two sallie mae loans
Date: Sun, 03/29/2009 - 20:14
two sallie mae loans
Hi, I have 2 loans with sallie mae, one private and one federal, both are in default. The private loan is with sallie's CA allied intersate on a payment plan. The federal loan is on the 6th month rehab payment with edfund. My question is, after I rehab my edfund loan can I consolidate both loans into one federal loan?
No. Privates and federals can never be consolidated together.
No. Privates and federals can never be consolidated together.
You dont have two loans with Sallie Mae....Sallie Mae filed a default claim with your federal loan. They are no longer party to that loan.
Another note...Edfund doesnt currently have a rehab lender so your rehab may not occur on schedule.
Thanks, hopefully edfund finds a lender, as for allied interstat
Thanks, hopefully edfund finds a lender, as for allied interstate, I only owe 6600. Say, I'm on a payment plan with allied, do they ever settle when your a plan with them? Why do I have a girl avatar?