online ged test.
Date: Tue, 08/04/2009 - 07:50
online ged test.
:evil: waring enterprise online test ------------is rip off--------site is yes I want to warn other people I took this test and past PAID for it in dollars AND cents . please stay from this site its fake or learn the hard way.
Active link removed by Shazzers per TOS.
Active link removed by Shazzers per TOS.
Anytime you have to pay for a GED it is a rip off. You can do i
Anytime you have to pay for a GED it is a rip off. You can do it for free or very inexpensively thru your local school district.
Man those dollars are a doozy, but when they charge cents too -
Man those dollars are a doozy, but when they charge cents too - that's what really gets me. I'm sorry to be flippant, I just couldn't resist.