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Wage garnishment with no notification??

Date: Wed, 08/11/2010 - 14:56

Submitted by anonymous
on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 14:56

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 1

Wage garnishment with no notification??

Hi all,

My employer just informed me that he received an 'Oder of Withholding from Earnings' from a federal student loan I have. I have gotten other notifications from the CA before, but did not receive the 30-day notice from them regarding wage garnishment.

I have a few I understand it, I can only get out of wage garnishment after 9 months, and that is with paying above and beyond the wage garnishment amount. That true?

Also, is there any recourse on my end that I can take considering I never received the 30-day notice? Can I appeal? I was planning on rehabbing a few months ago but had deaths in the family and life got in the way.

Any input is appreciated!

Soaplady, you seem to be the expert in these matters, I'd love some advice if possible. I am getting ready to call DCS to ask about loan rehabilitation, and crossing my fingers that they somehow decide to drop the wage garnishment, as it technically hasn't started yet.

I also have another question...would you say that offering direct deposit would help the situation? I've heard of people getting screwed by companies taking more money out per month than the agreed upon amount. From what I can see, there's no real paperwork that is signed regarding a rehabilitation. Is there any recourse on my end if they do take out more than the allotted amount?

Also, is it true that w/ loan rehab, I can have them remove the collections fees to the balance?

Lastly, once those 9 months are up and my loan is bought out, it is acceptable to ask for a new statement? From DCS or from the new company?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 05:54

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