wage garnishment rescended
Date: Wed, 03/09/2011 - 22:03
wage garnishment rescended
My employer received a letter from MDHE releasing the order of withholdng from earnings. I have been trying unsuccessfully to work out something with GC services to rehab my loan. Then this release shows up after a couple of weeks since my last contact w/GC services. What does this mean? A friend advised that this happens when the CA returns the debt to MDHE. I want to enter into a rehab and then apply for consolidation after 3months. What is my next step?
Help me, Soaplady! Please! :confused:
Help me, Soaplady! Please! :confused:
If I were you, I would have contacted MDHE and checked out wheth
If I were you, I would have contacted MDHE and checked out whether or not the CA has returned the debt to them. if yes, then I would have tried to negotiate with them so that they could give me some affordable option to pay off the loan.