My story.....nothing too extreme...
Date: Tue, 03/10/2009 - 21:20
My story.....nothing too extreme...
I got a call today from a CA at work. He claimed to have spoken to my HR department. Not sure what they could legally tell him. He asked me questions and of course I never gave him the real answer. He mentioned that he would try to get a judgment against me. He does not even know where I am living now. Thanks for all the knowledge I have gained here after spending 3 hours going all the messages. I know what are my options now.
Off to my bank tomorrow and you guess what I would do....:) In my State I believe 10% is the most they can garnish. At that rate, it may take 5 to 8 years to pay off the debt. Assuming I would be with the same company....
yes that is nice option that you pay it through your paycheck.Bu
yes that is nice option that you pay it through your paycheck.But need to tell you that it will have implications on your credit score so if you are planning for home in coming future then you must do the due diligence in order to find out the best solution. :wink:
like majoj gopale mentioned, its your credit score that i would
like majoj gopale mentioned, its your credit score that i would be worrying about the most. Assuming you don't already own a house, its going to be more difficult to get qualified for a house loan when you have poor credit. Given that you were promoted to manager - i would set aside money from each paycheck and just pay the balances. Easier said then done, but hopefully with the new position, you might have a little extra cash to throw towards the debt.
--oops i didn't realise this thread was several months old. Sorry about that.
negative credit references
Only last seven years. I think you're smart to be cagy, and I'd consider paying one whole debt at a time rather than small bits of several. That way you don't extend the statutes of limitation on debts you aren't paying.