Multiple student loans and wage garnishment
Date: Tue, 02/09/2010 - 09:41
Multiple student loans and wage garnishment
My questions are:
if they garnish my wages, and I have eight loans, can each loan take 15% or is it one garnishment at time?
once your loans are in Collections, do fees continue to be added to them? In reading the posts, it sounds like these loans get moved from one agency to another and each time this happens, do they add collection fees? does interest also continue?
I dont care about my credit, I will never buy a home, and everything else I need, I pay cash for. If I end up in a nursing home, I have insurance to cover this, so I am wondering if I should let these bills stress me out for the rest of my remaining life.
P.S. these loans accumulated when I younger, attempting to get a Pharmacy degree... but medical problems did not allow me to complete.
Well, the 15% garnishment limit applies to Federal student loan,
Well, the 15% garnishment limit applies to Federal student loan, private lenders can garnish upto 25% of your after tax income. However, the actual amount of garnishment would be decided by your state laws.
Anyway, Soaplady would soon be around to address your queries.
Are you sure they are all private loans? Or are the FFELP loans
Are you sure they are all private loans? Or are the FFELP loans? A lot of people mistake ffelps for privates.
Yes, they are all private loans. I have been in communication w
Yes, they are all private loans. I have been in communication with all of them asking for additional forebarence or deferrment, but I have run out because they are private and nothing more is available to me.