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Where does MUST HS get their curriculum?

Date: Thu, 12/16/2010 - 13:03

Submitted by anonymous
on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 13:03

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 1

Where does MUST HS get their curriculum?

Hey guys, I have been looking into this. I am a student at nation highschool, but am starting to realize its a scam. I have heard of MUST highschool being a scam, and actually just got done talking to a guy there. There are questions he could not answer. I made my name as "dan" and was talking to a guy named Todd. Everybody who attends MUST highschool needs to see this. Here is the convo:
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Todd Bruce: Welcome to MUST's live chat service.
Todd Bruce: Hello. How may I assist you?
Dan: Hi Todd. I was wondering, is this highschool with association to nation highschool?
Dan: It looks very very similar
Dan: They look like they are ran by the same people
Todd Bruce: Nation High school?
Dan: I mean its fine if they are related
Dan: I was just wondering
Todd Bruce: MUST is only associated with MUST university.
Dan: Yes nationhighschool[dot]com
Dan: Oh
Todd Bruce: We are not associated or affiliated with Nation High School.
Dan: Oh. I'm a student at nation, so I was just wondering because when I came across this they seemed similar, so I figured they were sister schools.
Todd Bruce: Are you researching as a prospect student or for something else?
Dan: What does MUST stand for?
Todd Bruce: It is not an acronym for anything.It is something you MUST do.
Dan: So getting a diploma from an online school like must and nation will get me into college?
Todd Bruce: Are you taking classes online there?
Dan: yep. ive been a student since august.
Todd Bruce: Okay
Todd Bruce: And is it accredited?
Dan: Thats what it says
Dan: Do you think it is?
Todd Bruce: I am not sure I will have to do my research on it before I can say anything on certain schools.
Todd Bruce: If you have any further questions regarding MUST high school I will be able to assist you further..
Dan: If you can prove to me somehow that it is not accredited, I will sign up on MUST
Todd Bruce: You have to make a decision yourself.
Todd Bruce: I can show the accreditation links for MUST.
Dan: Ive seen them
Dan: And as far as im concerned, my highschool is just fine
Dan: I was just wondering if they were sister schools
Todd Bruce: No we are not.
Dan: Alright
Dan: How many students are enrolled right now into MUST
Todd Bruce: Including the university we have more than 10,000 students enrolled here.
Dan: wow
Dan: so you get alot of business?
Dan: Thats cool
Todd Bruce: We have students from across the Globe!
Todd Bruce: We are not only confined to the States only.
Dan: how many people have graduated from here in total
Dan: ?
Todd Bruce: I do not have the figure in front of me so I will not be able to comment on that.
Dan: So where is MUST headquarters located
Todd Bruce: Let me send you all the details at your home address
Todd Bruce: And info in email.
Dan: No thats okay
Todd Bruce: What is your email address?
Dan: Its my last question
Todd Bruce: Alright.
Dan: Where is the headquarters
Dan: The actual address
Todd Bruce: We do not have a physical campus this is 100% online high school.
Dan: I know
Dan: But you must work somewhere
Dan: so the headquarters that made this school
Dan: where is it located
Todd Bruce: 100% online high schools do not have a physical headquarter.
Dan: then where do you work
Dan: how was this made
Todd Bruce: We have offices which are for verification purposes.
Dan: oh
Dan: where are the located
Todd Bruce: once you are a student you are mailed out all the information
Todd Bruce: Since you are not an existing student we do not give out the addresses for the offices.
Dan: so you cant know the information unless you appy?
Dan: thats odd
Dan: almost every company would not be afraid to give out their address
Dan: Im a curious person
Dan: Who decides or comes up with the ciriculum taught here?
Todd Bruce: Dan I certainly do understand.You either have to be associated with an education institution to have the address or be an existing student that is school policy
Dan: Well that is wrong
Dan: I suggest you change that policy
Dan: Who comes up with the cirriculum taught here?
Todd Bruce: Okay we will consider your suggestion
Todd Bruce: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Dan: Who comes up with the cirriculum taught here?
Todd Bruce: As I told you before Let me send you all the details at your home address
Dan: No.
Dan: I cant give out my address, just like you cant.
Todd Bruce: All the details are mentioned in the info packet.
Dan: Its a simple question
Todd Bruce: Alright.
Dan: Who comes up with the cirriculum you teach here?
Todd Bruce: Who do you think will come with the curriculum of an accredited school?
Dan: Depends
Dan: Where do you get your info that is taught here?
Dan: Science books
Dan: history books?
Dan: What books?
Todd Bruce: The High School Curriculum that is followed here.
Todd Bruce: We have to follow guidelines and restrictions as per being an accredited school Dan
Dan: but the info that is taught here
Dan: where does it come from
Dan: specific science books?
Todd Bruce: Dan the books that are taught here are the same which are taught in every high school here
Todd Bruce: Where are you from?
Dan: The states
Dan: But what books are used?
Dan: the ciriculum you get to teach
Dan: where is the info from
Dan: What science books
Dan: what math books
Dan: what history books
Dan: there are all different brands that actual schools use
Dan: which ones do you use
Todd Bruce: What brands do they use?
Todd Bruce: Do you know about those?
Dan: of course
Dan: I used to go to an actual school
Todd Bruce: Can you name some?
Todd Bruce: I can see that.
Dan: Yes I can
Dan: But what actual books do you use
Dan: its a simple question
Dan: and you're avoiding it
Dan: Where do you get your cirriculum
Todd Bruce: We use the same books you used to study
Dan: Answer it
Dan: Ok
Todd Bruce: Simple answert
Dan: What are the name of them
Todd Bruce: You should be knowing havenot you studied them?
Dan: You teach math, science, history
Dan: What books are you getting your information from
Dan: Answer that.
Todd Bruce: Dan the curriculum is based on the standard books here in the States.If you are from here.
Todd Bruce: You are a little confused on how the education process works here.
Dan: No im not
Dan: There are certain books a school uses
Dan: different brands
Dan: What are the ones YOU use
Dan: Answer it
Todd Bruce: If you are doing research for a third party I think you should do it on your own.
Dan: You're an idiot
Todd Bruce: Thank you for chatting
Todd Bruce: Have a good day
Dan: you get your info off wikipedia
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