Date: Wed, 12/15/2010 - 14:48
For the last 10 months I have been on a repayment plan to pay a defaulted school loan.....I have complied with all their terms and today I was informed that i would not be allowed to get off the default program. The case worker I have been dealing with for all these months as mysteriously been transferred to another department. I have been out of work for two years and doing this program put major stress on me financially but I completed it...I should be praised for a job well done...not screwed for my effort. I have confirmation numbers for all 10 payments and yet they will only credit 4 payments toward the NEW default plan they want me on.....It's not fair!!! What can I do?
Hi, I am moving this to the student loan section of this forum s
Hi, I am moving this to the student loan section of this forum so more people will see this.
your case worker is a back and talk to a super
your case worker is a back and talk to a supervisor telling them you want the rehab to go thru as agreed.