Almost there...
Date: Sat, 08/16/2008 - 10:46
Almost there...
I haven't reduced any of my debt a whole lot, but I am already feeling like a winner, Before I joined this site I was so stressed out because I didn't now what to do with all my debt. I have learned from all the different forums that it takes time and one step at a time. I was always trying to run instead of taking it one step at a time. I am already feeling a winner even though I am barely getting started. I don't feel so stressed out any more. If I can't pay a bill I do the best I can to get a little bit paid, and there always next moth to get even and caught up. I am still catching up and pretty soon i'll be all caught up with my debt.
That is the right attitude to have. I too have come along way i
That is the right attitude to have. I too have come along way in a year with the help of this forum. I have gotten my private student loan reduced to a manageable amount, gotten one of my student loan discharged because of disability, have gotten my car paid off and I feel like I can actually breathe again.
It takes time but we didn't get into debt overnight and therefore it's not go to happen overnight getting out of it, but everytime that you make a payment you are one step closer than you were before.