My Debt Settlement Story
Date: Sun, 01/31/2010 - 06:32
My Debt Settlement Story
In 2007 I lost my job. At that time I was earning $150k/year as a mortgage lender. The only way I could survive was using credit cards. 1 year later I owed $130k on the cards and now had a job earning $45k. I couldn't make the payments and fell behind. A co-worker of mine recommended debt settlement. I had never heard of it. I started to research, found this site, researched some more. I learned that a lot of the companies promoting themselves are nothing but scam artists and rip offs. Finally I discovered a company on this board that had good reviews and an A+ rating with the BBB.
Fast forward to today and I'm well on my way to being debt free. I could not be more pleased with the results of my settlement company; they literally took my life that was fractured in pieces and put it back together whole.
I want to thank everyone on this site for their comments and reviews. If I can help any of you please let me know.
Fast forward to today and I'm well on my way to being debt free. I could not be more pleased with the results of my settlement company; they literally took my life that was fractured in pieces and put it back together whole.
I want to thank everyone on this site for their comments and reviews. If I can help any of you please let me know.
Unregistered, it's great to know that you are helped by this sit
Unregistered, it's great to know that you are helped by this site. Wish you all the luck for a debt free life.
You certainly can help many others on the board who are going through a hard time. Why don't you register with us?
You know, you can also earn $$ by posting in this board. Isn't that great? :D
i agree signing up for this site is wonderful :) i am glad thing
i agree signing up for this site is wonderful :)
i am glad things are working out for you.