privite student loans
Date: Thu, 03/12/2009 - 11:53
privite student loans can consolidate at anytime. However, private loan c can consolidate at anytime. However, private loan consolidation is next to impossible right now as most lenders are no longer participating. Your daughter needs to do some research.
Words of advice for your daughter, PAY THEM ON TIME. Private lo
Words of advice for your daughter, PAY THEM ON TIME. Private loans are next to impossible to consolidate, you are given very few options for any kind of deferrment, and if you are even one day late, the phone calls come pouring in and her credit will tank. And heaven help you if you default, you're pretty much screwed as private loans can't be rehabbed.
Soaplady can correct me if I'm wrong but I think private loans default faster then federal.
Tell your daughter to do whatever it takes to make sure they are paid on time
Oh yes...they default way faster and they do not offer the same
Oh yes...they default way faster and they do not offer the same deferment/forebearance priveleges that federal loans offer.
Thank you guys so much for the information. I had found a lende
Thank you guys so much for the information. I had found a lender that would do the consoldation loan for her a few months ago, but I thought the intrest rate was to high, now like you guys said you cant find anyone to do it, but at least I know we can do it past the 2 year mark. I found one company that will do priviate loans, Chase, but the rate changes every 3 months. So I will tell her to wait. Her intrest rate on her private loans right now are great, but they change quartlerly.