Bite it, Magnum Cash :)
Date: Tue, 05/10/2011 - 16:19
Bite it, Magnum Cash :)
Well I got my PIF letter with the typical "you agreed to the BVI laws when signing this contract".
I'm not satisfied though, I feel like a PIF letter is basically them saying "We've been raping you for over a year now, and now that you realize it is illegal for us to rape you, we're going to stop raping you". But my butt feels a little RAW from all the raping, so I don't think I'm going to stop here.
"All requests for refunds must be mailed to the following address:
ICA Management Inc. Attn: Melanie Lewis
dms House
20 Genesis Close
PO Box 31910
Grand Cayman KY1-1208
Cayman Islands"
I'll send a letter or two to this address, but if its in the Cayman Islands I doubt I'll EVER hear back. So guess what? I'm going to call them and demand a negotiation of a refund, and if they don't refund me, I'm taking it to small claims court. I've got all the documents ready and I'll be filing with the county clerk sometime this week :)
Oh, and heres the email I sent to "Barry"
Dear Barry,
Thank you for your prompt response on this issue. Like one of your customer service reps so kindly said to me over the phone, I will not waste time "debating the legalities" of the issue with you. However, I would like to pose a question to you; if a stranger walks up to you and asks to buy some crack, is it legal to sell them crack? No, it is not, and just because the stranger approached YOU does not change the fact that selling crack is illegal. Thank you for your time, and I will most definitely be sending certified, post-receipt letters to the address you gave me.
I'm not satisfied though, I feel like a PIF letter is basically them saying "We've been raping you for over a year now, and now that you realize it is illegal for us to rape you, we're going to stop raping you". But my butt feels a little RAW from all the raping, so I don't think I'm going to stop here.
"All requests for refunds must be mailed to the following address:
ICA Management Inc. Attn: Melanie Lewis
dms House
20 Genesis Close
PO Box 31910
Grand Cayman KY1-1208
Cayman Islands"
I'll send a letter or two to this address, but if its in the Cayman Islands I doubt I'll EVER hear back. So guess what? I'm going to call them and demand a negotiation of a refund, and if they don't refund me, I'm taking it to small claims court. I've got all the documents ready and I'll be filing with the county clerk sometime this week :)
Oh, and heres the email I sent to "Barry"
Dear Barry,
Thank you for your prompt response on this issue. Like one of your customer service reps so kindly said to me over the phone, I will not waste time "debating the legalities" of the issue with you. However, I would like to pose a question to you; if a stranger walks up to you and asks to buy some crack, is it legal to sell them crack? No, it is not, and just because the stranger approached YOU does not change the fact that selling crack is illegal. Thank you for your time, and I will most definitely be sending certified, post-receipt letters to the address you gave me.
You're absolutely right in doing this with them. These illegal p
You're absolutely right in doing this with them. These illegal payday lenders need to be taken to the court. Do keep us posted about your court proceedings regarding this matter. Wish you good luck! :-)
Anna, you're quite right in saying that these PDLs need to be ta
Anna, you're quite right in saying that these PDLs need to be taken to the court. Most of them don't even have the license to do business over a majority of U.S. states. The OP has certainly done the right thing in dealing with his PDL.