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back on the forum and overwhelmed

Date: Tue, 03/01/2011 - 08:43

Submitted by smo65d11
on Tue, 03/01/2011 - 08:43

Posts: 1467 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

back on the forum and overwhelmed

I have been off the forum for a year and a half because I have just been overwhelmed and feeling like nothing would help me ... my husband and I have been having major problems, I had a bad car accident and needed surgery, I lost my job, tried a new job that I hated, so now have been jobhunting for almost 6 months. All of my credit cards have not been paid for 6 months, my mortgages are both over 2 months late, and I feel like I am drowning. Because of my marital problems I don't want to sell the rental house in the other state because I might need to move into it, but every day that goes by we get further and further behind. If ONE part of my life was okay it would be different, I am normally a pretty positive, happy person, but I am at the end of my rope right now. Sorry to be depressing but I am hoping that coming back to the forum and trying to respark my life will help drag me out of this hole. A job would help ha ha ha.:neutral:

Are you collecting unemployment?
Does your husband work?
Looks like your credit cards will be charged off shortly. If you're not working, they can't do a wage garnishment, but they can put a lien against your property.

Have you consulted a bankruptcy attorney? Without income to pay any bills, this might be your best option before your creditors get judgments.


Submitted by aubrey on Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:28

( Posts: 1203 | Credits: )

old post, wow! Well back in 2010 when I lost my job, I was an independent contractor (1099) so I did not qualify for unemployment. My husband at the time was working, but what he made barely covered food and his gas to drive to work. It was pretty grim, winter we could barely heat enough with wood to keep the pipes from freezing, and my sisters would send me a little money whenever they could.

I have not paid any of my credit cards for 3-4 years now, and am trying to game plan what to do ... keep ignoring the letters and calls, or start working on paying them off? I have a good job again thankfully, any would rather not declare bankruptcy for under 10k in credit card debt.


Submitted by smo65d11 on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 21:51

( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )

how many cards,and what are the balances?you could try the ladder method meaning save a lump sum percentage of the largest card.say 45% to 50% then contact the creditor,or owner of the debt and negotiate a settlement.then go by the balances largest to do you want to just pay/settle,or do you want to pay/remove them?that is important as some will tremove their entry if you pay the entire balance and it is negotiated as part of you paying.settling will still show up on your CR,but it will show PAID SETTLEMENT,or SETTLED on your CR.if that's not important then settle with them.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 10/18/2013 - 06:37

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

What state are you in? Have they hit or are they nearing the SOL?? Paid or unpaid collection accounts...both are negative. If you have hit the SOL, cease and desist them. If they are nearing the SOL...I would try staying under the radar.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sun, 10/20/2013 - 06:51

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )