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Community Success Stories

Date: Tue, 04/10/2007 - 23:06

Submitted by Vikas
on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 23:06

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

Community Success Stories

Dear Community,

DebtCC is launching a new forum "Community Success Stories" where members may share their experience on how they were helped by debt consolidation Care Community and put in their success stories about:
  • Debt consolidation
  • Getting payday loans marked as "paid in full"
  • Dealing with bad collection agencies
  • Removal of incorrect trade lines from Credit Report

Purpose of this forum:

Members have posted lots of success stories, which may act as life-savior for those who are in real debt and payday loan trouble. However, these stories are scattered here and there so a newbie may not find it at the first place. Community Success Stories forum would help us get all such posts together. People now may learn how to deal with payday loan companies, creditors or collection agencies avoiding the mistakes that we did. I am sure that it will help them achieve success sooner.

So narrate your story about how did you go up the ladder of success and be the coach for others. Also feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions for this forum.


Posted: Thu apr 10, 2008 12:28 pm


It has been one year and a day since I stumbled upon this forum. It was a few weeks prior when I realized that my boss changed payroll companies and interupted my direct deposit. My check lay in his office while he was away on a golfing trip. I had two payday loans that were going to hit an empty bank account that night. So what did I do? Like a fool I tried to take two more to cover those. I sat at my computer for hours trying desparately to get money into the account. I wound up with four more loans. The next day I had 500 emails from payday lenders. One thing led to another and by the time I came here my account was overdrawn 800.00. I found this site by putting Route 66 funding into google.
I was amazed to see that not only was I not alone in my situation but there were countless others! Some with 10 or more loans out. I stayed in the background and read the advice of people like Goudah, Sass and Bulldog! I struggled with the bank closing my account and crediting me and then opening the floodgates again several times.
Fast forward to the present and I have gotten refunds from two lenders. I am back with the same bank and in good standing. I have a lawyer who is going after some of the PDL collectors and others for fdcpa violations. I actually made it to my next paycheck with money in the bank. Not much but something!
I credit my success to my deep faith in God through Christ for putting the right people in my path the right time and providing small miracles along the way to keep the living expenses paid! The friends I have made here are some of those people who were there in that path!
It has been my pleasure to be able to use this experience to come here and help others who are scared and feel overwhelmed and alone. I, unfortunately, can't put in the time i would like but I hope what I do helps someone. Bless you all and thanks from the bottom of my heart!


Submitted by Frogpatch on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 12:31

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Hi guys,
I got many steps and information from debet consolidation programme.In that the important things
to remember to come out from debet is to pay monthly
and i followed,the other one is to use bankruptcy to
over come of it,or to take debt lone which i took it,and i use to and talk directly to debt collectors.this way i got success.
Christian Drug Rehab

Christian Drug Rehab


Submitted by cristijones078 on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 20:31

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hi there,

I just wanted to write about my financial success - I had over 20k credit debt and yet was able to manage because I bought that book. Honestly, all I want is to spread the word and return the knowledge I got. Some people may be in need as I was and I just want to recommend it :). The choice is yours, I want to say that it's not a fake like other of this kind.


Submitted by sciamachia on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 23:42

( Posts: | Credits: )

hello you had mentioned about buying a book what book did you mean ?


Submitted by tiaboni on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 18:25

( Posts: 15 | Credits: )