Unpaid School loan purchased by two different debt collector
Date: Fri, 01/16/2009 - 11:16
Unpaid School loan purchased by two different debt collector
For starters, CA's do not purchase student loans. Ask the CA's
For starters, CA's do not purchase student loans. Ask the CA's who they are collecting for. I am betting GC services is for the DOE. RJ acquistions is not a DOE CA so they could be collecting on a Perkins loan or some other type of school debt.
Secondly, could this be two seperate loans?? Have you asked them what type of loans they are collecting on and when it was originally borrowed? I hate to tell you but when I was collecting, people would swear up and down that they had 1 loan and it come out that they had 2 or 3. Another source would be for youu to log into NSLDS and see what loans you have out there.