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Sallie Mae and GC Service

Date: Tue, 06/23/2009 - 07:46

Submitted by anonymous
on Tue, 06/23/2009 - 07:46

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 2

Sallie Mae and GC Service

Called to settle a debt with Sallie Mae as i"m in default and they gave a nother humber to call actually 15 ccalls later I was connect to a person stating was Sallie Mae affi,late and did not disclose that it wasG C Services, I made arrangements the following Monday ach withdrawls and had asked for orginal person, never Id the company so still assumed it was Sallie Mae, not til I actually set Account withdrawl on monthly basis did they reveal that theu were GC SErvices, I asked for a paper form that state the terms and conditions in writing and was told they don't do that. I said they'd better or I would pull the account and take them to court, if they double dipped I would sue them as was unhappy over the deception. I am sending certified letter to their head quarters and they had better respond or I'm going to go to my DA's office here and put in paper form a disputed claim as did not properly id themselves and I feel it is duped into it and will have conseqences for thier actions I do give up easily. I have contacted all state and local represenatives both here and in Washington DC congress, speaker of the house and many more on this and Have heard from others the nightmare that it has caused hard working people.. we are not dead beats Please raise your voice call your state reps now.. co

dear Jim, I made a mistake I went through the whole Salli Mae as was told I had too! Now I'm hearing all kinds of bad things I'm listed as bad vibes. I'm not a dead beat a person with probable MS and handicapped and pd into Student loan more than I orginal loans themselves $10,000 now compounded interest is $17,300 dollars Sallie maee gave me G C Service number and said they were affillated with Sallie Mae not a direct Lie enough for me to set up and account to withdraw certainamount each month how ever refused to send me any thing in writing a nd told them I'd be having a real but fit and that I would stop ASAP with any nonsense and they would hear from attorney.. Di


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 06/23/2009 - 08:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What both of you need to under stand is that they are not required to send you anything in writing. You have a prom note in effect with student loans and you both agreed to balance in full on demand in case of default. The CA will not put anything in writing that will contradict the promissory note.

Both of you...were these private or federal loans?


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 11:43

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )