some guy called me stating I never paid my loan backn that I just paid 5 paydays of $75 for the service fee and now I owe $435. Are they crazy? This can't be legal is it? I live in California.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 12:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yes this company UCL is out of control. I got my loan $300 and paid it off and still they continued to maintain the schedule of removing additional funds from my account. I asked my bank to stop payment against that company immediately. When my bank got the funds back two weeks later then some guy called me stating I never paid my loan backn that I just paid 5 paydays of $75 for the service fee and now I owe $435. Are they crazy? This can't be legal is it? I live in California.

You're right, it isn't legal!


Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 12:28

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I took out a $400 loan and have paid them back several times over. I looked in my account today and they have took out another 125.00. I have since paid them back 600.00. I am calling my bank today to stop payment on anything coming to my account from not use United Cash you will be paying over 100 percent back!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 02:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

stop payments won't work.they will change the amount,co name,or put through a paper need to close that account,and open a new one.make sure the new account isn't linked to the old one.your current account is not safe anymore.they will find a way to access it.see the manager to gt this done.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 04:59

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

:(Its like a never ending debt , with these people . They act like they are doing you a
favor . You have paid for the debt 7 times over. There employees are nasty and rude.
I be glad when they no longer will be able to take advantage of the people looking for a
payday loan. With this recession who has money to overpay them.



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 07:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I took out a loan from UCL for $400 last week. It was my full intention to fully repay the loan on the first due date. I never received any phone contact or email after I applied for the loan. Several days later the monies appeared in my account. Now that I have done some research on-line, I am very weary of this company. I called today to try to get them to take a full payment of the loan this Friday (first payment) and was told that I could no request a payoff over the phone. The operator told me that I would have to log in to thier website to select the payment terms. The operator offered to email me the username and password. Guess what>> no email was ever recieved. I checked my main email and my spam email both. When I try to navigate thier website there is an option for forgotten passwords. But they do not show my email account as being valid. That seems like a simple mistake, except that I had the operator confirm my email address during the telephone conversation.

The more I have read about this company, the more I am convinced that they have no intention of recieving a full payment. They want to charge the fees and make as much money as possible on the "loan".

As a result, I decided to be proactive on the banking front and I have closed my accounts prior to the first ACH. I have assurances from my bank that no ACHs or demand drafts will clear the closed account. So at least I am safe in that regard.

There are other problems that will arise that I am not sure how to deal with:

1. I have $400 of thiers. I am not going to call them in advance of Friday...that would allow them to try to do something to my old account prior to it fully closing. I want to give them back this money. I am smart enough to know that I cannot do any type of electronic transfer (they would get my information that way). In addition, I will not write them a check (same problem). So I need advice on how to engage them to return the funds. I have no problem paying them a fee or two...but how do get any assurance that they will close the loan at that point? Thier track record on this is miserable.

2. They have all of my personal information. SSN#, Driver's License #, phone number, email, personal contacts. I can easily block their calls on my cell phone. I cannot keep them from calling my relatives or my employer. I plan to tell all parties what has happend so they can expect the worst. I will even offer to pay to have my references' telephone numbers changed. That will not make up for the inconvienience, but I think being proactive will go a long way towards minimizing any damage. I will put a lock on my credit reports (they were not that great, but damage is damage).

Does anyone have any further advice? Remember, I am convinced that this company had no intention of making this a one-payment loan. I realize that my actions in advance of thier ACH put me in a difficult situation to argue from. Based on what I have now discovered about them, I do believe that I have taken the initial steps to protect myself from the damage that they have caused others.

Your thoughts?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 18:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, it sounds like you're TRYING to give the money back. I'm wondering, when you told them you wanted to pay off your loan, if they locked you out of your e-mail account with them on purpose? Having dealt with this company for some time I can guarantee you WILL hear from them. I'd offer to send them payment via a prepaid credit card or something like that and then it's up to them if they want to accept your terms. For your own information, I'd also keep a log of any e-mails or calls you make or receive.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 04:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I took out a loan from UCL for $400 last week. It was my full intention to fully repay the loan on the first due date. I never received any phone contact or email after I applied for the loan. Several days later the monies appeared in my account. Now that I have done some research on-line, I am very weary of this company. I called today to try to get them to take a full payment of the loan this Friday (first payment) and was told that I could no request a payoff over the phone. The operator told me that I would have to log in to thier website to select the payment terms. The operator offered to email me the username and password. Guess what>> no email was ever recieved. I checked my main email and my spam email both. When I try to navigate thier website there is an option for forgotten passwords. But they do not show my email account as being valid. That seems like a simple mistake, except that I had the operator confirm my email address during the telephone conversation.
The more I have read about this company, the more I am convinced that they have no intention of recieving a full payment. They want to charge the fees and make as much money as possible on the "loan".
As a result, I decided to be proactive on the banking front and I have closed my accounts prior to the first ACH. I have assurances from my bank that no ACHs or demand drafts will clear the closed account. So at least I am safe in that regard.
There are other problems that will arise that I am not sure how to deal with:
1. I have $400 of thiers. I am not going to call them in advance of Friday...that would allow them to try to do something to my old account prior to it fully closing. I want to give them back this money. I am smart enough to know that I cannot do any type of electronic transfer (they would get my information that way). In addition, I will not write them a check (same problem). So I need advice on how to engage them to return the funds. I have no problem paying them a fee or two...but how do get any assurance that they will close the loan at that point? Thier track record on this is miserable.
2. They have all of my personal information. SSN#, Driver's License #, phone number, email, personal contacts. I can easily block their calls on my cell phone. I cannot keep them from calling my relatives or my employer. I plan to tell all parties what has happend so they can expect the worst. I will even offer to pay to have my references' telephone numbers changed. That will not make up for the inconvienience, but I think being proactive will go a long way towards minimizing any damage. I will put a lock on my credit reports (they were not that great, but damage is damage).
Does anyone have any further advice? Remember, I am convinced that this company had no intention of making this a one-payment loan. I realize that my actions in advance of thier ACH put me in a difficult situation to argue from. Based on what I have now discovered about them, I do believe that I have taken the initial steps to protect myself from the damage that they have caused others.
Your thoughts?

But, if you have *answers* to certain *issues* you and your banker only know.....then NO ONE (even if they have your personal info) can get into your new acct. over the matter WHAT THEY SAY..i HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE.
gOOD LUCK. i TOO, AM A VICTIM. i PAID THEM BACK ON TIME ALL THE TIME. they too kme for evrything. Praise God I am just getting on top of thigs. To give yo n idea...I got a $300 loan...I paid them over $800!!! They are still trying to get morre $$. I am prayingthey are shut down. What we need to do is Pray!! This is just robbery. I mean we have paid back all the money. They know they are illegal. That is why they are trying to get their money aggressively.
Good Luck and God Bless!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 22:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Their "business model" is to take advantage of people living paycheck to paycheck. They know their customers are the type who will worry about if they can afford gas or not until very their next pay check is close. Hence, they don't accept payments close to your due date. Could you imagine a legit bank engaging in this conversation:

"hi! I'd like to pay off my loan early"

"no... It's too close to your due date"

"oh so it's some sort of computer thing?"


"so can you debit my account at before my next pay period is up so you can get your money and I can minimize interest?"


"well if your computer system is that rough, do you have an address where I can mail a check?"

"we dont accept checks"

"you loan hundreds out to people you've never met over the internet and draft pre-authorized e-checks but you dont accept checks?"


"can I mail you a cashier's check.... or... cash?"

"we don't accept cash"

"but you're!!"

"no, the earliest we can accept payment is on the date of your next paycheck"

GTFO... If i were you I'd keep the money and let the loss serve as a lesson to them


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 01:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a loan from them for $300. Now how do I pay the stupid thing back!? I've receiving thousands of junk emails from them and people like them and I'm getting fed up. I want this done and over with. Also I'm receiving a phone call from 18667656669 from people by the name of USFC. They DON'T exist!! I'm never doing this again, and they are not pushing me around they're getting the 341 I agreed to pay and if anything else comes out then they'll be the ones going to jail. I am sick of being pushed around by places like them and my utility company who just grab into my bank account and take MY money! If they wanna play this game I'll play it better.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 13:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm going to my bank to block them out tomorrow. They did the same thing to me. You never okayed it over the phone or by email so legally they gave you free money. The same with a company that sends you stuff in the mail and expects you to pay for it. It's considered a "gift" unless you've okayed it. They're not getting anything back from me. I had the intention to pay but they're NOT going to screw me over.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/18/2009 - 13:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you can avoid these companies, borrow from a friend or family. I am in a fight with United Cash loans now. They owe me $645.00 and insisits I owe them 400 more. Not the case. They will lie and act as if nothing is wrong. They accused me of sending them a "form" letter that was misleading because I revoke ACH transactions with them and I also stated regulation E. This stuff is legal. Oh well, when you are not legitimate, you live in your own world of confusion and lies.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 08:16

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
do any one have a address for united cash loans

United Cash Loans
3531 P Street NW
Miami, OK 74355
customerservice @
United Cash Loans are part of MNE and are not licensed anywhere.
UCL (800) 279-8511
3531 P Street, NW
PO Box 111
Miami, OK 74355


Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 12/20/2009 - 04:24

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

:confused::confused::confused::(I did not authorize you to take money out of account and did not receive a loan from UCL.Someone called and said i couldn't get aloan because didn't have account long enough .So why are you taking money out of my account. I will turn you into better business burea if i don't get my money put back in my account i am serious .Iwant my money in my account by January 11, 2010 or i will take further action.:(:(:(:confused::confused::evil::shock:


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 01/08/2010 - 15:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Nelly, This is some FYI for you on UCL. They are on "tribal" land in Oklahoma and therefore say they do not have to be licensed etc because they are soverign. Here is the 411 on that....if you conduct business on tribal property you must have a contract to do so. The only thing I can think of that they are doing is they are a business OWNED by the tribe (it will either be Modoc or Miami, havent figured out which one yet) and that they are a consortium of lender/collectors. I am American Indian and I am ashamed of the stick it to the white man mentality of this tribe and business.
I hate the way they conduct business and if everyone that is being harrassed would actually call the chief of the tribe everytime they were harrassed I am pretty sure something might get done.
Remeber soviergn doesnt mean they can get away with everything.....they must adhere to federal regulations....I just wish and hope someone with power looks at this and decides it is time to shut this place down.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 13:05

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Been There, I am so glad you see the wrong in this. I dont think the true American Indian's think what they are doing is right. I think they want to live a happy healthy life and not become criminals to do so. This industry is putting a bad label on them. And only a select few deserve that. I am against this industry no matter what they claim. And I have done nothing but file complaints on a weekly basis. I do think if the true American Indians (not the bought ones) complained more would get done too.


Submitted by Jasgal on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 13:51

( Posts: 399 | Credits: )

im new to this site, i just found it, I have loans with both United cash loans , and USfast cash
i dont know how to get them to leave me alone, ive paid them both out in full after all the money they have taken out, they still want hundreds more from me.
who do i send letter too, what should they say.
does my state allow these things?
is there any way to get them to stop calling my work??
im so lost about all of this


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 12:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You will need to file complaints with BBB, Attorney General office, Department of Corp. FTC, and Then you need to send letters of revoke via mail & email. Close your bank account. If you dont they will put you in the neg. Also make sure your letter tells them to not call your work, or refernces. Keep notes when they do call. and Everytime they call file a report.


Submitted by Jasgal on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 14:03

( Posts: 399 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
im new to this site, i just found it, I have loans with both United cash loans , and USfast cash
i dont know how to get them to leave me alone, ive paid them both out in full after all the money they have taken out, they still want hundreds more from me.
who do i send letter too, what should they say.
does my state allow these things?
is there any way to get them to stop calling my work??
im so lost about all of this

Please begin a new topic with the following info, this will help us help you:
-Names of each pdl company.
-Whether they are store front or Internet.
-How much you borrowed.
-How much you paid so far.
-The state in which you reside.


Submitted by Shazzers on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 14:05

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

ive borrowed from both USfastcash and United Cash Loan
they are internet companys
i borrowed 200 from each company
I live in california

at this point ive paid both company's about 400 each

ive closed my bank account and they no longer call my house, they call my work once a week, and the boss is not happy.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/21/2010 - 13:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yes most of us who are traditional try todo right and build our tribes with pride. not on the misery and helplessness of others, for most tribes it is against our internal "code". I hate that ths company has ties to the Modoc Tribe...thats where the adresses coinside I believe and if they are run by any of the consortium of the tribes they should get out of the is bad medicin to make your brother white or otherwise) suffer by your hands or actions. SHAME on them if they are still into this. Same goes for the one working out of New Mexico my Pueblo brothers and sister you are talented enough to get jobs that are worthy of your heritage.

I actually have a question though because a friend of mine is having this the state of Oklahoma on an intrnet loan (thats what he had) what is the statute of liitations? I am thinking 3 years becuse he didn't sign a promisorry note but i cant find any information.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/25/2010 - 14:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got a loan with them and ask them to take the full amount out next month to get it paid off. It has been 4 months and I am paying $60 every month on a $200 loan. They DO NOT LISTEN TO YOU. THEY ARE SCAMMERS AND THIEVES. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH [EMAIL="THEM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@or"]THEM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@or[/EMAIL] you will pay out the azz.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 07:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I got a loan with them and ask them to take the full amount out next month to get it paid off. It has been 4 months and I am paying $60 every month on a $200 loan. They DO NOT LISTEN TO YOU. THEY ARE SCAMMERS AND THIEVES. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@or you will pay out the azz.

i hope you closed your account,and opened a new one.this place will debit forever if you allow have paid 240.00 on this by my numbers.that means you owe nothing more.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 07:26

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I received a call from a company call the Department of Law and Investigations in Pennslyvania, I talked to two persons who told me that criminal charges has been brought againest me for a loan that I had gotten, the loan was only for 100.00, but the interest is 3.000, but if I payed that day I only had to pay 386.00, and the matter would be solved, also that the persons I had put down for references was under investigations. Today they even called my job. What should I do, I am thinking that this is a scam.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 16:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok, can you provide some information. what company was the origianl PDL with, How much did you pay back? What state are you in? Was it internet or Storefront? Now that being said They are lying about your references being under investigation, no one can be charged for something else someone did or we all would be in jail. Dont pay anyone anything until you figure out if you even owe money. There is great resources here so others will be here to help. SO please answer the questions above so we can help you out better,


Submitted by Jasgal on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 16:11

( Posts: 399 | Credits: )

i filled out an online payday loan application then started recieving multiple emails and phone calls from many different names i never agreed to take any cash and so did NOT complete or agree to recieve any cash as rethinking i decided i didnt want it and would be better off without the 200 dollars. i woke up today with a deposit in my bank of 200 dollars which i never authorized and dont know what to do after reading all the negetive complaints about this company.. help please and oh yes on the bank statement the deposit is from united cash loans


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 13:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I wish I had seen this forum before I applied for a payday loan today. I originally applied on the site and was redirected to the site. It stated I was pre-approved for a $150.00 loan. The money should be deposited tomorrow. I haven't even gotten the money and already dreading what's to come.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/04/2010 - 15:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I wish I had seen this forum before I applied for a payday loan today. I originally applied on the site and was redirected to the site. It stated I was pre-approved for a $150.00 loan. The money should be deposited tomorrow. I haven't even gotten the money and already dreading what's to come.

There's only one way to avoid all the mess and that is to close your account tomorrow, if they already deposit the money, tell the bank to send it back because you have learned this particular company isn't even located in the U.S. and will defraud the heck out of you. I am here to tell you, close that account, send the money back and open a new account elsewhere, and please, never apply for a payday loan online again!


Submitted by Shazzers on Thu, 03/04/2010 - 19:30

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

how do i stop UNITED CASH LOANS from taking my money? I borrowed $500 and maybe a week later i paid them full price back. so how do i stop them from taking my money? AND ITS BEEN LIKE A OVER A YEAR.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 19:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
how do i stop UNITED CASH LOANS from taking my money? I borrowed $500 and maybe a week later i paid them full price back. so how do i stop them from taking my money? AND ITS BEEN LIKE A OVER A YEAR.

CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT! That is the only way, your account will never be safe again.


Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 22:20

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Just following up on my first post. Due day came and unitedcashloans took out of my account the amount they agreed to and I had no problems with them so far. My loan is paid off. 4 days before my loan was due I email them AND faxed them stating I wished to payoff the full balance of my loan. I also called to confirm all of this. I even went to their website and selected the option to payoff the full balance on due day. They required a 3 day notice but I did it a day early. All of this was stated in the loan agreement and I followed every step in that process. I'm happy to say I had no problems SO FAR. Even though I waited till I received and paid the loan I am taking your advice and closing my bank account down. Unitedcashloans has too many complains against it to trust with my bank info. I just wished they didn't have my ss# and other private info. People also need to be warned about That's how I got mixed up with Unitedcashloans. I thought issued the loan but what they do is take all of your personal info and give it to companies like Unitedcashloans. Thanks for your advice.

Originally Posted by Shazzers
There's only one way to avoid all the mess and that is to close your account tomorrow, if they already deposit the money, tell the bank to send it back because you have learned this particular company isn't even located in the U.S. and will defraud the heck out of you. I am here to tell you, close that account, send the money back and open a new account elsewhere, and please, never apply for a payday loan online again!

03-04-2010 02:47 PM
David19107 I wish I had seen this forum before I applied for a payday loan today. I originally applied on the site and was redirected to the site. It stated I was pre-approved for a $150.00 loan. The money should be deposited tomorrow. I haven't even gotten the money and already dreading what's to come.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/04/2010 - 07:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

david19107 I am truly glad it all worked out in your favor. I'm very disappointed that Montel Williams is involved in advertising these scam payday loan companies, I wish everyone would send complaints to him about his endorsements for payday loans. I've been trying to find some type of contact info but so far I've been unable to, if anyone else has an email address or some type of contact info for him please let me know!


Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 04/04/2010 - 08:22

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


Go DIRECTLY to your state's Attorney General's office and tell them that this ILLEGAL LENDER is operating out of an Indian Tribe (Miami Indians) reservation. Tell your bank to stop payment to United Cash Loans IMMEDIATELY and file fraud charges against them now.

United Cash Loans has NO legal rights to enforce its contracts because it issued the contracts ILLEGALLY without any regulatory licensure allowing them to do so.

If enough of us go after them, perhaps the Feds will get them for wire fraud.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 12:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I also take loan from this people and after a fews weeks I lose my job but I still pay then their $390 because I bororrow $250 take the loan from then that was in october of 2009
2010 now someone call my phone saying that they are officer I ask him officer from where he refused to tell me where state in was calling from. but the most crazy part in my case is this person that claiming that he is a officer is keep calling my phone day and night treating me that he will send officers to my door to arrest me and send me to jail.andd I told him that I was waiting for is officers to arest me.this guy that told me that he is a officer told me to shut the fuck up because he was from the department law and I told him that even if you was from the department of law you do not call someone house at 6pm to tell the to shut the fuck up because am not staying with you neither you paying any of my bills this guy was so so rude to me that he hang up the phone in my ear and after that he was calling my house treating me to arest me.he want me to pay then extra money $500.00 and he also want me to write a letter with the copy of my credit card and notary it waving all my rights and he told me to write my letter saying that I was not going to dispute this transaction that worry me after he told me to write all of that.

this people that I talking about they can't even speak English well they all guys from diffrent country or I write this they are still calling my house and treating me that they going to arest me.united cash loan/usfastcash never send me any agreement in the mail neither they I sign their agreement I read don't know what to do in this matter I aready closed my account so they can not go in any more but this people came from no where treating about jail.what should I do please I need help in this matter asap

Help me please


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 11:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi anonymous,

They can never send you to jail for if you fail to repay a debt. So, you do not have to worry about their threats. How long have you been making payments of $390 to them? I believe you've paid them enough and you shouldn't pay them anymore. Is this payday loan company licensed to do business in your state? If they are not legitimate, you are supposed to pay off only the principal and no interest at all.

It's good that you've closed your account. They will not be able to rob you off your money anymore. If they harass you over phone, go ahead and record the conversation if it is allowed in your state. If recording is not allowed, inform the person on the other side of the phone that you are recording the conversation. This will act as an evidence when you file a complaint against this company for harassing you.


Submitted by Good Nelly on Fri, 04/30/2010 - 23:35

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )

I have a problem united cash loans they feep calling me and calling me i lost my job and i dont have they money to pay they back. Now he telling me that i have to pay him 832.70 for a 150.00 loan i got but i dont have it so now he says i have a law siut and i have to go to court and i will go to jail i still have the embarrasing message on my phone what do i do about it. He said i had to fax him a piece of paper or i will go to jail and i have never been to jail and i dont have any friends that knows about legal matters. Help me out please.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/02/2010 - 08:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have a problem united cash loans they feep calling me and calling me i lost my job and i dont have they money to pay they back. Now he telling me that i have to pay him 832.70 for a 150.00 loan i got but i dont have it so now he says i have a law siut and i have to go to court and i will go to jail i still have the embarrasing message on my phone what do i do about it. He said i had to fax him a piece of paper or i will go to jail and i have never been to jail and i dont have any friends that knows about legal matters. Help me out please.

well being as united cash loans is part of MTE.they are illegal in every sense of the word.was there anything debited prior to default.if so,deduct that from the do not owe this bogus immunity claiming illegal pdl 832.70.the most is the 150.00 originally borrowed.file AG,and FTC complaints against united cash.then file a police report for the jail threat as you can't go to jail for owing a debt.then when the cretins call.hang up in their face as that is what they deserve.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 06:19

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )