student loans
Date: Thu, 04/16/2009 - 09:16
student loans
Never heard of them. Hang tight more will be along to help :wink
Never heard of them. Hang tight more will be along to help :wink:
Never heard of them...Probably another overpriced "help" place t
Never heard of them...Probably another overpriced "help" place that charge you $500 and then send you a federal loan consolidation application.
Student loan are complicated but all the information and how to take of them is free? Can we help you with something?
i've heard of help but be aware because the online school i was
i've heard of help but be aware because the online school i was taking classes with called centura used them i filled out all my fiancial aid papers and my mom told me not to fill out the help loan paper but the school told me that i had to fill out the form to make sure all my stuff would be covered then i receive my awards letter and it says i have a balance of about $3000 so my question was why did i fill out the help loan if in reality it didn't help me at all. so my advice is do not use the help loan its not worth it.
Centura College is not just an online appears they ha
Centura College is not just an online appears they have several regular campuses too. Centura is also a private for profit school..based on your FAFSA you may not have qualified for enough aid to cover the tuition and expenses.