PDL Success!!
Date: Mon, 06/11/2007 - 21:01
PDL Success!!
Second, a few words about Payday OK and Payday Select. These two companies are the same company, and they are so good, I kind of hate doing what I did.
I live in NC (PDLs are illegal here), and had PDLs with these two companies. I wrote them a letter telling them I wanted a refund in the fees and interest I had paid them, and I wanted my account marked paid in full. I quickly received an e-mail from them telling me they regretted that I was not happy with their product, but they would refund my money. I am still fighting with the other 6 companies, but since I closed my account, and opened a new one, I at least have money to buy my family groceries.
I would be happy to share my letters, or advice with any other NC residents. I know the stress of PDLs, and I know VERY well how GREAT it feels when you don't have them hanging over your head any more.
Hopefully my story will inspire everyone else to fight these people. If anyone else has a legal loan with PayDay OK, or PayDay Select, I have always found them to be the most reasonable.
Thanks again to all the wonderful people that have helped me, and I would just like an opportunity to "give back" to someone else.
That is very encouraging. I had just sent a letter to Pay Day Se
That is very encouraging. I had just sent a letter to Pay Day Select because I had over paid the about 400.00 according to my states laws. Thet even have a drop down box on there site that says "pick your state" so you assume you are getting a legit deal for your state. Not the case. I have not heard back from them. It has been less than a week so far. The mail from here can take that long just to get there.
Way to go!!!! It takes time to get them all under control. I am
Way to go!!!! It takes time to get them all under control. I am glad to see you on your way to being free of them. Keep up the great work!!!!
Good to see things are working at your end. It won't take long t
Good to see things are working at your end. It won't take long to get the results from the other six companies. Stick to your plans. You will be through.
Keep yourself in touch with the group. We'll stay better informed of these pdl places and know who's doing what.
ferrelb, Please feel free to register with the forum. Words
Please feel free to register with the forum. Words of encouragement are always welcome here.
ferrelb - congrats on your initial success in the PDL battle!
ferrelb - congrats on your initial success in the PDL battle!
I'm really encouraged by the amount of posts we're seeing lately from folks just like you who have been able to get their loans marked paid in full, simply by making themselves aware of their state laws. The PDL companies (especially the internet ones) are COUNTING on our ignorance of our own state laws to keep us paying ridiculous fees and interest rates. Sadly, though, the number of posts by newcomers who have fallen into the PDL trap stays pretty constant - we just have to keep fighting the good fight and helping them find their way out of that trap until our government finally sees the light and shuts the PDL industry down!
You raise a good point Suebeehoney. There is still a steady stre
You raise a good point Suebeehoney. There is still a steady stream of people, like myself, who have fallen into the PDL trap coming to this site every day. How can we increase public awareness of the pitfalls of PDLs?
That is very inspiring. I had never heard of PDL's until the tim
That is very inspiring. I had never heard of PDL's until the time I stumbled onto this site. They sure seem like a good idea.
WTG winning that battle!