Chap 13 and student loan
Date: Mon, 04/20/2009 - 17:51
Chap 13 and student loan
I have private student loan debt of 330k. I have them in forbearance right now and have talked to a lawyer about chap 13 so I can get on a reasonable payment plan. Right now my payment is 2500 a month, but my monthly pay is 2000. I dont even make enough to pay this and thats not even including 50k in credit card payments that i have been paying on or just reasonable other expenses (clothes food housing). With that said, My lawyer and I are going to file an adversary to see if we can get some of this discharged. I know private loans are not dischargebale but what do you think my chances are with getting atleast some of this discharged? any help would be fantastic!! Thanks!
Has your lawyer check out the Brunner test? Being in forebearan
Has your lawyer check out the Brunner test? Being in forebearance have you made a reasonable attempt at repayment?
What is your earning potential going to be? You must have recently left school as no private lender allows verylong in forbearance....usually not more than a year.