Date: Wed, 08/06/2008 - 06:07
:D I just want to thank everyone here for all the advice. If it weren't for you all I don't know where I would be. I reported US Fast Cash to BBB and this is the response I received.
On July 31, 2008, the business provided the following
July 31, 2008
Better Business Bureau of Eastern Oklahoma
Name removed for your protection - Goudah
Name removed for your protection - Goudah:
At the time of the application the terms and conditions were presented and she had the opportunity to print them at that time. She had to answer a question whether she understood the terms before we could even receive the application to process. In addition, there was a 48-hour time frame the customer could cancel the agreement without incurring a fee. Before each debit we sent an account summary, which explained the terms once more, and all of the options for repayment. This form was emailed at least 10 days before each debit; it also included our customer service number to ask any additional questions. We also have a direct email link on our website to answer any inquiries. If the customer had wanted to avoid additional fees, they needed to pay the full amount due on the first debit due date, which was in the original contract, as well as the account summary emailed to the customer very shortly after the funds were placed in their own account, for their own use, at their request. The original loan documents can be faxed directly to the customer once we are given a fax number to send them to.
As a courtesy we will write off the remaining balance on this account. It is now permanently closed with a zero balance. As all the terms and conditions were presented and followed, no refund will be made on this account.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
Compliance Department
Even though I overpaid them by like $150, I accept this so as long as no more debiting to my account is taking place.
I'm sort of working with CashNet and CashPlus - both CSO's and waiting a response from Payday Online. What I can say is that the letters helped. No one has contacted me at home and I am getting responses through email and postal only. Thanks for everything.
On July 31, 2008, the business provided the following
July 31, 2008
Better Business Bureau of Eastern Oklahoma
Name removed for your protection - Goudah
Name removed for your protection - Goudah:
At the time of the application the terms and conditions were presented and she had the opportunity to print them at that time. She had to answer a question whether she understood the terms before we could even receive the application to process. In addition, there was a 48-hour time frame the customer could cancel the agreement without incurring a fee. Before each debit we sent an account summary, which explained the terms once more, and all of the options for repayment. This form was emailed at least 10 days before each debit; it also included our customer service number to ask any additional questions. We also have a direct email link on our website to answer any inquiries. If the customer had wanted to avoid additional fees, they needed to pay the full amount due on the first debit due date, which was in the original contract, as well as the account summary emailed to the customer very shortly after the funds were placed in their own account, for their own use, at their request. The original loan documents can be faxed directly to the customer once we are given a fax number to send them to.
As a courtesy we will write off the remaining balance on this account. It is now permanently closed with a zero balance. As all the terms and conditions were presented and followed, no refund will be made on this account.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
Compliance Department
Even though I overpaid them by like $150, I accept this so as long as no more debiting to my account is taking place.
I'm sort of working with CashNet and CashPlus - both CSO's and waiting a response from Payday Online. What I can say is that the letters helped. No one has contacted me at home and I am getting responses through email and postal only. Thanks for everything.
Congrats! Hopefully the remaining ones will follow suit.
Congrats! Hopefully the remaining ones will follow suit.
good news, each step forward prevents a dozen steps back! CON
good news, each step forward prevents a dozen steps back!