student loan has been deferred but..
Date: Sat, 05/16/2009 - 18:24
student loan has been deferred but..
As far as I know, forbearance does not affect your credit score
As far as I know, forbearance does not affect your credit score because under this agreement, the creditor allows you to delay your payments for a certain period of time, and so they does not report the debt to the bureaus.
NOVICE is correct..while your Student loan is in a 'Hardship' or 'Forbearance', nothing is reported to your CR. Yes...the % still accumulates on the loan. I have a Student loan, myself. I DID have my loan in 'Forbearance' at one time. Can you tell me how long your 'Forbearance' is? Who is your lender?
my forbearance is up in june..but now the balance reported(is ac
my forbearance is up in june..but now the balance reported(is accurate) is higher than the original loan balance. Does this over-limit hurt my credit score?
debt does NOT hurt your credit in the least!! I'll tell ya why. Cuz it's like you have your loan on an 'Inactive Status' kind of thing. The CB's can't fault you for having a loan Deferred and it's STILL in 'good standing'. Hope this answers your question.