Student loan after bankruptcy
Date: Fri, 03/26/2010 - 20:59
Student loan after bankruptcy
Go to the school and talk to the financial aid people. Could be
Go to the school and talk to the financial aid people. Could be you are eligible for grants that you won't have to pay back and they can tell you if you qualify for loans or not.
I guess, you may be eligible for government loans after bankrupt
I guess, you may be eligible for government loans after bankruptcy but no way for private loans. As Title IV funding or government backed loans are granted not on the basis of creditworthiness but according to needs as long as you don't have eligibility issues.
According to Chapter 7 & Chapter 13, bankruptcy may stay on your credit report for 10 years. But in Chapter 13 it is generally removed after 7 years.
SImply put, you do qualify for federal loans and grants after ba
SImply put, you do qualify for federal loans and grants after bankruptcy. They are not credit based.