Loan Default
Date: Sun, 07/19/2009 - 10:40
Loan Default
Georr Birla I have been paying $320 to $340 a month towards my Student Loan(s) for the pa...
Jul 13 (5 days ago)
Georr BirlaLoading...Jul 13 (5 days ago)
Reply |Georr Birla to drghelp
show details Jul 13 (5 days ago) Reply
I have been paying $320 to $340 a month towards my Student Loan(s) for the past 18 months/since January 2008. I am going back to school now and my FAFSA/SAR Report was found by the Rutgers University's Financial Aid Department as a Default Status. My payments are not recording as repayments but Default...please correct to show I am in good standing with current payments.
I am enrolled with Rutgers University. My Financial Aid department in a letter dated 7/9/2009 advised there is a Defaulted Student Loan with the National Data Base FAFSA SAR Report. I have been paying $320 - $340 monthly from my pay since 1/2008. The repayments are not being reflected as payments, but Garnishments. How can you assist with having this removed from the National Data Base as payments being made. Rutgers would like certification as soon as possible.
I have sent fax to Allied Interstate Inc. Minneapolis, MN to have the even payroll deduct from my wages are bank account but the Defaulted Status should be removed.
Thank you,
Georr Birla
18 Smith Road
Denville, NJ. 07834
Jul 13 (5 days ago)
Georr BirlaLoading...Jul 13 (5 days ago)
Reply |Georr Birla to drghelp
show details Jul 13 (5 days ago) Reply
I have been paying $320 to $340 a month towards my Student Loan(s) for the past 18 months/since January 2008. I am going back to school now and my FAFSA/SAR Report was found by the Rutgers University's Financial Aid Department as a Default Status. My payments are not recording as repayments but Default...please correct to show I am in good standing with current payments.
I am enrolled with Rutgers University. My Financial Aid department in a letter dated 7/9/2009 advised there is a Defaulted Student Loan with the National Data Base FAFSA SAR Report. I have been paying $320 - $340 monthly from my pay since 1/2008. The repayments are not being reflected as payments, but Garnishments. How can you assist with having this removed from the National Data Base as payments being made. Rutgers would like certification as soon as possible.
I have sent fax to Allied Interstate Inc. Minneapolis, MN to have the even payroll deduct from my wages are bank account but the Defaulted Status should be removed.
Thank you,
Georr Birla
18 Smith Road
Denville, NJ. 07834
If you are in default, you are NOT in good standing regardless o
If you are in default, you are NOT in good standing regardless of the payments being made. You are simply making payments. You must apply for rehab or consolidation to get out of default. Making payments doesnt cut it.
You need to talk to AI or your guarantor to be certified for financial aid. However you must continue making the payments on your default. You do not qualify for educational deferment until your loan is rehabbed or consolidated.