Marked paid in full
Date: Wed, 04/23/2008 - 23:16
Marked paid in full
Awesome news! Especially from ameriloan and USFastCash! :D
Awesome news! Especially from ameriloan and USFastCash! :D
paid in full
whats so funny is I asked them both if they were licensed in CA, Of course they lied and said yes.
I recorded it and i have it on tape and i told the guy i was recording him. He even made a joke about my
Governor. so I filed everywhere I could file
They did not even contact me when I sent the e mail letter about their illegal lending. I just logged on to ameriloan and Usfastcash and BAM paid in full right on the same date i wanted to here from them.
congratulations on your success, hopefully others will share in
congratulations on your success, hopefully others will share in your success. great job