Do you consider this a "PIF"
Date: Tue, 05/13/2008 - 06:39
Do you consider this a "PIF"
I am willing to settle with you at what has been paid on your previous loan. We will consider your account settled and no longer contact you regarding the current loan. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
Account Services
Impact Cash USA
1-800-707-0102 ext. 8005
Monday-Friday, 8-5pm (MST)
accountservices (@)
Thanks to all who has guided me thoughout this mess. But this means out of 15 I had; 4 are totally closed and 9 haven't even responded since I sent letters out back in Feb....I still have 2 that call and or email every other week or so...but I still just email them back with my same ole letter. Hopefully I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again all.
YEp! Looks like a PIF to me. is a great feeling.
YEp! Looks like a PIF to me. is a great feeling. And for the ones that have not contacted you...if they do, they do, if they don't, they don't. :D
Do you consider this a "PIF"
Thanks community. And as I see it; I am not even going to respond and just take it as a "PIF"....
I do feel good another is gone for good....whew...thank goodness.
Hey Purplegirl, how did you go about getting them to settle your
Hey Purplegirl, how did you go about getting them to settle your current loan for what you paid on your previous ones? With Paydaymax I have wayyy overpaid on countless loans and now want to settle on my current. Any advice would be welcome! :)
Congratulations!! :D I hope to be there soon! I also woul
I hope to be there soon!
I also would like to know what you did. Was it anything outside of the norm? Or did the PDL just respond to letters sent, etc.
Do you consider this a "PIF"
I really didn't do much but kept on emailing my letter stating that I overpaid on an illegal debt; but that I did pay back the principle that was borrowed. I asked for a refund; so I figured they didn't want to bother but instead give me a "pif". I also filed complaints and reminded them of that everyday.
I will say though; it seems with all these pdl companies; they treat each and everyone different...I see horror stories on some cases thinking that oh my; it's going to happen to me; and then I don't hear I am happy for that; but it breaks my heart to see it happening to others.
Not sure that I helped that much; all I can say is hang on and be strong and fight the fight with the help of this community. It is paying off.
So, the ones you haven't heard anything you still owe
So, the ones you haven't heard anything you still owe them anything?? Or have you paid the principal back at least, just nothing more???
Do you consider this a "PIF"
The ones I haven't heard from I don't owe a thing....I have paid back principle and of course a lot more...I do want refunds, but willing to take "pif" just to make them go away...
I hope you get your refunds, but if not you can at least say you
I hope you get your refunds, but if not you can at least say you are DONE with them!! =)
Do you consider this a "PIF"
Thanks Angie, I hate to say this but, I had 15 loans, well really 17, but 2 were actually legal...and still trying to figure out a payment schedule for them....but me losing my house and keeping my family together is more imporant.
thanks for your support...
I feel your pain....right now I have 6...2 are legal/licensed, a
I feel your pain....right now I have 6...2 are legal/licensed, and one is a storefront, but the other 3 are not legal, and so far have started the process...I had a confrontation on the phone last week with one, but have not sonce heard from ANY of them...which is kinda scary!! LOL....but as they say, no news is good news!! Su, until they call me I'm just gonna ride it....
After I closed my account and notified them that they were illeg
After I closed my account and notified them that they were illegal in MD, I never even heard from some of mine, they (hopefully) faded away. I just have one left that's bothering me and hope they'll go away soon, too. Purplegirl, isn't it a great feeling to get rid of these things? :D
Good luck on the other one's I have a feeling that you might her
Good luck on the other one's I have a feeling that you might here from the illegal ones again if they aren't notified by the proper authorities like the AG office in your state, the FTC and the those places and you will be assured that they won't harass you any further.
Do you consider this a "PIF"
Thanks does feel good...I am ready to take on when and if they come around...hopefully the remaining will just stay away....
We can only hope huh...take care all...