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super old debt revived?

Date: Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:21

Submitted by anonymous
on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:21

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 6

super old debt revived?

hello friends,

in 1997 I owed about 3000$ to a university. It was in collection and eventually it fell off the report. The law firm who was then trying to collect has recently looked up my credit report.
Is there any chance an old debt can be revived? I am not even sure it was ever reported as I just in November checked my credit report of the first time and back in 1997 I did not even have a social security number.Is there anything I can do?check?
thank you all:)
immigrant,a bit scared

Just a few questions, what state are you in and when was the last time you made a payment?

Also who is the attorney and debt collector that has this?

If it has been beyond the credit reporting period, they cannot put it back on there, it does happen all the time though. It is illegal and they can be sued. I am pretty sure, not 100% that they can look at your credit report though. While you always owe the debt there are time limits for reporting it on a credit report and also a time limit on lawsuits. Time limits for lawsuits vary by state, time limits for credit reporting are Federal law, usually no more than 7.5 years.


Submitted by pokertramp on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:43

( Posts: 512 | Credits: )

the state is MA, the collector is Daniels Law Offices.
what do you mean by"you always owe debt?"
Can they still sue me for this amount? I never paid any money on this debt.
Is it legal for them to look at my credit report?
how do I find out time limits for law suit in ma?

thanks, your help is truly appreciated


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 05:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have heard of this company, Sorry but even though he is a lawyer, he is a bottom feeder. He abuses the court system and is pretty much a person who probably barely passed law school and has to resort to debt collection.

Statute of limitations in Massachusetts is 6 years. If it has been more than 6 years since you made a payment then the debt is time barred, PAY NOTHING!!!! They cannot sue you if it has been more than 6 years. It could be 6 years on the dot or 6 years and one day, once it gets to that point, too late for them.

What I mean by always owe the debt is that a debtor always owes a bill but laws regulate the time limit a person can be sued and the amount of time it can be reported. They can send you letters till the day you die if the debt is time barred but they CANNOT sue you. If they do, you can have the case thrown out and counter sue them for multiple violations. The right way to think of it is that if a debt is passed the statute of limitations and is time barred then you never have to pay the bill again, I think they just like to lay a guilt trip on people into paying.

If they just purchased the account then they can look at your credit report. It is hard to say what to do right now. I would dispute the entry if you can with your credit report. If you get anything in the mail from them, let us know and we will tell you the best way to handle it. If they call you on the phone, do not admit the debt, always say alleged debt to them. If you have a recorder, tell them the phone call is being recorded, which you must do by law. Tell them the alleged debt is time barred.


Submitted by pokertramp on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 06:11

( Posts: 512 | Credits: )

thank you nice people!:) your advice is very,very appreciated. thank you.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 15:20

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )