Student Loan Wage Garnishment
Date: Mon, 02/09/2009 - 06:41
Student Loan Wage Garnishment
you should be dealing with a canadian student loan forum....this
you should be dealing with a canadian student loan forum....this board is a US based board.
Even though I live in the US, my sister is in canada and works for revenue canada and I have questioned her on the canadian rules for student loans....not in great depth but it appears alot of the canadian rules mirror the us rules.
Student loans
I was wondering if there was any way to avoid having my tax return offset by the debt collector once I have already gone into garnishment?
Garnishment is an involuntary payment. The only way to be remov
Garnishment is an involuntary payment. The only way to be removed from the offset list is to be in voluntary payment, which would mean payments over and above your garnishment.
i'm also wondering about the tax return thing..... if they keep
i'm also wondering about the tax return thing..... if they keep any money i'm supposed to receive from my tax return i'm assuming it will go directly towards my principle etc. to lower it????
I'm also wondering... has anyone out there found any ways to consolidate their debt into one payment with a company that's willing to work with you??? I currently have three lenders with both private and federal loans. My mother co-signed some of the loans so I already pay about $200 month between 2 different lenders... and that is only for 2 loan dispersments! Several of my loans are now in default. I also have one lender that has already began to garnish my wages 15%. If I can get all these into one payment it would be awesome. I know I'll probably have to do two actual consolidations bc i can't combine my private and federal loans but what options are even out there????
I'm also wondering about the tax return thing.... if they take a
I'm also wondering about the tax return thing.... if they take any money you should receive does it go directly towards your principle so that your loan decreases and the interest/fees will be lower or will they only apply it to fees???? the fees are what get you the most so I certainly hope it goes directly to the principle.....
Any tax offset goes to fees first, then interest and then princi
Any tax offset goes to fees first, then interest and then principal as set by law.
federal loans can be consolidated thru the direct loan are SOL on the private loans. No one will touch those.