THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for helping me to gain control
Date: Wed, 05/02/2007 - 08:31
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for helping me to gain control
I cannot thank the people on this forum enough for the help you have provided me. Town & Country consolidated my payday loan debt, and is taking care of talking with the creditors so they don't call me! They said to direct any callers to them. I sent my letters to all of them, certified mail with a return reciept. And, I closed my bank account and put a "Post No Debits" to the account. The interent PDL's will try and put their payment through, but it will bounce back! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, for helping me to gain control over my life back!
I'm glad that T&C is working for you. Be sure to keep active wi
I'm glad that T&C is working for you. Be sure to keep active with the program making sure that payments are going out to the proper pdls and that they are marked paid in full by the pdl when they should be. You also did the right thing closing your account.
Congrats! It's nice to see you with some positive hopes. Keep i
Congrats! It's nice to see you with some positive hopes. Keep in touch with your consolidation company when they post the payments to your lenders. It will be a good feeling for you to see the total balance going down.